Food service always calls patients asking for their meal selection.  The night before last, all Tony had literally eaten was about 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes, and didn’t want to push it.  So he said “how about just some toast and apple juice.”

Well apparently they didn’t want him starving to death – they sent him 8 pieces of toast!!  This picture was taken after Tony and I each took a slice!

After I left Tony to go to work yesterday morning, I stopped at the Subway they have in the lobby of the hospital that just opened up at the beginning of the year.  I am loving the egg white/pepper jack cheese flatbread – its a super filling breakfast sandwich and comes in at 9 points.  And an excuse to have hot peppers for breakfast. šŸ˜€

Tony was able to eat 1/2 a ham sandwich at lunch yesterday and 3/4 of a burger and some mashed potatoes for dinner last night.  This morning?  He had pancakes!

They have been giving him iron shots (which he said look like bb pellets!), a vitiman D shot (his vitamin D was super low) and his kidney doctor is like a mad scientist trying to get his electrolyte levels stable.

I have to say (hoping not to jinx myself) that he looks good.  The prednisone (sp?) they have him for his gout has helped tremendously, he has color back in his face, and I think the fact that he’s hungry and eating is all great steps in the right direction.

We wanted to walk around the hospital floor but Tony is in isolation because of the c-diff and he can’t leave his room.  He told the nurse “it’s like I am a beautiful prince in a gilded castle where they won’t let me leave.” 

I have a few chores to do around the house, wash our bed sheets, plow the driveway with the snow blower.  The plow goes through our street at about 40 miles an hour and now I have a nice 1.5 foot high pile of snow at the end of our drive.

We ended up getting probably 6-7 inches of snow?  I got out of work around 3:00 yesterday and here’s how much snow was on my car – it didn’t start snowing until 10:00 a.m.

Um, can you tell I need new wiper blades?  Tony actually has them in the car, I just don’t know how to do it. šŸ™

I normally make it to the hospital in about 20 minutes from my office.  Yesterday the traffic was so slow it took me an hour and 10 minutes.  It was big fluffy snow, not the heavy stuff.

I had a giant salad from the cafeteria – the WW menu item was called “Southwestern Smothered Chicken and Rice.”  It kinda looked like vomit peppered with black beans.  I did chop up two breaded chicken fingers to put on my salad.  You know, for extra protein. šŸ˜€

And as luck would have it, I got this book:

The local library has a cart of books in the lobby of the hospital for sale.  Each book has a “suggested” donation price, and this one was marked for $1.  They have a locked box that you put your donation in – score!

So I didn’t want to go to WW this morning.  My schedule has been so off, I only worked out twice, my water intake isn’t up to par, etc.  But I felt I needed to step on the scale this morning so that if for no other reason, it would force me to make better choices and plan better.

So I was shocked as shit when it showed I was down a pound!

I’ll take it!

I ended up freezing a lot of stuff this week since I didn’t make what I had on my menu with Tony being in the hospital.  I’ve been trying to keep up with my blog reading while Tony sleeps, I mainly just can read the posts because its hard to comment on my blackberry.  That being said there are a few things I’ve seen this week that will be on my “soon to make list” once Tony comes home.

Teresa made Thai Coconut Shrimp that looked delicious.  I may made extra sauce and have it over sauteed veggies instead of rice – I just love anything with coconut and I may add a splash of sriracha to kick it up a notch.

Renee made a simple fresh blueberry sauce.  My store last week had blueberries on sale for .99 a pint so I will definitely make this.  And 1/4 cup serving is only 1 WW point!  The only thing I think I’ll add is a tablespoon of lemon zest.  I love the blueberry/lemon zest combo.

Tami of Nutmeg Notebook (sorry Tami – I realized I never had you on my blog roll – but I fixed that!) made a creamy oatmeal brulee that looks so good.  And makes me want to get a kitchen torch. šŸ˜€  I am not sure Tony could tolerate another kitchen gadget though.  Although my birthday is coming up in March! šŸ˜€

Alright I am off to do my chores then get to the hospital.  My SIL volunteers there so I’ll probably have lunch with her when she gets off her shift.  Thank you again for your continued support, prayers, texts and emails – it means more to me than you’ll ever know.  Hugs!