Thanks again for your continued virtual hugs for me and Tony – we appreciate it!

My blog title?  Not joking, yesterday six people googled “My Date With the Foot Fetish Freak” to get to my blog.  I cannot explain it, but it made me laugh!  What’s the weirdest search engine tag that your blog ever got?

Hannah and I had breakfast together yesterday.  On Mondays and Wednesdays we leave at around the same time.  I decided to make us zucchini pancakes with cheezy spinach eggs.

This made 2 servings:  each serving is 5 WW points

For the pancakes

  • 1 large zucchini, shredded and squeezed dry
  • 1/4 cup egg whites
  • 1/4 cup bread crumbs
  • salt and pepper

Mix ingredients together and spray non-stick skillet with Pam.  “Pam” fry the zucchini pancakes until golden brown.

The egg mix:

  • 4 oz. container egg beaters
  • 2 oz. deli ham, chopped
  • 1/2 cup liquid egg whites
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh spinach

Scramble eggs until desired doneness.  Serve egg mixture on top of zucchini pancakes.  This plate is 5 points.  I have to tell you, this kept me full for hours!

When it was time to walk at lunch it was 45 and sunny.

I couldn’t run yesterday.  Wanna know why? My blood sugar was perfect – 107.  It wasn’t high enough to go full metal jacket – I ate a banana – and then 15 minutes later my blood sugar was 160, wo a 50 minute walk it was.

I made shrimp cocktail with some shrimp I defrosted the night before.  If you have to bring a dish to a super bowl party, make this perfect shrimp cocktail – it will be the hit of any party.

My lunch was shrimp cocktail, carrots, guacamole, apples, blueberries and a little bit of cheese – this giant plate of food comes in at 9 points.

I decided to make mini pot pies for dinner last night.  These were good, but I need to tweak the recipe a bit before posting it.  I need to add more salt to the dough, and the chicken veggie mixture needed more seasoning too.  That didn’t prevent Tony and I from eating the whole thing though. šŸ˜€

My dinner with a side of garlic bread – my guess is about 14 points?

And because I am so frugal, and there happened to be a lot of dough leftover, I may have made two blueberry hand pies for our dessert.

So with dessert, I ended up with about 34 points. šŸ˜€

Hannah doesn’t have school or work today so she’s meeting me for lunch today and hopefully we’ll go to the gym after dinner.

Gotta jump in the shower and get this day going – make it a great day!