No, I didn’t sign up for a 10k. I had my quarterly diabetes doctor appointment yesterday. I had my blood work done at my last appointment, and he always mails me my results. This past time he didn’t, so I was figuring, no news is good news. And I was right!
First though, thank you thank you for all your kind comments yesterday – because of what you said, I am just going to concentrate on making each day a good day, and not be so obsessed with all the numbers! 😀 You guys rock! 😀
However, one number I do need to be mindful of is my A1C number. To be considered a controlled diabetic, the number has to be 7.0 or lower. He was thrilled with my 6.2! We also discussed the South Beach diet, he had no problems with it, other than to be mindful of low blood sugars. I also questioned him about how high the percentage of calories from fat is, and he didn’t seem concerned at all. So far so good!
I immediately emailed my registered dietician foodie friends Gina, Nicole and Melinda to tell them the great news – especially Nicole who specializes in diabetes and weight management. And I think my diabetic foodie friends, Veronica, Pubsgal, Foodie, and Jackie will be happy for me about that number too! 😀
Breakfast was the last of my green chile breakfast casserole. This time I put some baja fresh salsa on top – that kicked it up, and a few splashes of Tabasco 😀

I still ended up working out after my doctor appointment – I ended up doing a 5 minute warm up on the treadmill, 35 minutes on a 7.0 incline at 3.5 mph with the 6 pound medicine ball, then a 5 minute cool down. Then five minutes of abs on the balance ball.
For lunch I used some of our leftover sirloin beef roast and made lettuce cups. I took 6 ounces of the beef, cut it up and then made three piles of meat and put it on a piece of foil. I then added 1/2 ounce of swiss cheese to each and put it under the broiler in my office toaster oven.
I put the beef and cheese in each cup, topped it with diced red pepper and cucumber and then put a horseradish sauce on each one – the horseradish sauce is just 1/4 cup light sour cream, 3 tablespoons prepared horseradish, 1 tablespoon dijon mustard and a pinch of dried parsley. This was delicious!! Although hard to eat, and eventually I just used a knife and fork to make it into a salad 😀

Yesterday morning I started to make our dinner – Pork and Black Bean Chili. It was kind of watery, so I had Tony let it simmer until about 1:00 (or was it 2:00?) and then he turned it off, left it on the stove, and then turned it back on around 4:30. I have never made chili with ground pork before, and it gives it a whole other depth of flavor – this one is a keeper!
Pork and Black Bean Chili (printer friendly version here)
Makes 8 servings (1.25 cups: 281 calories, 18.2 carbs, 398 protein, 5.8 fat and 4.6 fiber)
1 1/2 | pound ground pork |
1/2 | pound ground beef, lean |
1 | cup black beans (2 14 ounce cans) |
2 | tomatoes (or one 14 ounce canned tomato) |
1 | tablespoon chili powder |
1 | tablespoon ground cumin |
2 | tablespoons tomato paste |
2 | cups beef broth |
1 | pinch salt |
1 | pinch pepper |
- Heat a dutch oven pan. There is enough fat from the pork and beef that you won’t need any oil, just be sure to stir a lot so it doesn’t stick.
- In a separate pan, heat up tomatoes with 1/2 cup of water until they are soft. Add 1 can of black beans and puree.
- Add whole black beans, puree, chili powder, cumin, tomato paste, beef broth and salt and pepper. Simmer until reduced and slightly thick.
- For South Beach, serve with fresh lime, cilantro, diced avocado and sour cream.
What was perfect about this chili is that it was the right heat level for Tony and Hannah – I can always add the spicy shit to my bowl! Which I did with the jalapenos and splashes of Frank’s hot sauce – can you believe I am out of regular Tabasco at home?? What is this world coming to? 😀 Dinner comes in at 458 calories, 25 carbs, 43 protein, 21 fat and 9,6 fiber.
We needed dog food and coffee, so after dinner Tony and I hit up Sam’s Club. Um, can I just say that Wednesday night is the night to go?

