I can’t even believe I am typing this! Remember how I told you that AT&T and Scripps, the producer of FoodTV, HGTV and Cooking Channel couldn’t reach an agreement? They said that as of October 31, if an agreement wasn’t reached, I’d no longer get those channels. I remember calling Tony on Monday morning and saying “turn on 451” (FoodTV) and he said it was on! Woot! I was so happy.
Until yesterday. My co-worker called and said her husband read an article that an agreement was not in fact reached. I immediately called Tony – you can’t even enter channel 451, it jumps to the next available channel.
There is a scrolling message on the bottom that says “AT&T is fighting for you!” Almost every TV show in my DVR is from FoodTV! I am a sad panda! 🙁 Tony was trying to be comforting by saying “there are a few cooking shows on Channel 11?” We used to have Direct TV’s football package – Tony could get every game, until DirectTV pissed us off and we switched to AT&T. So now I know what it feels like for Tony not to be able to watch all the football games – I get it now! 😀
I was up so early yesterday that I had time to do Jillian’s Quick Zone 25 minute work out on Exercise on demand. I really like that one – it is all strength training and I can definitely feel it, even with 4 pound weights!
When I worked at a bar in my 20’s, the cook that I worked with had pepper and egg sandwiches every Friday all through lent. Although he got it “dipped” which means it was dipped in beef au jus – I always argued with him that it was like eating meat, but he fought me tooth and nail that because it “tasted” like beef didn’t mean he actually ate it!
I was wondering what to fix for breakfast yesterday morning when I saw a green pepper in my bowl on my counter. I poked it with a knife, and then put it in the microwave on “fresh vegetable.” I scrambled two eggs and put that in a container.
When I got to work, the pepper had cooled, I cut it, removed the stem and seeds and then put 1 ounce of Canadian bacon in each half, 1 scrambled egg and 1 slice of muenster cheese, then put it under the broiler until nice and bubbly. This was really delicious!

I had leftover veggies from the stir fry, still more leftover beef from the roast we made on Sunday (I think I used that roast in 5 dishes this week!). I looked in my cabinet and saw that I had this:
And I remembered I bought some lemongrass. I didn’t have a plan for it, but I’ve never been able to find it in my regular grocery store so I grabbed it – 5 large stalks for $2!
Have you ever used lemongrass? It has such a wonderful citrus flavor. You peel back the leaves, and you use it to flavor soups – don’t eat it though! I just kept throwing things into my pot: 1.5 cups chicken broth, 1/4 cup coconut milk, 2 teaspoons red curry paste, the leftover veggies and 3 ounces of the beef.
I forgot I added mushrooms, but I didn’t eat them – don’t mind the flavor, its a texture thing. This was the perfect flavorful spicy! But the star of the show I think is the lemongrass!

I went to the gym so I could get my FoodTV fix! I watched Rachael Ray and she had a great idea for chili fries – not in the sense that you are thinking though – she cut poblano peppers into “fries” then dipped them in a bit of flour, egg and then bread crumbs that had Parmesan cheese on them and baked them. When they came out they were nice and crunchy and she made a ranch dip for them. I am definitely making those after Phase I is over! 😀
I did 35 minutes on the treadmill, 4.0 mph and 2% incline with a 4 pound medicine ball, then did 15 minutes (42 flights) on the stairmaster. 😀
I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do for dinner. No Party Pizza Friday in my house! Although, earlier in the day I asked Tony what he thought of a chick pea crust? He replied “I’d rather eat a crust made out of my pee.” Okay, while he’s not on board with that, I think I am going to try it for myself – who knows, it could be good?! 😀
I am usually the Queen of putting something together out of nothing, but all my ideas were not South Beach friendly. So Tony suggested KFC’s grilled chicken – perfect! It was actually really good! I had 1 chicken breast and 2 wings – this is not a picture of my plate because it was already dark outside and the lighting in my kitchen is awful, so I took this one this morning – there is no breading so no carbs!

