We had a nice time at the wedding on Saturday night.  It’s just weird that we are old enough that our friends kids are getting married.  Tony was the best man at the parents of the grooms wedding – so they have a lot of history.  I’ve known them for now 14 years, but I always like hearing the stories of when Tony was younger.  He was quite the hooligan!

I enjoyed a bit of white wine:


We had our choice of dinners, and I, of course went with beef.  It was really good – perfect medium rare.


I love this picture – the Groom is a Marine, so he was dressed in all white, with a sword which he used to cut the wedding cake with.  It’s the groom, the groom’s father, Tony’s friend and Tony – I love Tony’s smile in this picture!


We got home around ten – neither of us had packed yet, so we had some stuff to do.  Rochester is a five hour drive from our house, and we wanted to be on the road by noon.  Um, turns out we didn’t wake up until ten, but we still go the show on the road on time.


Since Tony doesn’t like the way I drive, I was able to take a few scenic pictures along the way.



So I had a bit of a meal plan for this week.  Without knowing exactly how this week will pan out, I decided to make up meal ideas.  I brought a bunch of stuff from home.  I made a spicy tomato sauce on Saturday because I had potato gnocchi that I threw in our grocery bag to bring with us.  Tony prefers a bit of butter and a pinch of Parmesan cheese for his pasta, so I could make the red sauce really spicy!


I went to the grocery store and picked up some Italian sausage, and pan seared the sausage.  At Extended Stay of America, you only have a two burner electric coil burner, so I reheated the sauce in the container in the microwave.  Once I cooked and drained the gnocchi, I put the heated up sauce, the sausage and the gnocchi in the pot and gave it a good toss and then sprinkled a bit of Parmesan cheese I brought from home.  Not bad for a hotel dinner!


I did bring my favorite small skillet from home, along with our rice maker, so I used the lid of the rice maker to cook the sausage underneath that.


I am going to “borrow’ this cookbook that was left in the room – this is one of the recipe contests that I entered to win $5k!


I am blogging from Tony’s laptop, so it’s a bit of learning curve – I normally blog from Windows Live Writer and it’s super fast, so we’ll see how the blogging goes this week!

Our first appointment is at 9:00 am this morning at Mayo.  We are going to take the shuttle from the hotel, because the woman at the front desk said that the parking lots usually fill up pretty quickly around all the hospitals in Rochester.

Feel free to follow along with us on Instagram: mybizzykitchen!

Hope you all had a great weekend!  We appreciate your continue prayers and concerns!  Make it a great day!