I LOST THREE POUNDS THIS WEEK!  Doing a happy dance. šŸ˜€

For breakfast yesterday I knew I wanted something heartier because my diabetes doctor appointment was at 11:45 and I knew I wouldn’t be eating lunch until after that.  English muffin egg white spinach sammie to the rescue.  7 points.

I ended up having to wait an hour and 15 minutes for my doctor.  They are in the process of turning all their paper files into electronic ones and its been a nightmare – even though I am obviously not a new patient, since its the first time I’ve been there since they made the switch, they had to enter in all my basic information.

It went well – I am a pretty controlled diabetic and my blood pressure was great.  He always does a test where I close my eyes and he puts a pen on my foot and I have to let him know if I feel it or not – no problems there either – uncontrolled diabetics have a high risk of neuropathy.  I had a foot doctor once who said he had a patient that had a hole in the bottom of his foot the size of a quarter and he never felt it!

We did the basic blood tests and I’ll get those results in a couple weeks.  Then I don’t have to go back until May. šŸ˜€

I had time to run to the Japanese grocery store to pick up a couple things – I had to take a picture of the Kabocha because it reminds me of Maggie (hi Maggie!).

I had leftovers for lunch from the lunch Hannah and I had on Thursday.  I thought they might be dried out, but they were delicious – I am counting this plate as 10 points because of the rice.

I think I like the ones with the rice on the outside better.

Dinner was super quick and simple – nothing better than a patty melt on rye bread.  Although Tony and I both didn’t like how thin the bread was sliced – still tasted good.  Um, there may have been some crinkle cut fries that somehow didn’t make it in the photograph!  Dinner comes in at around 14 points.

Alright – gotta get a move on.  I am going to see my Mom today!  My sister and I are helping a Mom out in Oak Park with her daughters 12th birthday.  The birthday girl wanted to do a version of chopped, but obviously you’d have to have three sets of everything.

So my sister and I are going to show them how to make pot stickers for an appetizer, then how to make pizza for the entree and then crepes with nutella and bananas for dessert.  Should be fun!  (and we are getting paid so that’s cool too!)

Enjoy your Saturday!