UPDATE: I did not make it to the next round – but thanks to everyone who voted for me! 😀
I find out if I made it to the next round of Project Food Buzz – a big thank you to everyone who voted for me! 😀
If I make it to the next round, you have to make a luxurious dinner – what is the most luxurious dinner you’ve had?
I worked at a restaurant that had the best lobster bisque – they sold it for $7 a cup, and for another $7 dollars you could add lump lobster meat, and for another $3 dollars, a small shot of sherry to pour into the soup to kick it up another notch – I cannot tell you how many $17 cups of soup I sold when I described to the customers how much better the soup was with lobster meat and sherry! (okay, I may not have told them exactly how much “enhancing” their soup would cost!)
As I was driving to work yesterday, I realized that I had put together my lunch, but not a thing for my breakfast! I stopped at Panera and got their “power” breakfast sandwich on multi-grain bread.
First off, since it was off the panini press and put in a bag, by the time I got to work, my bread was a bit soggy. So I put it in our toaster oven at work for a couple minutes which worked wonders.

The verdict? Eh, it was okay. Caloriecount gives it a C- grade for being high in cholesterol. I wasn’t sure it was going to be filling, but it was. But for $4 bucks, I wished I would have made mine at home!
I ended up doing the elliptical for 45 minutes during lunch – although since its so nice today, I think I may need to walk at lunch!
I cannot stress how much I love having a full kitchen at work! Yesterday I kicked up my leftover beef and broccoli take out from the night before. I added red, yellow and orange peppers, more broccoli and some noodles:
The package said to put in boiling water for three minutes and then add to your favorite stir fry. I did that exactly, but somehow the noodles kind of clumped together once I put them in my stir fry – maybe I didn’t cook them long enough?

I can’t find my cell phone. I swear, in the last couple years I’ve lost my keys, my wallet, and now my cell phone! Um, I may have even lost Hannah at Whole Foods when she was little (although at the time I told her she did a great job at hide and seek!!) Luckily I found her! 😀
I called the cell phone place and I can get a new phone under contract next month – but Hannah was eligible for a new phone. She went yesterday afternoon and I just had to meet her after work to sign the paperwork. She got a blackberry “snap” and I couldn’t even figure out how to make a phone call and she scrolling through it in about 10 minutes showing me all the features.
I have such a basic phone – think one step up from the Jitterbug!
I had burgers and fries on the menu last night – the fries usually take the longest, but I decided to try something different. I baked the potatoes first in the microwave. While the deep fryer was getting to temperature, I put the baked potatoes from the microwave to the freezer so they would be easier to slice.
Then I cooked the burgers – I made these patties really flat, but they always plump up on me – I have no idea why?!
The fries? I’ll never make them another way – crispy on the outside, yet still tender on the inside. And because I use our deep fryer, it holds a perfect temperature so they were not greasy at all.
My plate: 3 ounce burger, 1 ounce cheddar cheese, whole wheat bun, 1 slice of bacon, and 1 medium potato fries:

