Since I didn’t grocery shop, I’ve been trying to think of things to put together for my breakfast and lunch this week.  I realized I had three remaining breakfast tacos in my downstairs freezer – score!  I defrosted them in the microwave first, then put them in the toaster oven at work.  In looking through my pantry, I found this hot sauce.  Not sure when I bought it, but it might be a new favorite!  Smokey, flavorful spicy.  So good!

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I had to do  Sam’s Club run for work.  The natives get restless if we don’t have any Diet Coke in the office!  I’ve talked about my Dutch oven that I have.  Well, I have two.  One that is totally dedicated to bread making and the other for soups, stews, etc.  This is still the same price I paid for mine 8 years ago.  Super heavy, it has the enamel coating just like a Le Creuset, just without the $280.00 price tag.  When one of mine wears out, totally going to buy the blue one!   They only had red when I bought mine.

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Lunch was leftover chicken and dumplings.  I ended up just crumbling the biscuit into the chicken mixture, so while this looks like dog food, it was actually pretty tasty.

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One of the disadvantages of having a day job is that when I have some down time, I go through Instagram and something pops out at me and I’ll read the recipe and think “I have everything to make that!”  Oh, except that I am sitting at a desk and nowhere near my kitchen.  Damn day job.  But this recipe is quickly rising to the top of my to do list – have you ever had milk bread before?

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I’ve just happened upon the food blog Two Red Bowls – she’s an attorney in New York (I won’t hold that against her!) but makes some wonderful dishes.  Check out her recipe page.

As I was driving home I was trying to figure out what to make for dinner.  I knew I still had rotisserie chicken leftover, and refried beans and enchilada sauce leftover from my Mexican pizza.  Taquitos!  I mixed the chopped chicken, refried beans, enchilada sauce and some cheese.  Microwaved the corn tortillas so they were pliable, divided the mixture (I added baby spinach to mine) and deep fried them for a couple minutes.  On the side – nacho cheese chips.  Not the healthiest dinner for sure, but hey, I am being resourceful in using what we have on hand.  Hello night time fluorescent lighting!

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This morning I am going to have a ham, egg and baby spinach breakfast panini.  About to figure out what to bring for lunch, but I know I am making stuffed peppers for dinner from peppers my Mom gave me from her garden.  Yum!

Thankfully I did not sleep in, so now have 45 minutes before I have to leave for work – so much time for activities!  Happy Hump Day!