It’s starting to get chilly in our neck of the woods. Several years ago we had a huge tree knocked down. It was going to cost twice as much if they cut down the tree and removed all of the wood, so our frugal minds were like “we can cut down the tree and use it as firewood!”
OMG, hardest work we have ever done in our lives. We rented a splitter, and between us, our kids and a friend, it took us just about 8 hours to split two cords of wood. After all that hard work, damn straight we were going to use it!
We have a 1200 square foot house, with all the living space on one floor. Our wood burning stove is in between our living room and dining room. That year we thought “can we heat our house with this stove?”
We started the stove, when Tony or I would get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, we’d throw another log on to keep it going. It kept our house really warm! Best part? Our first gas bill was only $16! We had our thermostat set to turn on if it got too cool, but the fire kept it warm enough where it didn’t kick in – nice!
So last night was our first fire of the season. I like to pride myself that I can tackle just about any project. I got our wood bag, went to our back yard, loaded it up with 8 big logs, carry it in. Tony asks “do you want me to start the fire?” “I’ve got it!” I replied.
Thirty minutes later, after my kindling is the only thing that is burning, I walk away defeated. Tony literally walks over, makes a couple of adjustments of the logs, and poof! We have fire! I will have to realize that I can keep a fire going – I just can’t start one! 😀
Over the weekend I bought a small loaf of pumpkernickel rye bread – its delicious (and soon I need to make mini reubens on it!). Breakfast was two mini egg sammies with some melon on the side. 419 calories, 38 carbs, 29 protein, 8.2 fat and 4.1 fiber.
I knew I was going to be having Yankee Pot Roast Soup for lunch, so before work yesterday I made another loaf of Artisan bread to have on the side. I am seriously addicted to this bread! Lunch comes in at 488 calories, 64 carbs, 37 protein, 9.1 fat and 5.1 fiber.

Later on in the afternoon I look up and Hannah is there! During the week we don’t see much of each other with her school, work and social life – she was nice and brought me a skinny latte! 😀 I didn’t think to take a picture of her before she left 🙁 Thanks for the coffee Hanners!
On my way home I had to pick up my contacts – I am blind as a bat! A couple weeks ago I got pink eye, got some drops, it went away and I went back to wearing contacts. The last few days I’ve gotten up my eyes have been all crusty (hope you aren’t eating while you read that!). Gorgeous sunset by the way!
I thought maybe the pink eye was back, but I think its my mascara. Ever since I wore makeup, I’ve not left the house without at least some mascara. I use eye make up remover right before bed. As I was driving to work yesterday I thought “maybe its the mascara?” Um, since I am not a regular wearer of makeup, it may be several years old! I looked it up and you should replace your mascara every . . . three months! I had no idea.
So here is how long you should keep your makeup:
- Foundation – 1 year
- Concealer – 12 to 18 months
- Powder – 2 years
- Blush – 2 years
- Eye shadow – 2 years
- Eyeliner – 2 years
- Liquid eyeliner – 3 to 6 months
- Mascara – 3 months
- Lipstick – 2 years
I seriously just threw out a red lipstick that’s been in my purse for approximately 5 years!
Okay, after that public service announcement, back to my dinner! I made Cincinnati Chili Mac. I added 1/2 cup of spicy black beans and pickled jalapenos to my bowl! 😀 Dinner comes in at 596 calories, 53 carbs, 46 protein, 8.8 fat and 7 fiber.
- 1502 calories, 154 carbs, 111 protein, 47 fat and 15.9 fiber
- 27% of calories from fat
- 45 minute walk at lunch
I recently virtually connected with an old high school field hockey friend – she has a food blog too! While I knew her sisters more since Jacky was a freshman when I was a senior, I was thrilled to see that she has a food blog too. She just canned some caramel apple pie filling that sounds amazing! You have to check it out 😀
And Katie of Chaos in the Kitchen is having a Salad Contest. Best part, you don’t actually have to make it – you can describe your salad in a comment, she’ll pick the top three that she likes and will make them and post them – the winner gets a $25 AmEx Gift Card!
My submission, while I haven’t made it, was inspired by one of my favorite appetizers that I had at a restaurant I worked at – it was a baked goat cheese crostini over a slice of prosciutto and drizzled with a balsamic reduction – I hope she picks my idea so I can see if it is actually a good salad idea!
Knock, knock, are you still there?? Sorry this was a long post – Happy Hump Day! 😀
I’m jealous of your fireplace! We had one at my dad’s when I was a kid but of course I didn’t appreciate it then.
I know that about make up but I generally don’t listen. I don’t wear much but I keep my mascara’s for like 2 years before I finally get a new one. I only wear it like 2 – 3 days a week tops! Eye shadow I keep until one of the kids drops it and shatters it, that usually happens about once a year. I just wear a little brown so it’s not that big of a deal. And the eyeliner gets replaced when it needs to be sharpened and I can’t find the sharpener. THAT make’s sense!!
Hey, what’s the chili mac? Just chili, beans, cheese and mac? That looks GOOD!
Mmmm, another yummy post! I have to confess that I can’t start a fire either, but I sure can keep in roarin’!!!
Oh yuck, I need to clean out my old make up bag, it probably could be banned in all states!
