Thank you, thank you for all your kind comments, emails, texts yesterday – my blog friends rock in the support department!  Every time I looked down at my black berry and saw a comment from one of you guys, it was like getting a virtual hug. šŸ˜€

So why the blog post title?  Exactly what it sounds like “hurry up and order a dozen tests, have doctors stream in and out, ask the same questions over and over and then . . . wait.”

I walked in the hospital around 7:30 yesterday morning – bitter cold, but blue skies.

With some many doctors on board, its really difficult to keep everthing on track, but somehow my mind is able to absorb and record all of the information no problem.  Ask me where I put the glass measuring cup or how I lose my keys 10 times in a day, is another story.

A little back story is that Tony has always had problems with staph (sp?) infections.  Started from a motorcycle accident when he was in his 20’s and off and no even up until the year before we met.  Literally in December of 1999 (we met in May of 2000 and married in December of 2000) he had an IV stint out of his shoulder for a month!

We both knew that once Tony and I got married that he needed both of his knees replaced – one from said motorcycle accident and the second probably due to football.  He was scared, not only of infection, but that if he got his knees replaced, that next year they would find “the best ever knee replacements” and it would already be too late.

Thankfully we found a super skilled doctor who told Tony “once I replace the first one, you’ll beg me to fix the next one.”  He wasn’t wrong – he had replacement #1 in March of 2000, and the second one in July 2000.  I always thank the law firm I was working at during that time – both surgeries were 100,000, and we only paid $500 out of pocket. šŸ˜€

Tony was healthy for years – able to kick a football with the kids in the yard, walk down stairs, etc.  In spring of 2007 I came home from work and he was having trouble breathing.  He thought it was the flu.  We got him on a Z-pak, nothing helped.  A 16 day hospital stay would reveal that Tony had endocardidis in his aortic valve and it had to be replaced with an artificial one.

The thought was that the infection he got after his motorcycle accident, that laid dormant and returned in December 1999, probably reimerged and attacked his heart valve.  Tony and infections don’t mix too well.

Then in the fall of 2008, Tony went on our front deck to bring on some stuff on our deck table because it had started to rain.  The deck was slippery and he fell.  He said his knee bothered him quite a bit, but thought over time it would just get better.  Until one day we were getting dressed for bed and I happened to look down at his knee and his leg was all black.

We both knew that it was infected.  Tony didn’t want to have to be hospitalized again, but we had no choice.  You can read about because I blogged about it way back in December of 2008!  So fast forward he was couch bound for 3 months, had his second knee replacement and we were good to go.

Until January of last year when we discovered Tony had colon cancer.  Seriously at this point I was like “what more can go wrong with my husband?!”  Thankfully, he only needed surgery and no chemo or radiation.  But it was a long recovery.  I am sure people blog in different ways.  Some throw all their cards on the table, others only show personal stuff some of the times, others just make their blog their “happy place” and you think “wow, that person has the perfect life!”

I don’t care what I write about myself, but when it comes to Tony and family, I sometimes don’t think its fair to them if I blab about their lives – I always ask Tony ahead of time if he minds me writing about so and so – most of the time he says yes, sometimes no.

So here we wait.  Wait for test results, we know there is no sign of cancer so we can take that one off the table.  Thank goodness for that!

Tony always says that I have Munchausen Syndrome, because he hasn’t been as sick since he met and married me.    I like to think that I came into his life when he needed me the most. šŸ˜€

And Skippy – be jealous of the guest bed in the totally deluxe hospital room Tony is in – so comfy!

Again, thanks for all your support and I’ll keep you posted.  Hugs!

p.s.  thanks to my SIL who came to meet me for dinner last night – thanks Jody! šŸ˜€