The only thing worse than having to set my alarm yesterday was getting out of my toasty bed and discovering that its 9 degrees outside, and with the windchill it was -1!  Definitely the coldest we’ve been in a long time.

I made these waffles over the weekend, had every intention of making another batch for my breakfast, but just simply ran out of time – too busy catching up on my blog reading and coffee drinking. šŸ˜€

But these were delicious and simple.  As with my pancake recipes, I let this batter sit about 15 minutes.

Blueberry Waffles (makes 8, 7 ww points for 2) (I used a 1/3 measuring cup – not filled to the top, maybe about 3/4 of a 1/3 measuring cup so the batter didn’t flow over the sides of the waffle maker)

  • 1 3/4 cups flour
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 3/4 cups skim milk
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 cup egg beaters
  • 1 cup fresh (or frozen, thawed) blueberries
  • cooking spray for waffle maker

Mix all the ingredients together with a wooden spoon, making sure the flour is combined.  Let sit for 15 minutes.  Heat your waffle maker and cook according to manufacture directions.  Mine took about 6 minutes.

These were crisp on the outside, yet tender on the inside – I think I need to make pumpkin waffles next. šŸ˜€

But since I didn’t make time to make waffles, what I really had for breakfast was an egg mcMuffin sammie – I sliced my chicken apple breakfast sausage in half, placed it on a 100 calorie english muffin, with 1/4 cup egg beaters and 1/2 ounce of cheese – I forgot the spinach on my kitchen counter. šŸ™  With a side of orange slices, breakfast comes in at 7 WW points.

By the time lunch rolled around, I looked outside and it looked nice and sunny, but when I went on it said it was 26 degrees, but with the windchill felt like 15.  I decided to use my 2012 mantra “hard work, dedictation” and told myself if it was REALLY too cold, I could just turn around and come back.

I actually like this picture because it looks like I am about to talk to someone and I was all by myself.  I am kool like that. šŸ˜€

I opted to do my walk/run routine, i.e. I walk for one song, then run the next song.  It works great because my runs are really fast (to me!) because I know it probably won’t last more than 5 minutes.  I spent 45 minutes outside.  It was refreshing!

I came back from my chilly run to a hot cup of soup – the last of my beef and bean salsa soup.  This cup is 8 WW points.

Since Tony still isn’t up for eating too much, it was another solo Biz dinner – this time I had a version of this chicken spinach pasta bake – only for one.

Chicken Spinach Pasta Bake (serves 1, 10 WW points)

  • 1 cup cooked pastas
  • 1 3 oz. chicken breast
  • 1 tsp. olive oil
  • 1/2 cup canned tomatoes (crushed, puree, whatever you have)
  • 1/2 clove garlic, crushed
  • salt and pepper
  • pinch of crush red pepper
  • 2 cup baby spinach (it wilts a lot!)
  • 1/8 cup of white wine
  • 1 ounce mozzarella cheese

Heat oven to 350.  In a skillet, heat olive oil and add the diced chicken, cooking just until browned on all sides.  Add garlic and stir for 1 minute.  Set aside.  To same skillet add the spinach, white wine, crushed red pepper, and salt and pepper and cook for about 3 minutes, just until the spinach starts to wilt.

Toss in the pasta and chicken and combine.  Put in a small oven safe dish, top with mozzarella cheese, cover and bake for 15 minutes.

This was really delicious and filling!  And next time if I have the points, I’ll add some Italian sausage or pepperoni to this.

Stats for Tuesday

  • 26 points exactly
  • 45 minute run/walk
  • average blood sugar 161 (a bit on the high side – no worries)

Hannah is meeting me for lunch today and tonight we are going to hit the gym – its Wednesday so I am gonna hang with Hannah! šŸ˜€

Here’s some things to whet your appetite:

Make it a great day!