I love getting cookbooks from my library – they are so expensive these days.  One in particular that I got was this one – it would have been $35.00 in the store!

My friend Beth uses King Arthur flour all the time and bakes up some of the best things – check out these whole wheat hot cross buns she made. šŸ˜€

I was reading it like a book and got the section of Cobblers, Grunts and Slumps.  Still don’t know what a grunt and a slump is . . . but I knew what a cobbler was.  And realized I’d never made one before.  I did change the recipe to make it more WW friendly – the original recipe called for 1 stick of butter for the topping!  I cut the biscuit topping recipe in half and it worked out perfect.  Quite possibly one of the best desserts I’ve ever made.  The recipe also was for a peach-blueberry cobbler, but when I defrosted my peaches, they tasted like ass – so I subbed in fresh strawberries instead – best move ever. šŸ˜€

Tony and I both agree on slightly sweet desserts, and this one fit the bill perfectly.  And served with some vanilla ice cream on the side?  Heaven in a bowl!

Strawberry Blueberry Cobbler

  • 4 servings would be 8 points, 6 servings would be 5.5 points and 8 servings would be 4 points

Ingredients for biscuit topping:

  • 1 cup white whole wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 4 tablespoons butter, chilled
  • 1 tablespoon light brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup of milk


  • 1 quart of fresh strawberries, sliced
  • 1 pint of fresh blueberries
  • 1/4 cup light brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar (sprinkled over the top of the biscuits before going in the oven)

Preheat oven to 350.  In a baking dish, spray with pam.  To make the biscuit mixture combine all ingredients into a food processor – pulse until the mixture is incorporated – don’t worry, this is a very wet dough.

Combine the strawberries, blueberries, brown sugar, corn startch, nutmeg and salt.  Let sit for 15 minutes. 

Pour fruit mixture into prepared dish.  I just used a teaspoon and placed dollops of dough across the top – doesn’t have to be perfect, and you can have holes on top – the dough will rise while baking.  Cook for 45 minutes, until the fruit is bubbly and the biscuit topping is slightly browned.  Let cool – this is perfect at room temperature – so its a great make ahead dessert.

heres how the biscuit topping looks before going in the oven
the smell coming out of the oven was amazing
seriously worth 8 points to eat 1/4 of this dish šŸ˜€

This will definitely not be the last cobbler I make šŸ˜€

My Mom had a concert at her church yesterday morning – I was trying to be quiet and didn’t use my flash, and sadly none of my pictures turned out. šŸ™  You did a great job Momma!

My sister was there too – and afterwards we picked up her kids and went to Caputo’s by her house.  It was huge!

And while I said I was going to menu plan with what I had on hand, I did need fresh fruit, veggies, seltzer, coffee, toilet paper, etc. – so I spent $66 this week.


  • chicken noodle soup with spinach apple carrot salad
  • buffalo chicken burgers on magic rolls
  • spaghetti squash pasta with ricotta and lemon garlic sauce
  • pinto bean and couscous tostadas
  • broccoli mac n cheese


  • Brined pork chops, homemade rice-a-roni and green beans
  • Cincinnati chili mac three ways
  • Creamy herbed chicken in puff pastry
  • Steak and Twice Baked Potatoes
  • Sausage Calzones

Anything new on your menu this week?  Check out the gas prices by my Mom’s house!  So far the most I’ve paid is $3.99 – isn’t it crazy??!!

Hope you have a great Monday! šŸ˜€  I am off the gym to get my swim on – sadly I need to scrape the snow off my car before I leave – really?? Snow in April?!

Update – check out the BSI round up from last week – Veronica chose cream cheese and there are some amazing dishes that were submitted! šŸ˜€