I was back to the gym yesterday before work – I thought it might be hard because I slept in on Halloween morning, but I was up and out the door.

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Yesterday was shoulders and cardio – the strength portion took me only 25 minutes, so I ended up walking on the treadmill for 3 miles (122 miles to go in my 125 mile November challenge!).  I walked at 4.0 mph on a 7.0 incline.

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I love how my finger is in the picture – ha!  And I am wearing my favorite soft Chobani shirt. Open-mouthed smile

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I had the last of my crustless cheeseless zucchini quiche, a bowl of fruit and a plain Chobani for breakfast.

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Work treats were back out on the counter AND people brought in their leftover Halloween candy – there is a giant bowl of it in our coffee nook at work and it kept giving me the stink eye every time I got my coffee – but I didn’t have any.  It’s still all about choices every.single.day.

For some reason I was really sore both Thursday and Friday from my leg workout Wednesday morning.  At lunch I hit up the pool and after a 30 minute swim, I felt so much better.  Something about the pool just gets all the kinks out somehow.

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Lunch was a cup of my buffalo chicken chili, with leftover veggies from our work potluck dipped in tzatziki sauce and an orange on the side.

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And as per usual, Friday afternoons d r a g.  I thought it was never going to get to be 5:00!  I started prepping for dinner – Tony made his famous stir fry, this time we used noodles instead of rice.  Tony said “do you want a glass of wine?”  I didn’t think we had any, but he bought some just in case I wanted some.

I thought “it’s been 12 days since I’ve had a glass, that would be nice!”

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Well, that rocks glass ended up being filled a few more times during the night – gah!  This morning I have a headache and was so dehydrated – now I think I need to kick the wine back to the curb – I won’t reach my goal if I bring wine back in the mix!

Dinner was delicious – we’ve been buying canned stirfry veggies, and while fresh are better, this isn’t bad at all.  And of course, Tony added sriracha to my dish.

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I ended up eating 2/3 of that bowl – I had to stop myself from eating it all!

Hannah’s only day off during the week is Saturday, so she’s picking me up and we are going out to eat and going thrifting this afternoon.  I need to find a couple more size 12 pants – I may even be able to fit into a 10 – we’ll see!  All I know is that I don’t even have to unzip my size 14s, they fall right off.  Not a bad problem to have if you ask me!

Stats for the Day:

  • 1944 calories, 218 carbs, 91 protein, 52 fat and 31 fiber
  • 23% of calories from fat, 18% from protein, 43% from carbs and 14% from alcohol
  • 25 minutes shoulder workout
  • 3 mile walk
  • 30 minute swim

It’s overcast and 38 degrees right now – what I am not looking forward to?  Changing back the clocks tonight – it’s so depressing to leave the office at 5 and it’s dark out already!

Hope you have a great weekend – see you Monday!