When I was making the beef stew the other day, I reached into my potato bag and pulled that out! I left this note for Tony Tuesday morning. While I immediately thought it looked like a heart, I won’t even bring up what it reminded Tony of! Now all of you get your head out of the gutters!
Since Joe’s visit was a surprise, it didn’t dawn on me until after we finished making cookies that one of Joe’s favorite things is cinnamon rolls. But yeast cinnamon rolls need to rise, so I googled “quick cinnamon roll recipe” and found this one. Now if you are looking for the typical soft, pull apart cinnamon roll, this isn’t it. What this is, is more like a cinnamon biscuit. Still a delicious cinnamon roll – Joe ate four! 😀
The other day while watching Giada, she made a zucchini potato pancake that I knew I would incorporate into a breakfast. This recipe made 5 pancakes, at 2 points each.
Course: main meals PointsPlus™ Value: 2 Servings: 5 Preparation Time: 0 min |
5 oz zucchini | |
5 oz uncooked potato(es) | |
1/8 cup(s) grated Parmesan cheese | |
1/4 cup(s) seasoned bread crumbs | |
2 Tbsp Egg Beaters Refrigerated Egg Whites |
Shred potato and zucchini. Put in paper towels to squeeze out excess water.
Combine all ingredients. Make into patties and Pam fry for 5 minutes per side, until cooked through and crispy.
My plate: canteloupe (0); 3 pancakes (6); 1/2 cup egg white (2); 1/2 ounce cheddar cheese (1). 9 PointsPlus.

Before I knew it, I had to get to work and Joe went back to his Mom’s house. It was so great seeing you Joe!
Lunch ended up being a bunch of leftovers really. I had a chicken tender to cook up, I sauteed some green pepper. Two tortillas (2); 3 oz. chicken (3); 1/4 cup refried beans (1); 1 cup green pepper (0); 1/2 cup salsa (0); 1/2 ounce cheddar cheese (1). 7 PointsPlus
Later in the afternoon I had an ounce of almonds: 5 PointsPlus.
And because I was working out after work, I had an orange for fuel.
Since I already had dinner fixed from my crock pot beef stew the night before, I left work and went straight to the gym. It was really busy compared to when I go during lunch! I did an hour on the treadmill! Since I had planned to be on there that long, I did 5 minutes of warm up, then every five minutes ran 4 minutes at 4.5 mph, one minute walk at 3.8 mph, and did that for 50 minutes, then cooled down for 5 minutes. Whew! I still watched Rachael Ray though! 😀
Course: main meals PointsPlus™ Value: 8 Servings: 6 Preparation Time: 5 min |
24 oz beef round | |
2 cup(s) Carrots | |
2 cup(s) uncooked potato(es) | |
1 Tbsp paprika | |
2 cup(s) fat-free beef broth | |
4 Tbsp all-purpose flour | |
2 cup(s) cauliflower | |
1 clove(s) garlic clove(s) (medium) | |
1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce |
Place the meat in the slow cooker. In a small bowl, mix together the flour, salt and pepper, pour over meat and stir to coat the meat with the flour mixture.
Stir in the garlic, paprika, Worcestershire sauce, beef broth, potatoes, cauliflower and carrots.
Cook on low for 10-12 hours.
It’s interesting, but Tony and I both “lost” the cauliflower in this dish – its nice that it bulked up the veggies, but it kind of melted during cooking!
And to answer another readers question, I steam my apples in about 1/2 a cup of water. I put the sliced apples in a pan, add the water, and put a lid on it for about 10 minutes over medium heat. Then I take the top off, let the water evaporate, and I have I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter which is 5 calories a tablespoon, and finish the apples off with that and a sprinkle of cinnamon. I could seriously eat these every day.
And to answers yesterday’s pictionary questions, no one guessed all four!

And a huge thank you to my MIL who shipped me oranges and grapefruit! She normally grows them in her back yard, but I guess this season didn’t turn out well, so she went to a local place and shipped me some – THANK YOU! I will love every bite of them 😀
- 40 points (not pictured: wine and Munchies = 11 extra points after dinner)
- still have 6 flex points left for the week
- 60 minutes on the treadmill
- 30 activity points earned (which I am not using this week)
I still have a feeling that I am eating a lot. But I haven’t used more points than I have earned, so I guess we’ll see on Saturday at my first weigh in.
Off to make breakfast nachos . . .MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!
My mind wasn’t in the gutter until you told me to take it out 🙂
hahaha..my mind was totally in the gutter. lol. how could it not! too funny!!!