This post sadly reminded me that I have never seen real snow. But this Winter I’m going to Illinois so hopefully I will see the real deal!
oohh I just ate dinner and I’m drooling!!!! So sad how bad I want to eat all of what you just posted….sigh. lol
So glad I don’t bother with makeup. lol
WOW, that is one cheap gas bill!! I canNOT believe that! I have a regular fireplace, but, uh….I’m with you on starting fires. Well, unless there is one of those firelog thingies that I can just light up. 🙂
Dang, I need to clean out my makeup bag stat! I have mascara (a free sample) from….2 years ago?! And I don’t ever wear lipstick so the ones I do have are very, VERY old. Yikes!
BTW, I LOVE the story you shared on my blog about Hannah! What a sweet, amazing daughter you have. But you already knew that, of course! 🙂
ugh…i need to clean out my makeup drawer!
I seriously would have no idea how to start a fire. No one in California ever uses their fireplace! Well, not in Southern California at least. Which stinks. I love fireplaces. Yay for Tony getting it started!
I should probably throw most of my make-up away, lol!
Jealous you and Mara are hooking up at Foodbuzz!
Wow, thanks for the shout out! Love the pic of the sun.
Your welcome Jacky! 😀 Glad I can follow you now too!
Lol….splitting wood helped me earn extra $$ while I was in college. And, kept me in shape. I used to do it in the winters. Ahhh, fond memories of stacking that wood – a skill…a real skill to create a tight wall 🙂 Funny story of your husband starting the fire. Everything looks delicious 🙂 Well, I came to the right spot for wood, makeup and food tips ha-ha.
– Butter
Hmmm, the old mascara makes sense. I have some that I should toss – it’s black, and I really only wear brown – the black has got to be close to five years old. But all of my other make up, I either use up within a decent time frame, or I get rid of it when I switch to something new. Thanks for the reminder about the mascara though…going to clean out my drawer!
I love real fires 🙂 Growing up in MA, my Dad made them all winter long. The smell and the warmth are amazing. Your fresh bread looks so darn good- I must make a loaf. I’m a big fan of having homemade bread in the house. And chili- my favorite fall/winter meal. Hope you are having a great week
Your food looks amazing as usual!
Years ago when we were first married and living in Iowa we heated our house with a wood burning stove. What a savings that was! Now we live in CA and real fire places are no longer allowed to be put in newer homes so our fireplace is natural gas. I do like that it is easy to turn on the switch and instant fire!
um, i need that bread, like, YESTERDAY 🙂 thanks for sharing the recipe link!
I told you I was making a pot roast [because you inspired me!] and I did – except Pooldad bought the honker of all pot roasts and there are only three of us. We are having leftovers tonight and then tomorrow I am going to use it to make pot roast pot pie – it will be like a take off on your pot roast soup! I am so excited and I wanted to thank you for all the inspiring ideas.
I still have to make artisan bread tho’. I have the baking stone, but not the paddle to get in the oven. Any suggestions on how to do that/ Thanks Biz! You’re the greatest.
Just put the dough on parchment paper – once the oven gets hot I just lift it off my counter and then straight on the stone.
After it bakes the first 25 minutes, I take it off the parchment paper and directly on the stone so the bottom crisps up – it slides right off! 😀
I can’t believe you guys chopped down the tree and heated your house. A $16 gas bill is AMAZING!!
Chili Mac looks great by the way!
I love love love that you put your chili on noodles – genius.
And I”m such a sinner when it comes to holding on to make-up too long – eek!
Haha! The makeup story is great! Now you HAVE to get new stuff, right? 😉
Your husband is a lucky guy! There’s no way I would go out to get the firewood or try to start the fire. Lol……..
I like your long posts! I am off to enter the salad contest 😀
For some reason, I just started singing the Billy Joel song, “We didn’t start the fire”! 😉 LOL!
Girl, go treat yourself to some new makeup!!! 🙂
Chili mac looks fantastic!
and LOL about the lipstick in your bag! I could definitely relate!
We put up 10-12 cords of wood and I know about the work. Really it’s me that does the cutting, splitting and stacking. I’m also the fire keeper…at least 90% of the time. I am a WAHM so I can do it but I know it’s not easy.
I have been reading your menu for ages now and I know I don’t leave comments nearly as often as I should but I have to tell you I am impressed with what you fix and eat each day.
I love the pictures you share, the ideas you have, and just about everything else about your blog. Thank you for everything.
Take care and have a blessed day.
Thank you so much Julie! 😀
I know I keep my makeup products way too long since I don’t use them much…and I don’t care! The eye makeup would concern me but my eyeliner and mascara actually get used more than anything else b/c I do wear them once a week. But it takes a good 6 months or longer to use up either. I still have some foundation from like 10 years ago. I don’t use liquid foundation so I don’t know why I haven’t tossed it! I bought it to use on my sister and just can’t bring myself to use a bottle after only using a tiny dab of it. stupid!
Oh my gosh, Biz, you are such a rock star for chopping down a tree and heating your house with it! I wish I had half of the ingenuity you do!
I have to go get new mascara! love the picture of the sunset.
Oh! You’re killing me with the makeup – lolol! Should we ever travel together we would make excellent roommates Biz, because I am probably as high maintenance as you are low!
The chili mac looks yummy and especially good for a cool fall day.
Chili Mac=Yummy! I can’t believe your gas bill was only 16 dollar that one time. I need a wood burning stove. Thats awesome you have that!