Tony can always tell when I leave the house in a hurry.  I leave cutting boards out with small bits of spinach that didn’t get into my lunch bag, I may leave the refrigerator door open slightly, or leave cupboard doors wide open. 

Yesterday I had tons of time, slept great, when all of a sudden I was in a mad dash to get out of the house.

My breakfast was another McMuff, although more traditional – English muffin, one egg, baby spinach, 2 slices of deli ham with 1 slice of Swiss cheese, with a sliced fuji apple on the side.  Breakfast comes in at 367 calories, 11 fat, 45 carbs, 5.2 fiber and 20 protein. 

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I am going to read the manual on my heart rate monitor, but I appreciate all the links on yesterdays post.  I thought I would do a low and slow workout yesterday.  I did the treadmill at only 3.2 mph, but at 15% include for 45 minutes.  It’s harder than you think – every once in a while I had to hang on!

2.26 miles

When I got back from lunch, I was hangry!  I started to put my lunch together and realized that I left the ground beef for my taco salad on the counter.  Fuck.  Alien

So I had 2 cups of romaine, 1 large carrot diced, 1/3 of an English cucumber sliced.  I did bring a 100 calorie pack of Wholly Guacamole.  I ended up mixing that with 2 teaspoons of hot sauce, 1 tablespoon light ranch dressing and tossed my salad with that.  Then topped with 1 ounce of diced cheddar cheese to bulk up the calories.  Sans my taco meat, this salad comes in at 308 calories, 20 fat, 25 carbs, 7.7 fiber and 11 protein.  I REALLY missed my taco meat. Crying face

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When I talked to Tony earlier in the day I knew I still had ground beef and thought that stuffed peppers sounded good.  It wasn’t until I got home that I forgot I had defrosted two pork chops – see how crazed my morning was?

I was going to butterfly them, when Tony out of the blue said “could you make pork tacos?”  WHAT??!!  Tony rarely suggests tacos, so I jumped on that grenade.  Tony had his on flour tortillas, I made crispy corn tacos for me – 2 corn tortillas, 4 ounces lean pork, baby spinach and 1 slice of American cheese then Pam/1 tsp. oil fried them.

I still had cooked rice leftover, so I added 1/2 a can of drained corn, 1/2 a can of pinto beans, juice of one lime, zest of one lime, 2 tablespoons of taco sauce and salt and pepper to the rice, mixed it together and heated it up.  Gotta love a quick side dish!  Again, this dinner was ready in about 15 minutes since I sliced the pork super thin.  So I got my Mexican fix after all!  Dinner comes in at 510 calries, 8 fat, 72 carbs, 7 fiber and 23 protein.

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I am not sure who loves Mexican food more – me or Melissa! Open-mouthed smile  (Hope your surgery went well!)

I was hungry around 9:30 and made some buffalo popcorn.  Well, buffalo for me.  I oil popped some popcorn, then after I tossed salt and grated Parmesan for Tony, put about 1 tablespoon of Frank’s hot sauce in the popcorn pan and stirred it well.  I had 3 cups of popcorn – fatsecret said 3 cups of oil popped popcorn is 165 calories, 9 fat, 18 carbs, 3 fiber and 2 protein – not bad!

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Stats for Wednesday:

  • 1350 calories, 49 fat, 166 carbs, 23 fiber and 57 protein
  • 2.25 hill climb for 45 minutes
  • 119.00 miles left in 170 mile challenge
  • Average blood sugar 151

Today is my Friday!  I am taking tomorrow off.  Not for anything fun Sad smile but to do some more repair work on our roof.  We are SO close to stopping the leaks!  We are supposed to get a lot of rain this weekend, and not that’s its this far into October, its too dark when I get home from work to do it when I get home.  I do expect to get to the gym tomorrow though!

Make it a great day!