Do you guys watch Extreme Weight Loss with Chris Powell?  I had a couple episodes on the DVR when I was on vacation and watched the one about Ryan from Appleton, Wisconsin.


He is 23.  He lives with his parents and was lost after he lost his arm in a car accident.  He’d never ridden a bike in his life and was simply lost.  But once he was on his journey, he never looked back.

Was it hard?  Absolutely.  Did he want to give up?  Yep.  But through the whole show the key word that just kept jumping out to me was consistency.  He stuck with it.  We all know we didn’t gain weight overnight, so we have to realize that it’s going to take a while to take off.

Although in his third three month stint, he stopped eating right.  So much so that even though the outside of his body was getting in shape, he was severely malnourished.  I don’t think I could ever be one of those people who leaves any food group behind – simply because I love food too much!

But I’ve realized in the five weeks that I’ve been doing Insanity, consistently, that my body is changing.  In fact Tony even mentioned last night that my arms look more toned. Open-mouthed smile  So I am willing to be patient, and consistent, in my weight loss, because I know that the hard work will pay off.

Look at Ryan today!  This was at his local 4th of July parade.  Open-mouthed smile

ryan after

So I am thrilled that about 7 of my blog readers so far are jumping on the DietBet band wagon!  It’s still not too late if you need a little nudge this summer.  Believe me, I would have been the first to tell you that giving up my weekly wine, in summer no less! would be hard, but I am in control.  I knew I’d have to ditch the wine to get the results I wanted.  Here is the link if you want to join – WI is July 11 and the game begins July 13.

Please join me for Helen’s DietBet Summer Part 2 starting on Jul 13. We are playing in a 4-week challenge to lose 4% of your starting weight. The bet is $25 and everyone who wins splits the pot. Come join the fun!  Click here to play with me:

It was such a dreary day yesterday.  Heavy rain, clouds, just ick.   I made me and my boss mini individual quiches – how cute are these dishes?  I got them at T.J. Maxx for $3 each.  They are oven, microwave and freezer safe.

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Mini Quiches for Two

  • each one: 236 calories, 9.6 fat, 11 carbs, 2 fiber and 21 protein


  • 4 ounces cooked potato
  • 1 zucchini, shredded and squeezed dry
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup egg white
  • salt and pepper
  • 1.5 ounces reduced fat Swiss lorraine cheese

Spray the casserole dish with Pam.  Put two ounces of potato on the bottom of each one.  Shred the zucchini and divide that between the two dishes.  Mix together the almond milk, eggs, egg white, salt and pepper and pour half into each dish.  Then top with .75 ounces of reduced fat swiss cheese.  Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.  My boss gave me two big thumbs up on this one! Open-mouthed smile

I had planned on swimming at lunch yesterday, but the outdoor pool closed because of the weather, and there were a ton of kids in the indoor pool.  I switched gears and ended up doing the Stairmaster for 30 minutes – 97 floors!

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I love the background of the woman running behind my head! 

I ended up making taco salads for me and my boss – the picture turned out shitty, but this was tasty.  Two cups romaine, cucumber, carrot, 1/4 cup canned corn, 1/4 cup black beans, 3 ounces lean ground sirloin – my dressing was 1 tablespoon light ranch mixed with 1/4 cup of salsa verde.

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I had a few of these chips on the side – so good!  Have you tried the before? 

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Later in the afternoon I had this protein bar – its my new favorite and it was my last one – swear they taste just like a Payday candy bar!

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As Tony and I were getting dinner together, we realized Lyle, the squirrel is back.  Lyle is the super friendly squirrel that apparently is not afraid of us.   I threw him some granola, and he loved it!  If I had the balls I bet I could hand feed him, but turns out I don’t want to get rabies!

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While I set everything in place, Tony made his famous fried rice.  You can see the video here on how he makes it.  While he piles up my bowl, and I seriously could eat the whole thing, I stopped myself after I ate almost half – about 1.5 cups. 

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It’s just.  So.  Good.  He thought it wasn’t salty enough because all we had was 50% reduced sodium soy – but I thought it was perfect – and just the right amount of sriracha, which always amazes me how he gets the heat level right because he can never taste anything after he adds the hot shit. Devil

So last night was Month 2, Day 3 of Insanity, and probably the hardest one yet.  It was Max Cardio Conditioning.  Um, there were not a lot of water breaks people!  If I am right, it was four sets of six minute sets, and one set went right into the other.  But, I’ve told myself that if I am giving up the time to workout at night, I have to give it my all, or what’s the point?

Here is the untouched photo – yep, I turn really red when I work out, always have.

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I lightened it up a bit so it didn’t look like I was going to have a heart attack before putting it on Instagram (are you following me?  biz319).  And my boobs wanted to get in the picture.  Your welcome.

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Stats for the Day:

  • 30 minute, 2.02 miles, 97 flights stairmaster
  • 47 minutes M2D3 of Insanity – Max Cardio Conditioning
  • 1423 calories, 50.9 fat, 169 carbs, 18 fiber and 69 protein
  • 48% of calories from carbs, 32 from fat and 20 from protein

I’ve got a ton of stuff to get together for work today, you’ll find out why tomorrow! 

Mantra of the Day:  Be consistent!  Make it a great day!