But later in the evening, I was hungry – probably the first time all week I’ve been hungry! I made Tony and I an antipasto plate – pickles, cheese, olives, pepperoni, ham – it hit the spot! No pics, but I guessed my portion was round 240 calories.
Stats for Friday
- 1448 calories, 37 carbs, 97 protein, 78 fat, 7.7 fiber
- 25 minutes Jillian’s Quick Zones strength training
- 35 minutes treadmill with 4 pound medicine ball
- 15 minutes stairmaster
- 5 minute walk with the dog (when its cold, he does his business and wants to come right back home!)
Thanks for everyone who voted for my salad at Chaos in the kitchen. There is still time to vote if you haven’t already. Click here.
And tomorrow is the last day for BSI chiles – I’ve gotten so many good recipes – I’ll be posting them on Monday. 😀
I am going to lunch with Hannah to meet my Mom – I haven’t seen her since before she went to her trip to Brazil! Hopefully she’ll let me post some of her pictures from her trip.
Make it a great day!
I heard that about AT&T Uverse! We had Uverse in Tulsa, and I loved it but I would totally miss Food Network! The 4 tuners is nice, though…for TV addicts like myself 🙂
I like your peppers and eggs! Good for you on your great diabetic number at the doctor’s too- 6.2 w00T!!! I have been doing more of a paleo diet and do feel good, no more embarrassing running to the bathroom as you had mentioned. I eat meats, including bacon (uncured), fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies, that’s it! No nothing else. Then there are times in the week that I will choose to have a refined flour or sugar- like this week my neighbor had me over for coffee and offered me a toasted bagel thin, I would not impose my diet on her and make her feel bad, so I had it and really enjoyed it too! So far health wise I do feel good but when I tasted those cannoli in Boston, my tummy was killing me- no I did not eat them all, just a taste from each, so there must be somthing to all this gluten stuff we are seeing! Have a great Sunday! I hear great things about South Beach, so I can’t wait to hear how you like it over a longer time.
Thanks Robin Sue! So far so good, I think I’ve been pretty creative with phase I so far! Still need to do my meal plan for the week though, so we’ll see!
That sucks…I have AT & T back home, and one of the few reasons I like returning home is for the food channels!!
Your stuffed pepper looks SO good. I’m not much into bell peppers, but that seriously has me drooling…even though goddang I’m so full right now!
Sigh. I bought so many chiles, hoping to make a dish, but it didn’t happen. I really wanted to play this time, too! I’m looking forward to seeing all the entries. So you gonna get a different provider to get your food shows back?
The problem is that Direct TV doesn’t provide HD where we live, that’s why we switched to AT&T – and I like not having to worry about the dish in bad weather 🙁
I’m afraid to hear what Tony would think of this, but I ran across a cauliflower crust awhile ago and was reminded of it after reading your blog. (http://www.examiner.com/low-carb-in-national/cauliflower-pizza-crust-worth-its-wow-gold) I think it looks like a great sub! Maybe pizza party Friday can happen after all?
We tried that before, but it never got crisp – we ended up eating it with a knife and fork – I may try it again though – thanks for the reminder Jenn!
It will all work out… No way would that be permanent
That totally sucks about FoodTV. I watch so many food shows I’m not sure what I’d end up watching…
Your peppers look delicious. I am a huge muenster cheese fan 🙂
And now that it is getting cooler out, I love using lemongrass to make Tom Yum soup. It adds so much flava!
i laughed out loud when i read tony’s answer, sounds like something my hubs would say. you’re doing so well with the south beach diet, and i love the idea of the fries!
We have ATT too. Im so pissed. I watch those shows and HGTV. I tape so many HGTV shows too.
That sucks about FoodTV!! I hope they come to an agreement soon! I’d die without my Food Network!!
Also, please come to my house and cook for me! Your food always looks sooooo yummy!!
Have a great weekend!! 🙂
So, was that a “no” to the chickpea crust you think?
How about making pizza stuffed peppers? Just stick a bunch of pizza ingredients in a pepper and have that as your pepper. It sound good and you’re good at creating things!
That’s a great idea Debbi! 😀
OOOH we have AT&T too. How do I exercise on demand? I haven’t quite mastered watching tv yet. Sad I know. Ryan and I didn’t have cable because we would either watch movies or he would be playing his dumb xbox (silly boy). That’s so sad about Food Network though 🙁
If you go to On Demand, go to Free On Demand – scroll down to life and fitness – exercise t.v. is one selection – that’s where all the Jillian Michael’s and bootylicious work outs are! 😀
im following your southbeach and wondering how the coconut milk fits in i know low in carbs but isnt it really high in cals and fat, can we have that on south beach…i really want to do this phase one right…you are my inspiration…i lost 40 pounds on medifast and have 20 more to go and want to follow phase one of south beach…i just know coconut milk was a big no no on medifast….i so am going to do this curry dish tonight, great idea with the lemon grass, do we have to use the coconut milk can we do it with chicken broth??? will it still work? thanks connie
Hi Connie! That’s the thing about coconut milk – it is high in calories and fat, but its a good fat – and only 90 calories and 9 grams of fat for 2 ounces (1/4 cup). And only 2 grams of carbs. You can definitely leave it out – and just add more chicken broth – but I love, love, love the lemon grass in the soup! 😀
Wait until my beloved MIL sees that pepper concoction. I will surely get favored DIL of the year. [Take that Bridgette. I kid, I kid.]
Wow that looks delish.
I was thinking, is that a mushroom in there, what is she doing that for? Until I read the part that you didn’t eat them! I was totally confused for a second.
Have fun with Mom today!! I’m off to make my BSI recipe now!