All week we had rainy, overcast weather.  FINALLY yesterday the sun came out, although it didn’t last long.  I drive past this tree on my way to and from work – I always tell Tony it’s my favorite tree.  He just thinks I am crazy to even declare that I have a favorite tree!  In a few days all the leaves will be gone.  It’s pretty while it lasts though!

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So we had bosses day treats yesterday.  There were bagels, and I made more breakfast cookies at the request of the one attorney who ate two the first day I brought them in, and the named partners favorite – whiskey bread pudding.  Bread pudding is a favorite of Tony’s too, so when I was making it, I made a small ramekin for him.  I used day old bread from Jimmy John’s, and used this recipe.  I gave everyone fair warning that this was NOT a healthy dish by any means – 2 cups cream, 1 cup sugar one STICK of butter!   I never did take a picture of it, but I had a small mason jar of the whisky sauce on the side with a note that said “whiskey sauce for the bread pudding.”  Then one of the attorneys brought this out!  “Alternative Whiskey Sauce!”

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I ended up bringing my own breakfast though – I cooked up one sausage link with my egg whites, spinach and cheese and had an English muffin bagel sammie.

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On tap for strength was legs, and my knee still feels great – woop!  Since I got into work a bit early to set up the breakfast, I was able to get in a 2.5 mile run/walk.  I would walk 4 minutes and run 1 minute – felt good!

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I brought some leftover tomato and red pepper soup from the freezer, but that was it, and when I got back from the gym I was hangry!  I had an apple in my lunch bag, and you know I always have cheese, so I decided to make a panini with one of the breakfast bagels – I picked a honey whole wheat one, which according to Bruegger’s nutritional website, comes in at 330 calories.   I flipped it around so the inside of the bagel was the top and bottom since it was flat, added some thin sliced apples and some Cabot cheese Alpine cheddar.  I used about a teaspoon of margarine then let the panini machine do it’s work.  You guys should really bring a panini maker to work – so many possibilities!

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I’ve always loved the apple/cheese combination – I think the only thing that would make this sammie any better would be to add a slice of prosciutto – but holy balls, this was delicious!  Crunchy bagel, sweet apples and of course, the melty cheese.

I asked Tony in the afternoon if he felt like steak.  He didn’t, and suggested I just pick up a take and bake at Jewel.  You all know I don’t think twice about having party pizza Friday, so I jumped on that grenade.  Except all the take and bake ones had onions – and the evil purple onions to boot!  So I picked up a frozen cheese pizza, bought one Italian sausage for $1 at the meat counter, picked up a $1 can of sliced black olives and added a bit more cheese at home.

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Well, you get a shitty picture for a pretty shitty pizza.  I mean, it was okay, but I think even a Domino’s pizza would be better – this was Dijorno’s “pizzaria” thin crust pizza.  That doesn’t look like a thin crust to me.  So I can’t wait to try out some of the pizzas and dough recipes in the book T.J. gave me.

I did get all my steps in and then some – so close to 12,000!

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And Lori, I thought you would get a kick out of this – it was outside our grocery store – why it has a sign that says “Go Broncos” when our team is the Chicago Bears, I haven’t a clue!

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Guess who I get to see today?  Hannah!  She said a couple months ago she just took random Saturdays off to get some sort of a weekend, and forgot that today was one of those days!  She works every Sunday, so she asked if I could meet her for lunch – yep!   We are meeting half way in Schaumburg, and Tony reminded me about Yu’s Mandarin, so we are going there.  And maybe hit up a few thrift stores in the area.  It’s another dreary day – I think I am one of those people who needs to get a light lamp – I need the sun!

I am most likely going to get this Taiwan noodle bowl I got before with Tony – it has such a depth of flavor and the most tender beef:


Hope you have a great weekend and the sun is shining where you are.  Make it a great day!