You all know how I love my Mexican food.  Normally I pan fry my breakfast tacos, but I ran out of time.  At home, I ended up microwaving 3/4 cup of egg whites until they were almost done – just a little jiggly, and put them right in a container and into my lunch bag.  I knew they would continue cooking a bit, and there is nothing worse than overcooked egg whites.

Once at work – I built my tacos!

  • 3 corn tortillas
  • 3/4 egg whites
  • baby spinach
  • 3 slices deli ham
  • 1.5 slices American cheese
  • my baja fresh salsa!

I put 1 slice of ham on each tortilla, topped that with baby spinach.  I ended up chopping the egg whites – it almost looks like tofu!  Then topped with 1/2 slice of American cheese on each one and put them under the toaster oven broiler on 400 for 5 minutes, until the cheese was nice and bubbly.  Then put my baja fresh salsa over each one.  The edges of the corn tortillas were crispy, while the center was nice and chewy – perfect combo!  I forgot to mention that I had a lone orange on my counter when I was making my salsa, and added it to the food processor when I was making the salsa – it adds a nice citrus note to the salsa, and next time I make salsa, I think I’ll slice and char the oranges on the grill.

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Best part is the stats on those tacos – 415 calories, 45 protein, 10 fat and 33 carbs – these kept me full for hours!

I thought I was going to swim at lunch, but after such a long winter of not being able to go outside due to snow/ice/sub-zero weather, I decided to go walking.  Um, think I need my bangs cut?!

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While they predicted a high of 50 yesterday, when I left for my walk at noon it was 31 degrees but with the wind chill felt like 18.  I managed to walk for 20 minutes and then had to call it – if I had a hat on I would have been fine, but dang the wind got me!

It wasn’t long after my walk that I got this snap chat from my step-son Joe from Austin.  Thanks Joe!Open-mouthed smile

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I had time before work to put together a stir fry for lunch.  I thought I would use chicken until I realized I still had leftover steak.  Broccoli, zucchini and carrots with 1 tablespoon of House of Tsang Classic Stirfry sauce, 1 tablespoon of sambal oelek, 1/4 cup beef broth and cooked that together for 3 minutes.  Then I tossed in a package of yaki soba noodles and cooked those for 1 minute – they are precooked by the way, just to get some sauce on the noodles.  I kept the steak on the side and added that in at work.   I may or may not have added more sriracha at work!

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I had to pick up my insulin pen needles on the way home from work.  I have two insulin pens, 1 fast acting that I use whenever I eat – so that’s a minimum of 3 shots a day, and then 1 overnight insulin I take every night.  The needle has to be changed out after each shot.  I had my doctor order me 300 needles to last me until my next appointment.  Insurance saved me a little over $23 – thanks insurance!  Gah.

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Oh well, it keeps me alive, so it’s all good!

Tony hasn’t been feeling well – not sure if it’s the flu or a cold, but he’s cold, tired and achy.  When he’s sick he basically wants to be left alone.  It took me A LONG TIME to leave him alone.  In the beginning of our marriage if he was sick I would be like a mother hen “do you want crackers, some ginger ale, more water, an extra blanket. . . “  You get the idea!   So I was on my own for dinner.  So it will surprise none of my loyal readers that I made . . . PIZZA!

One of the first recipes I posted on the blog was my no-rise pizza dough – I seriously cannot believe that was posted 5 1/2 years ago!  But I made it even easier last night:

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 teaspoon yeast
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup water

Just mix those all together into a ball and roll it out and you are good to go.  I baked my pizza at 425, on the lower third of the oven, for 14 minutes – I like a really crispy crust.  On mine? 

  • 1/2 cup tomato sauce
  • 1/4 cup diced jalapeno
  • 1/4 cup diced red pepper
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh asparagus
  • 4 ounces of mozzarella cheese
  • 1 teaspoon of Italian seasoning over the top

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I ended up eating 3/4 of that pizza – so good!   For the whole pizza:  859 calories, 24 fat, 111 carbs, 7.9 fiber and 46 protein – it also provides 43% of vitamin A, 83% of vitamin C, 88% of calcium and 50% iron!  Not too bad!

Here is my pizza picture from 2008!  I am happy that my food photography has gotten a tad better over the years.


I sat in the back room and watched the last episode of Girls – I love that show!  And later on, I had a bowl of peanuts in the shell – yes, I stole some of the squirrel food!

I never put my zip bit back on after I switched into comfy clothes – and since my walk was cut short, I didn’t meet my 10k daily goal.

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Stats for the Day:

  • 1637 calories, 179 carbs, 123 protein, 48 fat, 16 fiber
  • 20 minute walk at lunch
  • average blood sugar 129

I have to give a shout out to Fran.  I love all the pictures she takes of her country in Holland – and I keep switching out my favorite photos of hers and put them on my screen saver – so Fran, I get to look at your country all day when I am at work – I love this one!

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I have a ham and broccoli quiche in the oven right now – made with unsweetened almond milk, all egg white and a plain Chobani yogurt – if it works out I’ll post the recipe tomorrow.  Make it a great day!