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I think it’s safe to say that most men don’t want to know, talk about, hear complaints about cramps, etc.  But no one more than my husband.  I, of course, would never send him to the store to buy them, but I left a message on our answering machine saying “I am stopping by to pick up tampons on my way home from work, do you need anything?”  He called back and was like “I am really going to throw up if you use that word again.”  Ha!   I actually don’t think men could handle it every month like we do – am I right ladies?!

One of Tony’s favorite breads is Pepperidge Farm’s potato bread.  I decided to put together a ham, egg, spinach and Cabot White Cheddar Oak cheese panini for breakfast yesterday.  I love using my panini machine at work because it makes the kitchen smell so good and I like to make my co-workers jealous.  Ha!

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The bread turned out to be the perfect texture – crunchy on the outside, yet tender on the inside.  So good!

Lunch was leftover Mexican pizza, I’ll have the last two slices for lunch today.  Instead of chopped lettuce and tomato, I just chopped up some baby spinach over the top after it came out of the oven.  The crust crisped up really well.

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My Mom was nice enough to give me two of her freshly picked peppers from her garden on Sunday.  Tony loves stuffed peppers, and I have grown to love them too.  Just a mere six years ago I don’t think I would have eaten the pepper, just the insides.  I am so happy I don’t eat like a 4th grader anymore – I was suck a picky eater!  But Tony is specific about his peppers, they have to be soft, so I first cook them whole in the microwave on the fresh vegetable setting before stuffing and baking them.

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Tony had a cheese blend on his side, I had the Cabot White Oak Cheddar on mine.

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I made garlic bread on the side for dipping.  such a quick and simple weeknight dinner.   This is the recipe I follow for my stuffed peppers.  I used leftover white rice last night though.

Yesterday since I had so much time before I had to leave, I decided to put a bit of make up on.  Nothing much, a bit of foundation, some mascara and pink lip gloss.  I got asked if I was going on an interview, or if Tony was meeting me for lunch, or if I had plans to meet friends after dinner.  Huh, I must really look like shit without makeup!

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And I saw these at CVS when I was buying, well, you know what I was buying!

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I put that on Facebook wondering if Lori had tried them yet, she’s really the only person I know who loves candy corn.  She basically said they taste like ass.  As much as I love M&Ms, I’ll skip these!

Question of the Day:  Candy Corn – love or hate it?  I hate it.

My knee is feeling 90% better today, so I am going to swim at lunch and test it out.  It feels like so long since I worked out – maybe a month??  Gah.  Alright, time to get this show on the road, guess I’ll have to put makeup on today! Open-mouthed smile