On Tuesday and Wednesday we had temps in the 60’s in Chicagoland.  We have had one of the mildest winters on record this year.  But on Tuesday I never worked out – my blood sugar never got over 125, even with taking half the amount of insulin.  Then Hannah’s birthday was on Wednesday, while I thought about it, I didn’t suggest going to the gym in the afternoon. šŸ˜€  And because I had my sweet potato post on Tuesday and Hannah’s birthday on Wednesday, since I didn’t photograph all my food, I never did actually count up my points.  And for the record, I never figured out the points for her birthday cake either. šŸ˜€

I keep saying this, but I need to get my butt out of bed (which I do get up, but I just blog and drink coffee!) and get to the gym before life gets in the way.  For me, even taking a couple days off from working out makes it that much harder to get back at it.

Breakfast was an Arnold Thin with 1/4 cup egg beaters, 3/4 ounce of swiss cheese, 2 slices of buffalo deli turkey with strawberries on the side – 7 WW points.

Again, my blood sugar was too low to walk when I wanted to – it was 125.  Then I got pulled into a meeting, so I decided to eat my lunch with no insulin and then see where I was at.  I also switched cars and realized when I got to work that my workout clothes were not there.  So I could have used either of those excuses to nix the workout, but I didn’t. šŸ˜€  I had my gym shoes at my desk, it was 45 degrees and sunny, so off I went for a 45 minute brisk walk.

With our weather in the 60’s, I am happy to say that the snow has all melted, except for the big mounds of snow in the grocery store parking lot.  You can even see some green grass!

When I was at the grocery store last week and saw that they had peppers for .88 cents a pound a bought a lot of them.  I don’t know why I felt the need to buy 3 pounds of peppers, so I decided to use some of them up by making a roasted vegetable soup.

Roasted Vegetable Soup – makes 4, two cups servings at 3.75 points – okay, I’ll round it up to 4

  • 2 large red peppers
  • 1 large yellow pepper
  • 2 sweet potatoes
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 6 roma tomatoes
  • salt and pepper
  • 1/2 cup fresh basil
  • 1/2 cup fat free half and half
  • 2 chipotle peppers in adobo
  • 4 cups broth
  • cilantro garnish (optional)

Heat oven to 325.  I sadly forgot to add my tomatoes to the roasting process, but feel free to add them with the rest of the veggies.  Chop and toss the veggies in the olive oil and salt and pepper.  I roasted mine an hour.   Put the roasted veggies and remaining ingredients, except half and half, and using a stick blender puree until smooth.   Cool slightly and stir in fat free half and half, and garnish with cilantro.

Since the soup was only 4 points, I added 3/4 cup cooked spaghetti to mine for lunch – so lunch comes in at 7 points.  My blood sugar after I ate was 210 so it was perfect to walk.  45 minutes later my blood sugar was back down to a normal 121. šŸ˜€

My lunch tasted like a spicy Chef Boyardee!

I knew I had ground beef that I needed to use up, so I asked Tony: “do you want stuffed peppers, tacos, or burgers?”  Burgers won.  I ended up making zucchini fries on the side for me.  I cut up one big zucchini, then tossed it in a ziploc bag with 1 tablespoon flour (1) 1 tablespoon of bread crumbs (1) and then deep fried them (I am counting 1 point for the oil).

So all together with my 4 ounce burger and 2 point light bun, dinner comes in at 11 points.  I ended up using only 1/2 tablespoon of the ranch dressing for dipping my zucchini fries, so I am not counting that as anything. šŸ˜€

So I ended up with 27 points and 45 minutes of exercise – not bad!  I am not expected a good WI tomorrow, but I’ll still go and face the music, dust myself off and move on.  AND I WILL WORK OUT THIS WEEKEND!  That’s going to be my mantra. šŸ˜€

In exciting news, my blog friend Nicole of Prevention RD is nominated for Best Heatlhy Eating Blog at Fitness Magazine!!   Nicole and I went to the same high school although I, ahem, graduated many many years before her.  My goal in 2012 is to meet her in person when she comes home to visit her parents some time this year. šŸ˜€  If you have the time, I’d love if you could vote for her – and if you haven’t checked out her blog, its amazing.  Down to earth delicious recipes, nutritional stats, cute puppy named Lily and stunning photography. šŸ˜€  Thanks!

Happy Friday!