We were both pretty sure we were out of these:
And Tony was pretty sure we were out of pecan pie!
But we both ended up agreeing on putting this in our cart – where else can you find a 5 lb. tub of cottage cheese?! 😀
Since dinner was basically ready when I got home it was still early when we got back from Sam’s Club. I ended up taking our dog for a 15 minute walk (it was still 53 degrees at 8:00!) and did an Exercise on Demand – Cardio Burn: Dancer’s Abs. Um, let’s just say that I am so no coordinated! In the end I got it, but at one point, Hannah came into the room at a point that looked like I was doing the superfreak dance from Little Miss Sunshine – we laughed our asses off!
Stats for Wedneday:
- 1443 calories, 48 carbs, 140 protein,77 fat, 14.3 fiber
- 45 minute treadmill workout – 7.0 incline 😀
- 15 minute walk with our dog
- 20 minute Dancing Abs
Make it a Great Day!
Woot on the 6.2!!
Oh, and the Chili looks great too!
That chili looks so good! I would sub turkey for the other meat and try this out!!
Hi Biz!
I agree with the yesterday’s comments about the obesity / BMI issue. Your BMI number misleads and there’s no way you are really obese! 🙂
I look up to you in the exercise department, I’m just revving up myself (I bought a pedometer and have been on the go since then).
Excellent on the A1C number! High five!!! 😀
Biz, congratulations! Now that is awesome and a number that does count. Keep shopping on Wed nights and your blood pressure will probably always stay low too, I know mine would if the stores looked like that 🙂
Wow, your exercise inspires me!!! WTG!!! Your food looks delicious!!! YUM-O!
Awesome Biz!! I’m so glad your “big” number came back “little” and in the right range! We have to hold ourselves back from the-mega sweets @ Costco/Sam’s as well!
Love the lettuce cups. Very clever!
Congats on the great number, and keep up the good work!
don’t you just love favorite things in bulk?
Way to go Biz! So happy for you 🙂
That pork and black bean chili sounds awesome. Especially the toppings!
Freaking LOVE that movie. Favorite!
I have a chili recipe made from pork tenderloin/chops – super delicious!
I always love your Tony pictures! They crack me up! Congrats on the awesome numbers! Woo woo!
I nearly died over that picture of Tony! Soooo funny! What a riot. I’m sooo proud of your A1C number–I will be going to my appointment in two weeks and I’m eager to see where I am. I used to be at 6 but my control has slipped over the years and lately it’s been closer to 7. I’m hoping I haven’t gone OVER 7! In any case, I’m ready to get really tight control like you have b/c I don’t want complications down the road.
Congrats on the A1c! Don’t sweat the % of fat. Fat is not the enemy and it keeps you full. I think many of us who have had background in Weight Watchers (not sure if you have?) often view fat as bad because it increases the points value of stuff. I had to toss that notion out the window (and stop doing WW).
Woo HOO! Doing a happy dance in my office chair for you! That is an awesome a1c, Biz! From what I’ve read of other diabetes bloggers, it’s especially tricky to manage on insulin, because there’s always the risk of lows.
I was looking at the food lists, and my regular way of eating is very similar to South Beach’s maintenance phase…I tend to eat more nuts, though. When I was tracking food on my phone, the app gave me the macronutrient breakdown; I was averaging about 50% of calories from fat, but it was mostly healthy fat from all the nuts. 😉 And other than my HDL being a little on the low side, my other cholesterol numbers improved dramatically once I started eating that way.
I loved the look of the cheese steak lettuce cups! Yum! And that chili looks wonderful. I think I’m going to try making this pork stew recipe for the BSI chiles. We haven’t had it in a long time. It’s a recipe I adapted it from a CIA recipe when my husband was doing Atkins.
P.S. – I was so glad to read that you’re not quite as worried about the BMI number. It’s not nearly as important as that a1c and the cholesterol panel numbers. I think that if we pursue the healthy habits, health will follow. Or, as I read over on “Debra’s Just Maintaining”, a blog I just discovered: “Live joyfully most of the time, eat healthfully most of the time, exercise most days and treasure whatever body happens.” Love this sentiment! (And I think you’ve got that nailed, which is why I love your blog.)
That sounds delicious – I’d love to see the pork stew with chiles recipe! 😀
I am in a meeting all day and away from the computer but I saw all these blog hits coming from you. Biz, you rock!!!!!!! Your endo needs more patients like you!!!
Lol, I love that dance!!
Sounds like you had a great day!
Excellent number for A1C lady! Not surprised – your persistence in being mindful of carbs and all the components of your food so as to eat healthfully is very inspiring. And I just printed the chili recipe. With my 23 y/0 son home, I could fix a different chili every day and he’d be happy.
Your pics are great, as always. Those cookies looked good enough to, um, eat. Glad I couldn’t have at ’em!
I think the secret of that chili is that I didn’t drain the fat – the pork and sirloin were surprisingly lean, but a little fat never hurt anyone! 😀
It rocks… Great number, and I love you and Tony… you really seem to enjoy each other. Makes your blog fun to read
Just like you have Jackie as the love of your life – Tony is my LOML! 😀
Congrats on your 6.2! That’s wonderful news! And good luck on the South Beach–I’m eager to see what you think of it!
So, were you craving the sweets? Or do you think it was just power of suggestion? The pic of Tony is too funny! You’d think with all the nuts that Pecan Pie would be considered South Beach friendly-ish, right?
So glad to hear about your great bloodwork!
Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! number! Makes me smiley. So does your food. Wow – those lettuce cups and chili look great. I like adding ground pork and ground turkey to ground beef to make meatloaf – it makes it healthier and oh so good.
Nice job Bizzy and good luck Beth on the10K – don’t be nervous!
Your exercise inspires me!! I’m trying to get back to working out!
Ummm, just wanted to say you are amazing with all of your working out!!
Sams looks like fun. We do Costco, as Sams is too far.. Love the pix, I just cant eat that stuff… One day, a book ??
Biz, one day you should do a 10k! I have my first next weekend–I’m nervous!
PS-Noel would be so jealous if he knew your Sam’s Club sold beer. He would want a membership then!
Your Sam’s Club doesn’t have alcohol?? Weird!