Thanks for all your kind comments to yesterday’s post – you guys are the best and have some great ideas.  I agree with a fresh mouthwashed mouth I’ll have less temptation to mess it up – and have deemed the bedroom a beverage and food free zone, except for water.  šŸ˜€

I am really starting to like sweet potatoes, and while I am still on the fence about eating them alone (other than deep fried!), I like them in things.  I decided to make sweet potato pancakes.  This batch makes 10, 1/3 cup measuring cup pancakes – 1 is 2 points, 2 are 5 points and 3 are 7 points.

Sweet Potato Buttermilk Pancakes

  • 1 sweet potato, cooked, cooled and peeled (mine was 5 ounces)
  • 1 cup pancake mix (like Bisquik)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil (probably could have left this out)
  • 1 cup of buttermilk
  • pinch of cinnamon

I used a potato masher to mash the sweet potato, then added the rest of the ingredients and mixed just until combined.  I used my 1/3 cup measure get equal sized pancakes – this batch made 10.

While I brought 3 for breakfast, not knowing if they were 2 or 4 points each, I ate just 2 and with 2 links of turkey sausage this was a suprisingly filling breakfast at 9 points with the SF pancake syrup.

I tested my blood sugar around 11:30 when I normally walk, and it was only 83.  Rats. But no fear!  I had this whole bowl of fresh fruit for zero points.

I didn’t even bother checking my blood sugar 30 minutes later because fresh fruit is high in natural sugar, I thought it would easily be in the low 200’s.  Um, guess again. About 20 minutes into my walk I can feel sweat start to drip down my back, and it was only 65 degrees out.  My blood sugar was 45.  Shit.  So I ate 3 mini stickers for 4 points in order to make it back to my office. šŸ™

I decided not to take any insulin at lunch.  While this conconction may look weird, it was actually really good – 1 cup cooked spaghetti squash, 1/2 cup cooked brown rice, 2 ounces cooked ground beef, 3/4 tomato sauce over a bed of spinach and carrots.  The hot/cold combo may seem weird, but I actually liked the cold crunch of the carrots.

This plate comes in at 9 points.

I recently found a new website to add recipes/track calories – it’s called  It’s free and this week I am going to track my calories/fat/sodium in relation to my points.  I have a feeling that while I am most of the time in my point range, my percentage of calories from fat is probably on the higher side.  It will be interesting to compare!  I do like how user friendly it is.

I had sauteed shrimp tacos on my menu with a light avocado sauce and lots of veggies.  Sadly, I had to work late.  Tony texted me and asked how he could help with dinner, and I said “could you defrost the shrimp for me?”  thinking I’d get home at a decent time to still make the dinner I planned.

But it was 7:00 by the time I left the office, and when I came home Tony had gone to plan B.  Hooters Buffalo Shrimp.   OMG, these were damn good.  I plan to put these in the football food rotation on Sunday’s for Tony.  My plate comes in at 12 points.  Let’s just pretend there were vegetables on there, shall we? šŸ˜€


So let’s do the comparison.  According to eTools I had 34 points.  According to fat secret, my stats:  1319 calories, 49 fat, 170 carbs, 13 fiber, and 51 protein (2200 mg sodium) which is the equivalent of 35 points – which I get because I didn’t count my fresh fruit as an extra point.  So pretty accurate!

And my percentage of calories from fat?  33%  Not too shabby.

Thanks again for all your comments yesterday – you guys rock!  Make it a great day!