Thanks for all the wonderful comments on the blog yesterday and on Facebook for Hannah’s 21st birthday!  She had school all day, so I talked to her briefly before she left for school, then didn’t talk to her again until I left work at five when she was on her way home.

I asked what she was going to do for dinner, and she said she hadn’t decided yet.  She was going to go to Jewel though to pick up something to drink with dinner.

I don’t know how it is in your state, but in Illinois, if you are under 21, your license looks like this:


Your picture is sideways, and it highlights when you turn 18 and when you turn 21.  This is how a regular license looks:


So Hannah and her boyfriend were in the liquor department.  She decided she wants to try one beer and then get something on the sweet side.  They end up asking a guy who was by the beer what his favorite beer was, and he pointed to 312.


Now, I love this beer, but I like beer.  Turns out this was a bit too icky for Hannah.  Good thing she only bought one bottle!  She ended up with this:


Bartles & James!!!  I had no idea they still made these.  Back in the day, when I would go out (in high school – sorry Mom!) my Mom would give me $5 of “just in case money.”  Well, a four pack cost $4.99 and I used to make my boyfriend buy it for me, even though he whined the whole time because he could get a case of beer for the same price!

Remember their commercials?



So they brought their purchases to the register, and because Hannah had the license facing the wrong way, they didn’t want to sell it to her, even though she was of legal age – it was against store policy.  Her boyfriend’s Mom was with them, so she had to purchase the alcohol.  Hannah has today off and I think she is going to get her new drivers license today!

So I ended up face talking with Hannah around 9:30 last night and she said “I don’t know how people get drunk, I’ve had 2 pina coladas all night and all I want to do is go to sleep!”   In fact, she said she was in bed by 11:00 last night!  Open-mouthed smile

I ended up making a Green Monster yesterday for breakfast, thanks for the nudge Louise! 

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It’s 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, one container of Chobani, 1 frozen banana, 1 cup of frozen mixed fruit, 1 tablespoons slivered almonds and 2 cups of baby spinach.  I don’t know if its because of the added frozen fruit, but this is so thick, it’s almost like a Green Monster frosty!  Tony bought me plastic straws yesterday because I was all out – thanks honey!

The only bad thing about the green monster is that I haven’t quite figured out how much insulin to take.  Turns out I gave myself exactly what I needed, but that meant no workout – my blood sugar at lunch was 102.

I made a chicken noodle soup over the weekend, I had FOUR chicken carcasses!  I don’t have a recipe for this – my only secret is that I put a stick of lemon grass in the broth – gives it a nice citrusy boost.  I just cover the chicken with enough chicken broth to cover, let it cook from frozen on low for about 45 minutes.  Then I strain the broth, pick of any meat, throw out the skin and bones, then add in carrots, celery and Italian seasoning and cook another 30-45 minutes until the carrots are tender.

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With a small grilled cheese panini on the side.  So flavorful!!

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So I am on my way home and I try to think what the hell I had on my menu for Thursday night.  Um, nothing!   So Tony said “do you want to order a pizz……”  I didn’t even have to let him finish the sentence!  Any time HE suggests pizza, I am all over it.

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I came home to a package!  I love packages!  (That’s what she said!). 

Turns out my blog friend Rachel sent me some loot!!

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She lives in North Carolina and sent me some local stuff – THANK YOU RACHEL!  Can’t wait to try these!

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Alright, I have exactly 9 minutes to get ready for work and out the door – no problem!

Happy Friday!!