I had yesterday off to go to a doctor appointment with Tony.  He couldn’t eat anything the day before or yesterday morning and we had to leave the house by 7.  I packed a sliced pear and granola bar.  4 PointsPlus.

We were both hungry for lunch and decided on Jimmy John’s.  I usually get the Vito, but decided on the Tom Turkey, no mayo, but added cucumbers and hot peppers.  I was only going to eat half the sandwich and half the chips.  Guess what?  I ate it all for 13 PointsPlus.

So we are waiting for some test results, which I won’t go into detail here.  In the afternoon I had to go pick up my contacts at my eye doctor, and of course I went during the hour they were closed for a lunch break.  So I went to the library, still had time to kill and stopped at the store to pick up some Karo syrup to make some brittle for my parents in law.

I was walking by the bakery and thought “I’ll get Tony a donut!”  Put it in my bag and got in the car, and still had 10 minutes to wait until the eye doctor office opened.  Guess what I did?  I ate the donut.  7 points, and I ate it without really thinking about what the hell I was doing.

I used to be an emotional eater way back when, and thought I had over come that a long time ago.  But it didn’t stop there, I came back home, and while I was watching Biggest Loser on the DVR I got a bag of Chex Mix my brother gave us for Christmas and just mindlessly ate.   I finally just threw the bag out – (sorry Charlie)!

So I got busy in the kitchen and made the brittle for my parents in law – my MIL had seen it on the blog and I wanted to send her some.  This batch had craisins, peanuts and pistachios.  Brittle is so easy to make, it just takes forever for the sugar to come up to temperature – it took nearly 30 minutes.

I love this brittle because its not too hard

You can find the recipe here.

I had chicken parmesan on the menu, and seriously wasn’t even hungry, but I ate it.  I found these rice noodles on sale – we actually loved them – they have a nice al dente bite to them – 1 cup is 5 PointsPlus.  With my 4 ounce chicken and pasta sauce, dinner comes in at 15 PointsPlus.

So all told, with my red wine after dinner, I ended up eating 51 points yesterday.  But you know what?  I am okay with that today.  In the past that would have given me the green light to continue to eat shit for weeks at a time before I woke up from my food coma.  But today is another day.  I have my food planned out.  I have my water bottle packed and my gym clothes packed.  And I still haven’t gone over my weekly points – I still have 5 left and 12 activity points remaining for the week.

Do you notice when you are emotionally eating?  Do you catch yourself or just give in?

Stats for Wednesday:

  • 51 PointsPlus
  • no exercise – rest day

Don’t forget, today is the last day to enter to win a variety case of Chobani Yogurt!  Click here to enter.

And the BSI secret ingredient is yogurt – don’t forget to link your yogurt recipes (or recipe) to mybizzykitchen@gmail.com.  Submissions will be accepted through this Sunday.

Have a great day!