I’ve decided it’s time to put up, or shut up.  When I started this blog in 2008, I weighed 168 pounds and thought by showing what I ate and how I worked out, it would give me the accountability I needed to get my ass in shape.

Well, here we are, nearly 3 1/2 years later, and I weigh 164 pounds.

I’ve lost and gained the same 5 pounds for years but now I really want to get moving.  It’s time to start walking the walk!

So what is Operation Bad Ass?  Really, it’s a 30 day challenge for myself.  I figure that I can follow any plan for 30 days!

Here are my “before” pics.  I love that the strap is twisted on one side and I am wearing my glasses, and have no make up on.  But really, why should I try to be something I am not.  Like classy! Open-mouthed smile  And I am sure everyone wanted to see my stretch marks on my tummy. Thumbs up

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before 002

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I know there is an athlete’s body underneath there – I just have to kick ass and let her out!

So I made a motivation poster.  Basically it looks like a second grader made it, but I am a sticker whore.  I like to reward myself with stickers!  My plan is to write in what I did each day in the calendar boxes.

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My goals are to the side:

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  • 1500 – 1600 calories a day
  • 25-30% of calories from fat
  • Less than 125 carbs per day
  • 90 minutes of exercise, includes 4 days of strength
  • Wednesday is my rest day
  • In bed between 10:30 and 10:45
  • Limit wine to six glasses a week
  • Eight servings of fruits and veggies a day
  • One Cheat Meal per week

My plan is to just make each day the best that I can.  I have no excuses.  I don’t have little kids to take care of.  I have time to hit up the gym before work.  The only thing I’ll probably have to change is I normally do my blog posts in the morning before work, I’ll just have to write them the night before.

I am using Windows Live Writer and am loving it.  I used it a long time ago on our old computer, but it made our computer really slow.  I reinstalled it on the computer we got last summer (a used one I bought from a co-worker) and hopefully it will make my blog post time quicker.

So I promise to write about the awesome bread I made yesterday, but that will wait until tomorrow’s post.  I plan on doing the recap of BSI – Pasta, and will announce next weeks ingredient which will be . . . flour!

Here is a sneak peak:

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Anyone else want to be a bad ass with me?  Just leave me your goal for April in the comments section so I can be your cheerleader!