I took advantage of the one day this week that was going to be nice outside and got my ass out of bed and took a 30 minute walk before work.  It was 46 degrees, brisk and glorious!

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Nearly all of the snow has melted, but the channel of the river is still pretty icy.

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By the time I got back home Iโ€™d already had just over 3000 steps โ€“ nice.  Over the weekend I noticed I had bananas that either needed to be used up or frozen.  I was going through my baking cabinet and saw I had about a cups worth of trail mix that I had gotten at Marianoโ€™s.  So I decided to make banana trail mix scones!


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banana trail mix scone

OMG, insulin worthy for sure!  After I put it into calorie count, I realized each one was 414 calories and 56 grams of carbs, but it fit in with the rest of my food for the day.  I ended up with just under 1500 calories for the day โ€“ perfect!

I went to the gym at lunch and powered out 2.5 miles at 8 percent incline.

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I had leftover ribs from Sunday night, so I cut off all the meat and chopped it up for a pork bbq panini with cucumbers and spicy hummus.

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Iโ€™ll probably have the same lunch today, it was so good.  I found this light potato bread at Samโ€™s Club and two slices is only 70 calories.

Over the weekend while Jacob was at work, I saw that Hannah was catching up on my blog posts.  She doesnโ€™t read it every day, especially now that she lives with me.  She read my post last Friday about how I would miss having Tony greet me with a glass of wine on nice days and say welcome home.  It was a gorgeous day yesterday โ€“ got up to 72!  When I parked the car, grabbed my bags and turned around the corner to get in the back door, Hannah was sitting at our back table, and she had a glass of wine for me and said โ€œWelcome home.โ€  So sweet!

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The dogs are loving the back yard โ€“ they have never had  so much room to run!  It was funny because when they first got here, they would literally only go about 10 feet from the door and would come back inside.  I kept on saying โ€œyou have the whole yard!โ€  Well, they got there exercise in, we stayed outside for about 90 minutes!  This is the first good picture Iโ€™ve gotten of Jacobโ€™s older dog Red โ€“ heโ€™s so adorable.

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Dinner was already made because I made chicken noodle soup over the weekend.   This hit the spot!  I am trying to have lighter meals at dinner time, so weโ€™ll see how that works out.

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And I got my steps in and then some yesterday:

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Alright, time to hit publish and get my shit together.  Hannahโ€™s working at the coffee shop this morning so I decided I would pick up my coffee there this morning and give her some hugs and kisses.  Make it a great day!