First of all, thanks for all the birthday wishes!  I had a great weekend – I only wish Tony was feeling a bit better.  šŸ™

Even though Saturday was my birthday,  I didn’t skip my WW meeting.  I am lucky that my leader is totally fun and upbeat – she’s an absolute riot – since January I don’t think there have been less than 100 people at this meeting!  So drum roll please . . .

Two more pounds lost – I am .2 away from hitting 5% lost – woot! šŸ˜€

When I got back from my meeting, Tony was so sweet to make me breakfast – I don’t know what he does to eggs (even egg beaters which I asked him to make) but they are always so fluffy and good – this is egg beaters with salsa over a tostada with fresh fruit and vanilla yogurt – thanks honey! šŸ˜€

Hannah had to work during the day, so I did my usual stuff – laundry, cleaned our bedroom and grocery shopped – I started getting hungry at the store so I had two chicken fingers from the deli – I guessed them to be 10 points, but that may be too much.  When Hannah got home we decided to go bowling at Pinstripes – best place to go bowling, hands down!

Hannah drove – I have to show you her new sunglasses – are the 70’s back in style?

They don’t accept many reservations, so we had to wait about 20 minutes for a lane.  We decided to have some balls – mozzarella balls! šŸ˜€

And their special beer on tap?  Fat Tire – one of my favorite beers.  I had three glasses during the evening – I had no idea each one would be 5 points, but totally worth it.  And Andy, you would have been jealous – only $3 a glass!

I used to be on a bowling league in my early 20’s.  Not only did I play softball and field hockey, but I bowled – just another reason Tony thought I may have been a lesbian!  My average back then was around 220 – Saturday my high score was only 144, and Hannah beat me one game.

go Hannah!
it’s almost like I am a professsional – ha!

We decided to split the pear, Gorgonzola, walnut salad and a pepperoni, sausage and pepper flat bread – both were excellent.

After bowling we came home to open presents and then watched JackAss – omg, some parts were so gross, we had to just fast forward it.  We were so full though we didn’t have pie until last night – there is a diner near our house called Around the Clock that makes sugar free pies.  My favorite – a sugar free (mind you, this is not low calorie!) chocolate cream pie.  So good!

Now for the birthday loot!  My PIL, Hannah and Tony pitched in for my new camera lens!!

I took this picture from about 25 feet away – so cool!

Tony and Hannah also bought me a new rice maker – that’s also a steamer šŸ˜€

And Hannah got me some cheeses, hot sauce and this great casserole dish – its cast iron enamel, but get this – its from World Market and completely affordable at $14.99 – the lid also has a hole on the top to let steam out.

And my Parents-in-Law also got me this cookbook:

and autographed! šŸ˜€

You can check out her website here.  While she learned a lot from her MIL, she was lucky to find an apartment in Tuscany right across the street from the San Lorenzo market – it was there that she would listen to people standing in front of her at the butcher and hear what questions they asked – and also learned the mantra of Italian cooking – use fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables and prepare them very simply.  Can’t wait to try out some of these recipes!

So before bed, my blood sugar was 225.  I took 4 units of fast acting insulin, and went to bed at midnight.  At 3:00 a.m., Tony woke me up because he needed something, and I knew something was REALLY wrong.  My blood sugar was low, so I came in the kitchen and ate a banana.  Tony followed me and I took my blood sugar and it was 30.  Damn.  A 4 point 7-UP, 6 points of Thin Mints and half an apple, I was finally able to go back to bed.  Thank goodness Tony woke me up – but I hope I would have woken up on my own.  So that’s how I ended up at 58 points in my birthday.

It’s all good – I still have 20 flex points left for the week, and I’ll earn activity points too.  My goal this week is to swim 2 times this week and take one exercise class. šŸ˜€

Happy Monday!

UPDATED:  Check out the BSI Buttermilk Round-up!