Let’s get to the fun stuff right away – to see who won my 550,000 pageview giveaway from Friday. πŸ˜€  And the winner is . . .

True Random Number Generator Min: Max: Result: 19   (um, 19 is my favorite number!)

Barb says:

Just got the Samsung EPIC 4G phone and downloaded a C25k program and Slacker radio so I guess that’s my new favorite workout gear.

Reader Barb won – congrats!!  Send my your mailing address to mybizzykitchen@gmail.com and I’ll get your loot to you – thanks to everyone who entered! πŸ˜€

Tony has been wanting to make me johnnycakes, which I aptly named Tonycakes. πŸ˜€  He adapted a recipe by adding chopped bacon and chopped fresh jalapeno. 

Tony Cakes – this makes 14 cakes at 4 points each

  • 2 cups white cornmeal
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 4 tableless unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 cup milk
  • up to 1/4 cup boiling water to get the right consistency
  • 4 slices of bacon, cooked and chopped
  • 1 jalapeno, chopped

Combine the conrmeal, salt and butter together.  Add the milk and enough water to make a moist but firm batter.  Mix in the bacon and jalapeno.  Drop by large spoonfuls onto a hot griddle, flattening slightly with the back of the spoon.

The first bite my mouth expected pancakes, but its anything but the texture of a pancake.  His recipe said “serve with honey, or maple syrup.”  I reached for my sugar free Smucker’s syrup (best sugar free syrup in my opinion!) and this dish sang.  You get the salt from the bacon, the crunchy texture of the cornmeal, the sweetness from the syrup and then the bite from the jalapeno – so delicious – thanks for making breakfast Tony!

 Tony and I did our grocery shopping on Saturday, and of course my first order of business when we walk in is to see what’s on the dollar rack.  I lucked out with rainier cherries for $1.00!  I only had to throw out about six from this whole package.

I rewrote the recipe because this time I doubled the amount of cherries, lime juice/zest and cilantro.

Grilled Cherry Salsa

  • 4 tomatoes, divided
  • 1 jalapeno pepper
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 2 cup cherries
  • 1/2 cup fresh cilantro
  • juice of two limes
  • zest from two limes
  • 1 tsp. kosher salt

I did this on my gas grill.  Just char three tomatoes, the garlic, jalapeno and cherries – it took me about 15 minutes at a temperature around 350.

Let the cherries cool, then pit the cherries and add all the ingredients to a food processer and puree.

the cherries start to carmelize on the grill – so sweet!

I am really LOVING this salsa – the sweet heat combo is a winner. πŸ˜€

We also tried out a new sub shop on Saturday – I’d never heard about it before, but the lines have been long so we waited for it to die down a bit.

They actually hand sliced the meat as you ordered the sandwich – and it was pricey – Tony and I each got a regular sub and it was over $15 with tax.  And it was huge – I was only able to eat half of it, but the best part other than the quality of the meat?  Cherry pepper relish!  I am going to have to recreate that.

This was a great sub – I liked the bread better than Jimmy John’s and if any of you have a recipe for cherry pepper relish, please let me know!

And then we went to the Fundraiser for my friends BIL – although I read the flyer wrong – I thought it was from 11:00 to 1:00 p.m., so Tony and I got there around 12:15 . . . and knew no one, so we just had a nice lunch at the bar.  Um, turns out the flyer read 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.!  Oh well, I did get to eat 21 points of nachos:

crispy tortilla chips, cheese, guacamole, sour cream, black olives and chili – oh my!

And this place has the best chicken fingers. ever.  We didn’t eat them there, but brought an order home just to bulk up our bill for the fundraiser – maybe if I put one on a salad I can make it work into my lunches this week! πŸ˜€

with an amazing honey mustard dip – these are like the ones near my sisters office

And lastly, I want a tiny dog.  Like my SIL just got – his name is Brutus and he’s only 3 pounds!

Hope everyone had a great weekend?  Question of the day:  Tiny dog or big dog?  While I love our 70 pound black lab, I think a tiny dog would be fun too! πŸ˜€

Make it a great day!