I think maybe subconsiously I didn’t want to WI today after my vacation.  I didn’t count a single point while I was gone and nothing was off limits.  I think I ate my weight in crab dip!

But I had to at least get on my scale this morning – although I am not sure how in sync it is with the WW scale – but it is probably close.  Two weeks ago I was 161.0 after gaining 2.2 in a week, which most of you thought was just a sodium overload from the day before.

So I was quite happy when I saw this number:

I couldn’t believe it was the exact same number!  My game face is back on and I have to kick this week’s butt.  I have a meal plan, my goal is 60 minutes of exercise each day, including one day this weekend.  I plan to be back in the 150’s by next week’s WI.

So what’s on my menu?  Remember, breakfast and lunch is just for me – pretty sure Tony would gag at some of the things on my menu, but that’s okay, because it’s all about me, right?! 😀


  • Huevos Rancheros
  • spinach egg and cheese potato skins
  • spicy oats
  • breakfast calzones with eggs and black beans (2 times)



It’s raining really hard right now – perfect day to bake some banana bread and baguettes!  Enjoy your Saturday!

I meant to post this picture yesterday from my family reunion last Saturday,  I love how the babies are looking at each other as if to say “hey, I am supposed to be the only baby here!”