Everything looks so delicious! Especially the cinnamon rolls!
Zucchini pancakes sound delicious – especially with eggs!
Good luck at the weigh in – I’m sure you’ll do fantastic!
All your eats look delicious! Those zucchini pancakes sound especially good! 🙂
I would’ve NEVER guessed 3 of those photos — I only got yours 😉
Love the potato, I totally thought of something dirty instead of a heart at first though 😉
Thanks for all of the amazing meal ideas!!!
lol! nature has such a sense of humor!
Hahahah! What a wacky potato!
You feel like you’re eating a lot but have not gone over the point limit? Hee hee, I see no problem in that! Best of luck on weigh-in, Biz! 🙂
You are a rockstar!
HAHA that potato cracked me up!! I can’t wait to hear about your weigh in-I bet you’ll do amazing!!
P.S. I’ll let you know when I get the goodies!
Wow- that is one crazy looking potato!! Funny what nature can produce 😉 Quick cinnamon rolls? How awesome is that? And my mom’s beef stew used to be one of my favorite dinners growing up- yours looks fantastic!
Hey, my husband makes cinnamon rolls like that! He makes the dough out of biscuit mix, so yep, they’re like a cinnamon biscuit. And what an awesome idea for apples – I’ll have to try that!
Can’t wait to hear how your first weigh-in goes! I’m really curious to hear how people are liking the new WW program and how well it’s working for them. Do you feel like your carb consumption has gone up or down following it? Have you had to adjust your insulin? I remember looking at the old program and feeling like it gave too much preference to low fat, high carb foods that wouldn’t work so well for me.
Yes, my carb consumption is up – but its good carbs like all the fruit I am eating. I’ve been doing pretty good managing my blood sugar – except for today – I was low all day and ended up eating 10 points of mini twix bars to get it up to a normal level, so no workout today 🙁
And the program does lean towards lean protein, fiber and complex carbs. 😀
That potato is so neat! Yummy zucchini potato pancakes and beef stew!
The apples sound awesome! I think I’m going to do that with my next apple!
Love the cauliflower in the stew! I wish I had done that yesterday when I made mine! Thanks!
haha! love the potato! you look really pretty in the pic of you and joe, it looks like you guys had a wonderful visit. the cinnamon rolls sound great!
That potato is a hoot!
For me the wine and munchies are the things that add up so easily. I think you are doing such a great job and can’t wait to hear how you do.
Those apples look delish!!
I’ m so jealous of your MIL. I wish I had my own fruit or citrus trees. How fabulous. That all looks delicious. I’m following PointsPlus as well so it’s been an interesting transition from the old plan. Here’s to hoping it is successful for me and you as well.
I think I thought the same thing that Tony did when I saw the potato! 🙂
Food for the day looks great, lovely photos, and boy, was I WRONG in my pictionary guesses!!! Too funny!
Have a great day!!!!
Oh cool! Fruit in the mail. What a “sweet” gift.
Something very comforting about beef stew. Love it. Especially with some cornbread. 😛
Good job getting to the gym and hitting it for an hour! Burn those calories!
I was looking for something in my kitchen yesterday and thought of you when I came across a gadget that I forgot I had. It’s a spiral slicer/noodle maker for veggies. I can put a zucchini in it, turn the handle and get long, stringy zucchini noodles. It’s super cool awesome. I’m going to have to make some soon and I’ll post pics.
Love the look of those potato pancakes! I hope your nachos turn out awesome. 🙂
That potato is TOO funny! And great job on the treadmill workout!
My future MIL always gives me bags of fruit. I love that yours sent you a box! 🙂 So cool!
everything looks good, as always! 🙂
Well, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t figure out your family’s Pictionary clues. 🙂
Those zucchini pancakes look so good! A couple of weeks ago I channeled my inner Biz and grated a zucchini to add to scrambled eggs…it was a wet sloppy mess! Only later did I remember that you always say to squeeze out the excess water prior to adding the zucchini – OOPS. Will have to try that one again soon!
Hope they turn out next time – I love how creamy shredded zucchini makes eggs 😀
great “diet” food… but 5 points for Almonds… that really costs.
Ooooh, breakfast nachos! Can’t wait to see those! The picture of you with Joe is really great–it looks like you’ve already lost weight!
Thanks Veronica – must be the shirt! 😀
Okay that potato is not right! haha crack me up! You and your stepson look soo happy together! Glad you got to spend some time with him! All those recipes look great Biz!