The other day at work I did a Panera run for several of the attorneys at lunch.  I always use my Panera card for the points.  They mentioned that I had a free birthday pastry that needed to be used by May 10, otherwise I’d lose it.  So I did a quick pit stop on the way to work.  So many choices!  But one that I kept coming back to is the pecan and peach muffin.  Huh.  Such an interesting combination!  Here is a picture from their website.


Now here’s the shitty picture I took – I have no idea what setting my camera was on, but obviously I wasn’t even close!

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Thank goodness that I looked up the calories before I ate it – it was 510!  And it wasn’t even that big! (that’s what she said!)

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So I ate half, gave the other half away because I know myself – had the other half been sitting on my desk, I know I would have eaten it in the afternoon.  I had yet another one of my Pillsbury muffins on the side.

I didn’t have a lunch workout because I had errands to run.  I may or may not have stopped by the Goodwill!  I didn’t buy these, but aren’t these snowmen cute??!!

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As I was driving to work I realized that I didn’t make anything specific for lunch, but then I started to think about what was left in my lunch bag at work:  leftover taco meat, romaine, red cabbage, cheese, low carb tortillas – yep, a taco panini was born!  I ended up buying tortilla chips and bottled salsa for $3 to round out my lunch.  Holy balls this salsa was almost too spicy for me, but I kept dipping my chips into it!

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I actually loved the added crunch of the red cabbage.  Fridays at work are notoriously slow.  In fact by 3:30 it was only me, one associate and the new secretary.  She came over to me and was like “what’s the deal?!”  It’s either crazy busy trying to get letters out at the end of the work, or it’s a ghost town – yesterday it was a ghost town!

I had no idea what I was going to make for dinner.  Wasn’t sure what Tony’s appetite was going to be like.  I had cheddar brats, gyros sandwiches that I could have made but that didn’t sound good to Tony.  He ended up having a BLT! 

Well, long time readers know that I LOVE PARTY PIZZA FRIDAY.  I could have it every Friday and never get sick of it.   One of the first recipes I posted on this blog was my Food Processor No Rise Pizza dough – way back in September of 2008!

Here are just a few of the pizzas I’ve made over the years:

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So last night I made myself a bacon, feta and cheddar pizza.  I ate half of this 12 inch pizza.  So good!  I used my tomato spinach sauce from my ravioli the other night as the base.

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Tony did a Sam’s Club run for prescriptions and bought this giant container of strawberries for me – only $2.98 for a 2 pound container!  They are huge!

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And even without my lunch time workout – I did okay on my steps!

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Happy Early Mother’s Day to all you ladies!!  Hope you have a wonderful weekend.  Hannah and I are meeting at my Mom’s house after church for a brunch.  I am making homemade pork and apple sausage, potato crusted quiche and fruit kebobs.  We are going to go thrifting after that and take a walk on the nature trail near my Mom’s house – let’s hope the rain stays away Sunday!  Have a great weekend – see you Monday!