I have to give Tony props.  He knows I eat, breathe and live food.  When we first got together and I was meal planning, I’d ask “how about pork chops on Thursday?”  He was like “how the hell do I know if I want pork chops on Thursday?!”

In the 12 years we’ve been together, I am pretty sure Tony has watched way too many hours of cooking shows with me – and this summer is no exception.  Not only do we have Hell’s Kitchen (2 nights in a row!) we also have MasterChef too!   And let’s not forget about Chopped and Next Food Network Star.

It just dawned on me though that I almost always walk out of the room when he starts watching “his” t.v., i.e. war movies, MMA, John Wayne films.  So Tony, I declare I will watch “Tony T.V.” with you any time you want, and I won’t even have my cell phone with me to check Facebook!

I’ve also just signed up with Pinterest too – just another way to waste some time, but I am sure I’ll be addicted to it soon enough.

Which brings me to Apps.  I have discovered the wide world of apps and its addicting.  Although I do have one beef with apps – I love Scrabble!  But no one in my family will play with me anymore because I basically dominate. Open-mouthed smile  So when I found Words with Friends I was stoked!  I let the phone pick my opponent – I make the first move, and then nothing.  No response – after three days of five different games going, no one ever played back.  Pretty sure they are scared of me.

So if anyone is on Words with Friends, will you play with me?  I’ll promise I’ll be nice. Open-mouthed smile

I emailed my workout buddies yesterday that I stayed up way too late the night before last and when the alarm went off I thought “hells to the no.”  But I didn’t want to cop out and send an email that I didn’t make it to the gym, so I got my butt up and out the door.

Um, it was already 77 degrees at 6:30 a.m.!  And for the record, in case you were wondering, you can never have too many pictures of clouds, trees and sunsets. Open-mouthed smile

morning sky

I ended up pounding out just over 7.5 miles on the bike – my thighs were on fire by the end, I was sweaty and felt great to start the day out like that.

bike ride

I have no pictures of breakfast and lunch because it was a repeat of yesterdays breakfast and lunch – zucchini quiche and lasagna soup.  However, I did notice yesterday that the noodles in the soup were kind of absorbing all the broth, so I brought in some chicken broth to fix the soup yesterday – um, bad mistake, the flavor was all off and reheating the soup almost made the noodles soft as baby food. Sad smile

So when I got home from work Tony asked “what’s for dinner?” and I realized I never defrosted the pork chops!  “How about we got out?”  You really don’t ever have to ask me that twice, as much as I love to cook, I like to eat out equally as much.

We hit up Wool Street – so far we have yet to be disappointed in this place.   Tony and I both love Rolling Rock, but I’ve never had it on tap – holy shizz is this a good beer on tap!

rolling rock on tap

I didn’t end up having any fruit with breakfast, and with my lackluster soup which I only ended up eating 1/2 of, I was hangry by the time we got to dinner.  I ended up getting the trio of sliders – two pulled pork and one burger – the burger was overcooked (hard not to do because it was tiny) but the pulled pork is amaze balls.  I asked the bartender “if you happen to stumble across any sliced jalapenos back there and they end up on my plate, I am okay with that.”

I ate the whole bowl of jalapenos – maybe 15-20 slices.  For the record, Tony doesn’t usually kiss me for 24 hours after I eat a jalapeno. Devil  I have spicy lips!

pork slider

So all in all, while I haven’t figured out the calories, I think as a whole I did okay.  I mean, who can say no to beer and pulled pork on hump day?!

I have Heather to thank for our daily Inspiration today – I saw this on Facebook yesterday – thanks Heather – love it!

don't give up

Off to the gym – Day 3!  Make it a great day!