We have bunnies all over out back yard, and since we don’t garden anymore, I don’t mind them a bit.  They are fun to watch, especially when they are playing/fighting – Tony and I can’t tell which but they run at each other really fast and then jump over each other, then do it again.

This one tried to think I couldn’t see him!

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I had to run an errand for work and while I was at a stop sign, I looked over and saw this business:

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It really made me laugh because before Tony and I lived together, if he was out at the bars with his friends and I called him to say hi and asked where he was, he would always tell me he was at The Christian Science Reading Room – I actually didn’t know these places still existed!

Breakfast was more flax pancakes with bananas and pancakes.  I love this pancake recipe because with only 2 tablespoons of sugar, it’s not overly sweet, because my toppings usually are and it’s a good balance.  Poor Tony saw the two leftover pancakes on the counter and tried to eat one.  Not long after he sent me an email that said “what the fuck kind of pancake was that?!” 

I tried to explain to him that you had to have the pancake and topping as a whole and it was delicious.  He doesn’t think so.  This weekend though I am going to make him blueberry buttermilk pancakes though. Open-mouthed smile

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No lunch time workout yesterday!  I went out with a co-worker for her birthday.  We ended up going to L’Effel Bistro at the South Barrington Arboretum.  They had outdoor seating, so we said “why not!”  (Courtney, Michelle, or Mara, have you ever been there before?)

I’ve been here several times, and when I know a good thing, I hardly stray from it.  Like if I know a place has a great Reuben, I am not going to order lasagna.  My go to?  Quiche Lorraine.  For a half second I almost ordered the Vegetarian, but I don’t like eggplant and then there is always the dreaded onion factor.

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They started us out with a roll and a delicious sun dried tomato olive tapenade.

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Are you ready for the deliciousness that was my lunch??!!

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Oh.Ma.Ga.  The best part about this quiche is that the cheese is just the top layer.  The bottom is a traditional pie crust, with a small layer of ham.  The middle part?  Fluffy, delicious goodness!  I am never quite sure about the tomato sauce on the side, so I dipped half my bread in that, ate 3/4 of the quiche and all of the small salad.  I am calling lunch 500 calories – should it be more? #soworthit

Later in the afternoon I was hungry, so I had an orange, which I got six off the dollar rack and they are spectacular. Sitting on top of my Competitor magazine I got at the gym.  Still contemplating an outdoor 5k before the summer is over!

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When I got back from lunch my boss said “you got some sun.”  I didn’t think much of it until I got home.  WTF.  I was outdoors for all of about 50 minutes!

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Still not as bad as Hannah’s graduation 3 years ago though, so I’ve got that going for me.  Tony suggested I just keep sunscreen in my purse at all times.  I put it on when I swim outside, guess I just have to wear it every day as a precaution.


I had defrosted some flank steak for dinner.  I made another batch of my creamy stove top refried beans over the weekend.  I had a flour tortilla, 1/4 cup of the beans, 3 ounces of flank steak, grilled red pepper, guacamole and a bit of my salsa, with a few chips on the side.  I was glad I still had Insanity to do, otherwise I could have eaten three of these!  I love these beans.

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I was glad when I saw my schedule that it was Cardio Recovery, which may seem like its easy, but its not.  Lots of controlled strength training, holding squats for what seem like minutes, then when you think you are done, he wants you to pulse it out and when you think that’s done, you hold it longer.  My legs literally shake!  I did my obligatory Instagram photo for my step-son.  Day 16 done. Open-mouthed smile

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The other day I posted this picture of me and my sister from our dinner out.  And I realize new readers might not know that, but yes, we are twins. Open-mouthed smile

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My Mom took the picture and posted it on Facebook saying “my gorgeous girls!”  Well, my brother (um, Charlie, you haven’t posted anything since April – just sayin) couldn’t leave that alone, and not long after, posted this picture.


Of course, that’s when he lost all his hair during chemo (he’s fine now!), but I laugh every time I see this picture!  You can check out my brother’s story here.  I love you Charlie – yo crazy!

I haven’t figured out my calories yet for yesterday, I’ll update that later.  Turns out I have Coney Island sauce on the stove cooking down for our work lunch today, I have to finish an orzo salad, and I have a batch of granola coming out (I subbed in 1/2 a cup of milk for the apple sauce because I didn’t have any – I will let you know if it turns out!).  Damn day job, I could get so much done otherwise! Open-mouthed smile

Oh, and I still have to take a shower.  I have 25 minutes left before I need to leave for work – no worries!  Make it a great day!