A friend of mine invited a few people over for yappy hour last night.  I was only going to stay “for a couple.”  I looked at the clock and it was like 7:30 and I still had Chex mix to make last night.

Next thing I know it’s 10:30!  I had no idea it had gotten so late, that I had so many glasses of wine and too little to eat.

I drove home.  What an asshole move.  My friend only lives a few miles away, but I probably could have been pulled over, or worse, gotten into an accident.

Tony was obviously pissed with good reason.  Not that I stayed out, but that I didn’t call him to come pick me up.  If I was pulled over for DUI it would have been thousands of dollars and a license suspension – all for happy hour?

Tony, I apologize for my behavior.  It was dumb and irresponsible.

Me thinks I should quit drinking.