After showing my “model” poses from Tuesday, I got about a dozen emails on the side from readers asking me what I use to wash/maintain my face.

It kinda made me chuckle, and it probably will make you chuckle too when I give you the answer:  shampoo.  Yep, being the low maintenance gal that I am I usually kill two birds with one stone and just wipe my face with shampoo when I am in the shower.

I do, however, use this for eye make up removal, the few times a week that I actually wear makeup. šŸ˜€  Neutragena Eye Makeup Remover – lotion.  It’s light and not greasy at all.

My lack of wearing sun screen in my younger years has caught up with me as you will notice in this picture.  You can click on this link for the foundation that I use.

So every night before I go to bed I put this on:

While this is pricy at $10, a little goes a long way – I probably replace with about once every three months.  Exciting shit, right?! šŸ˜€

Guess what?  I didn’t have a fruit and yogurt parfait for breakfast!  I know, crazy, but I felt like eggs.  I baked a potato for Tony last week that he didn’t end up eating, so I diced up 6 ounces of potato (4 points) and sauteed it with green pepper, red pepper and 1/4 cup of salsa and of course some hot sauce (0 points).

I had every intention of making a black bean, corn, red and green pepper egg white omelet, but my pan was shitty and it stuck, so it ended up being a scramble with 3/4 ounce cheddar cheeese for 4 points.  On the side was a delicious pear – breakfast comes in at 8 points.

When it came time to run it was partly sunny and 38 degrees – almost balmy! šŸ˜€  Since I ran 5 miles last weekend without stopping, I told myself I had to keep running.  I did a 5 minute walk to my “starting line.”  The problem I have always had with running outside is starting out too fast – something I can control on a treadmill.

I didn’t stop – and ended up running 3 miles in 32 minutes – what??!!  And being the technically saavy person that I am (not!) I was so excited I was able to upload this picture to Facebook.

If I can run that fast (for me) at 162 pounds, just think how fast I’ll be at 140. šŸ˜€

Remember that turkey breast I roasted on Sunday?  I made an open face Kentucky hot brown that night, and had an idea for a bbq turkey open face sandwich.

  • 1 ounce Kaiser roll (1/2 a roll, then I took out some of the bread guts til it got to 1 ounce (2)
  • 1/4 cup chipotle bbq sauce (1)
  • 3 ounces roasted turkey breast (2)
  • baby spinch on the bottom (0)
  • 2 tablespoons pickled jalapenos (0)
  • 3/4 ounce of shredded cheddar cheese (2)

On the side I had carrot sticks and for dipping, 1 tablespoon light ranch (1) mixed with 1 tablespoon of my salsa (0).  This amazingly delicious filling lunch comes in at 8 points.

Did you see that little condiment cup?  When I went to Sam’s Club to pick up office stuff last week.  Um, I don’t think my regular Sam’s Club has a restaurant supply aisle!  I got 10 of these cups for $5.  I left a couple at work, and will use the rest to use as tiny measuring cups when putting recipe ingredients together.

So after meeting with a team of doctors these past few days, the consensus is for Tony to continue with a certain medication for 2 weeks, and start to eat solid food.  He has been eating Carnation Instant Breakfasts with chocolate ice cream the last couple days – turns out that’s pretty nummy. šŸ˜€

I had stir fry on the menu, so we decided to try Tony out on thinly sliced beef that was sauteed in a bit of soy sauce, olive oil, salt and pepper on a bed of white rice.

I only have plain stir fry bottled sauce on hand, but I decided to come up with a different sauce.  You know I loves it spicy!

Spicy Honey-Mustard Stirfry Sauce (makes 4 servings, 2 WW points each, about 1/4 cup or 2 ounce each)

  • 2 teaspoons corn starch
  • 1/2 cup chicken broth
  • 1 tablespoon reduced fat peanut butter
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon hoison sauce
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 2 teaspoons soy sauce
  • 2 teaspoons sesame oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon hot pepper sauce (I used the teriyaki hot sauce Hannah got me)
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper

Mix all the ingredients in a food processor and mix well.

I added a bit of olive oil to our hot wok – added the beef, let it sit for the first minute to get a bit of crust, then remove to a plate.  Next add any veggies you want (I usually add about 1/2 cup of water to my veggies, put the lid on and steam them for 2-3 minutes – the water usually evaporates).

Then I tossed back in the beef, and 1/4 of the above sauce and cooked for 1-2 minutes until the sauce is thickened.  I sprinkled mine with a bit of sesame seeds, and served mine over 3/4 cup cooked rice.

Here’s a quick tip – I cheated on the rice – there is a Chinese restaurant next to the post office I have to stop at on my way home from work every day – for $1.50, I can get a giant container of perfectly cooked white rice. šŸ˜€

  • 4 ounces beef (4)
  • 1.5 cups mixed fresh veggies (0)
  • 1/4 of stir fry sauce (2)
  • 3/4 cup cooked rice (4)

I actually loved this sauce – the tang from the Dijon mustard and the spice from the teriyaki hot sauce was great – I think next time I’ll sub in Chinese hot mustard to make it extra spicy. šŸ˜€

Alright kiddos, time for me to get in the shower.  I have an idea for breakfast that involves egg whites, blue cheese and . . . honey.  I know, it sounds weird, but in my head it turns out good – you’ll have to come back tomorrow and see! šŸ˜€

Make it a great day!