Can you believe we are on day 4 of no power??  This is really getting old.  Not only am I tired of eating frozen meals, but I haven’t been Bizzy in my kitchen since Sunday!  I am going through cooking withdrawal.  šŸ™

I had one thing to be happy though on Wednesday – bagel Wednesday!  I had a jalapeno cheddar bagel, 1 tablespoon WW cream cheese and a hard boiled egg left over from my gas station breakfast the other day – breakfast comes in at 11 points.

Our only saving grace with not having power is that our weather has been absolutely gorgeous – yesterday the high was about 73 and the lows were around 58 – perfect sleeping weather. šŸ˜€

So guess what?  I decided to run again yesterday and I think I may run again today – I am really starting to like it – I never would have thought that would happen to me in a million years.  And yesterday I ran the whole time!  Didn’t stop to walk once. šŸ˜€

Lunch – another frozen dinner – this time pasta in a red pepper sauce – I picked up some bagged broccoli and steamed a cup of it on the bottom to bulk it up, but this one was so low in protein, I was starving a couple hours later and had an apple and a banana.

So it was spin the restaurant wheel for Tony and I.  We ended up going to Buffalo Wild Wings – we haven’t been there in a while and there were a few changes on the menu – um, salt and vinegar seasoning??

My plate – I had 6 wings and about 1/2 of the fries – my guess is around 11 points?

But guess what I had with them?  Two big Coors lights.  I guessed it would be about 8 points for the beers – ah, it’s 14 points!  This week has been so crazy, I am hoping that my exercise will offset the stuff I’ve been eating and just maintain this week. šŸ˜€

So we get home, the sun has set – what to do??

I love any type of board game – and I am super competitive.  My favorite game of all time?  Scrabble!  Except no one will play me anymore because I dominate at the game. šŸ˜€ 

And after a couple rounds of that (where I dominated) we switched to Ships, Captain and Crew.  Anyone else remember that bar game?  While we bet with dollar bills at the bars, I brought out our change jar and we each started out with $6 in quarters.  You have to roll a six, then a five and a four in three rolls – if you don’t roll out a six in three tries, the other person gets  turn – if you both don’t roll a six, five, four, you have to throw another quarter into the pot.

We used candlelight!

And Tony dominated this game! šŸ™

Fingers crossed that the power is turned on – they are still saying by midnight tonight.  I had to postpone my office grilling party tomorrow – instead we are going to order pizza!

Stats for Wednesday:

  • 42 points (still have 18 flex points left for the week)
  • 50 minute jog
  • average blood sugar 121

Make it a great day! šŸ˜€