I am done with the excuses.  Working two jobs, Tony being sick.  Since December when I started working at the restaurant, my focus on myself suddenly just . . . dwindled.  I have really no explanation for it.  Yes, in the beginning it was hard working those extra 15-20 hours a week, but guess what – after a while, you get used to it and adapt.  And I did, except for the eating and the exercising.  Last June when I stared Insanity, I just took it one day at a time.  By December I’d lost 20 pounds and my body shape was changing.  I was averaging 28-33 HOURS a month in exercise and it showed.


I was blaming my lack of focus on anything and everything but . . . ME!  So I am done.  Time to pull up my big girl pants and get back at it.   So even though my Zero Scale has been showing slow weight gains, .6, .4, .8, etc. well, over time, that’s turned into ten pounds. 

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First order of business?  Drinking water!  Um, not sure drinking wine over the weekend can count as hydrating liquid.  I bought a gallon jug of water and brought it to work with me.

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I feel I drink a lot more water when I drink with a straw.  Every time I sat down at my desk, came back from the copier, etc., I drank.  I actually left my SD card at work, but I had emailed a picture of my breakfast to my sister – it was a zucchini egg pita breakfast bread with super delicious raspberries and blueberries.


I was all gung ho to work out at lunch.  I downloaded a new exercise app called Body Space that you can sort by how much time you have to work out.  Um, I do want to question that the workout is for women aged 20-39 – do they think a 46 year old can’t handle it?! Smile with tongue out

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Sadly, my blood sugar was. . . normal.  110!  Gah.  So my only choice was to walk slow so my blood sugar wouldn’t drop like a stone.  I did 2 miles on the treadmill in just over 30 minutes.

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No pic of my lunch – I actually accessorized my lunch at the gym and bought a cup of tortilla soup – which was pretty tasty, but I did have to add a shit ton of hot sauce to it.  I also had half a ham sandwich and strawberries and grapes.  Those giant strawberries Tony bought me?  So sweet!

I give you another episode of Texting with Tony!

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And since it was nice outside, Tony usually hangs outside, smoking his cigar waiting for me to come home.  Since he  read on my blog yesterday that I was going to work out last night, while he normally would just assume and have wine waiting for me, he sent me this text:

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While I was at my Mom’s on Sunday, Tony mowed the grass – I love seeing all the green!

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Tony enjoying his cigar – I think its funny that some people who see this on Instagram think of the Soprano’s!

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I had been marinating a bottom round steak since Saturday, using my favorite beef marinade ever – the only change is that I now use mushroom soy sauce – so fricken good – not as salty to me and has such a deep, earthy flavor.  I bought my mushroom soy sauce at a Japanese grocery store, but this is what it looks like – maybe it’s on the Asian aisle of your store?


I cooked the steak just 5 minutes a side, then let it rest for 5 minutes before slicing.  The meat was so flavorful and tender – cut like buttah!

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Once the steak was resting, I could finish off the grilled zucchini.   I had baby potatoes already cooked in the house – just boiled them and topped with a bit of butter and salt and pepper.  I could probably eat that dinner every night and not get sick of it in the summer time.  Bottom round steak is super economical too – my store sells it for $3.99 a pound – that’s easily 3-4 meals.  I have some of the leftovers this morning in a hash I made with more zucchini, baby potatoes, 4 ounces of the steak and an egg.

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We had huge storms roll through last night – seemed like just wave after wave – I found my window to turn the desktop computer on around 9 and got my T-25 face on!  I LOVE how quick this workout goes by – before I know it, I’ll look down and only have 12 minutes to go!  It’s been a while since you’ve seen the sweaty Biz selfie!  That’s me, done with T-25 AND my gallon of water for the day!

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And this is the most steps I’ve had in a day where I don’t work two jobs:

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And guess what?  Not even a sip of wine last night – winning!  That’s why I need to keep up with the T-25 at night – it helps me stay on track at night, not overeat at dinner and I don’t want to make my workout a wash by having a glass of wine. #winning!

I have a half day at work today – hitching along to Tony’s doctor appointment today.  Hopefully today we’ll get the lowdown on his liver scan and biopsy.  We so appreciate all the continued good thoughts coming our way!

I feel like I’ve let you down these past five-six months just going through the motions.  No more – I plan on updating my Healthy for 2014 Facebook page on a daily basis – hopefully not only to keep myself motivated but to help someone else maybe pick themselves up and dust themselves off. 

Make it a great day!