My favorite though (besides the fries!) was my ketchup and mustard 😀

And guess what? We are ordering pizza tonight! We both have a taste for deep dish – still trying to figure out what kind of crust Tony likes so I can try to recreate it.
Question of the Day – what pizza would you choose if you had to pick just one: Thin crust or deep dish?
Happy Friday!
I didn’t make it either. So bummed that we didn’t make it! You definitely should have!!!!!! ugh.
I love deep dish pizzas. I am crazy for crust!
Sorry you didn’t make it to the next round, but keep cooking and writing. You have a great looking blog with great looking food; keep up the good work!
Great post! 🙂
Try rinsing the noodles in cool water next time before adding them back to the stir fry – it works wonders for Soba, which tends to get very sticky.
Thanks! I’ll try that next time 😀
What a delicious day you had 🙂 It’s so awesome that there is a full kitchen at your work. Talk about having no excuses to not eat healthy! Also as far as crust goes…deep dish all the way!
sorry you didn’t make it to the next round – but good for you for making it as far as you did!
Thin crust!! I’d choose more cheese and less bread any day. hehe
Love that you have a cutting board at work – fabulous!!
Definitely thin crust! Thin & crispy on the edges is how I like pizza.
I was sorry to see that you didn’t make it in!! I had voted for many but I had 3 favorites! You were the only one of my 3 favorites that didn’t make it in! Reeni and Joanne both did too! (not to insult any of the others that I voted for) I was hoping that they 3 of you would make it to the top! Ha! Wouldn’t THAT have been something!
Thanks Debbi! 😀
Well Biz… here I am, doing my prep work for a luxury dinner party…
But, I am out too.
But, My Cul de Sac needs some luxury anyway.
We was robbed. But, I was cracking under the pressure. Tonight was the first time I sang while I diced in a few days.
Buck up, We both know in our hearts we deserve better
Next year for sure (the Cub fan in me comes out this time of year)
Thanks Dave! And I’ll ignore the fact that you are a Cubs fan (although our Sox didn’t do much better this year either!)
I’m sad we didn’t make it Beth! We could have featured some awesome dishes using real butter, white flour, and meaty goodness.
I already hosted my party Thursday night so it’ll still go up on my blog. We had a great time and my dinner was fantastic (if I don’t say so myself)!
My burgers always plump up too, I have no idea how to counter act it! I’ve tried making them thin, I’ve tried doing the kind of well thing in the center – they still get like little round meatball burgers! haha
I would definitely opt for thin crust. Not a big fan of deep dish!
Oh no!! I can’t believe you didn’t make it to the next round. I thought your posts were just awesome! Well, your still number one with us! 🙂 As usual your recipes look awesome.
oh no! I can’t believe you didn’t make it – well I can’t wait to see more of your posts and delicious creations!
Oh my, those potatoes look delicious!!! I think I just drooled on my keyboard! 🙂
And for burgers plumping, If you put a dip in the top of it with your thump (not a hole, but a good sized dip) they don’t swell up as much.
Thanks! 😀
Crossing my fingers for the next round!!! On the cell phone, now is the perfect time to get an iPhone or the like – with all the pictures you take, having a good camera/phone combo would be nice! (Says the person who longs for one but is too cheap to pay for it, lol)
Oh, and thin crust. 🙂
oh my gosh, you had me at lobster bisque! i’m literally DROOLING over here!
Eeerie. My husband made me a bacon cheeseburger last night for dinner, too! No fries, though…we’d get into too much trouble with a deep fryer. Heaven knows we get into enough trouble with a grill.
Mmmm, pizza. I used to love the Pizza Hut deep dish, too. But now I usually eat my pizza low carb style (just eat the toppings), so if the crust is not good, all the better. If the crust is worthy, though, I hollow out the edge piece of extra bread and then stuff the toppings into it. My kids are weird – our son likes just the bread stick-like end parts, and my daughter likes the stripped crusts. Although the last time, we got them a small cheese pizza without the sauce (so just bread and melted cheese), and they loved it.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Good luck advancing- I did my part 🙂 Lol- I got a blackberry last week, and I miss my antique cell phone that made my kids roll their eyes . As for pizza crust, I’m a Goldilocks when it comes to crust: not too thick, not too thin… And, for that luxurious meal, one time I had a sole stuffed with a crab meat mixture with a french-type (can’t remember what it’s called) white sauce over all. Not exactly “lite” fare, but definitely memorable.
Yay! Congrats! Let’s see…luxurious meals. How about Duck a l’Orange? That always feels luxurious to me because I have only had it a few times in my life 🙂
I could go either way with pizza crust depending on the day. I’m a bread girl at heart though, so ultimately I vote deep dish! 🙂
You will make it to the next round. We all have our fingers crossed!
I’ll take a thin crust please
I hope you make it to the next round Biz!!!
I would do deep dish pizza any day!!
I’ve voted for you both times–I SO HOPE YOU MAKE IT TO THE NEXT ROUND! The most luxurious dinner I ever had was a platter from Red Lobster with rock lobster tail and other various fish (I think maybe shrimp and scallops). We don’t eat expensive dinners very often and I think we spent more on that one than we ever have before. And it was sooo good! It’s weird that your noodles clumped–I know rinsing them in cold water or stirring oil into them will prevent it but you’d think that adding them to a sauce would keep them separated! I also have a very basic phone–I did it on purpose b/c I didn’t want to connect to the internet, take pictures, or send text messages with it. Well, now that most people communicate almost solely through text I’m looking to get one with a slide-out keyboard thingie since I SUCK at sending texts. It is the way of meat to contract when cooking–all burgers do that and that’s why it’s best to make them as flat as possible. Your fries always look mouth-watering and you always NEARLY tempt me to get a fryer myself every time you talk about your fried stuff being non-greasy b/c it keeps a perfect temp. I just don’t fry often enough to justify the purchase (yet). LOVE your ketchup and mustard! mmmm. My hubbie and I both prefer deep dish–we like THICK crust. Try this recipe on your hubs (I usually make whole wheat but this is a really good thick white crust): http://www.wolfgangpuck.com/recipes/view/56793/ALL-PURPOSE-PIZZA-DOUGH
Thanks V! 😀 I’ll give that dough a try 😀
I’d probably go with thin crust, but I like both.
Delicious post!
Hey Biz,
Ever think about substituting fresh bean sprouts in place of the noodles? I know not everyone likes them….but I use the sprouts instead of rice for my stir fry.
I do like bean sprouts – I just wish they didn’t spoil so fast – I usually have to use them within a day of buying them. 🙁
I know this is gross, but I used to love Pizza Hut’s pan crust pizza. Thick and dripping in butter and fats. Mmmm…. Luckily for my butt, I haven’t had a bite of that stuff in years!
There’s a pizza place in Seattle that does deep dish pizzas, but in a bowl. They call it Dome Pizza. The pizza toppings are in a bowl and the top of the bowl is covered by the crust (so it looks like a pot pie.) When it comes to your table, the server turns the bowl upside down on your plate and pries the crust off of your bowl. Now the crust is on the bottom and all of the gooey toppings from inside the bowl spill onto the crust. It’s pretty cool to watch, but it’s basically a personal size deep dish pizza. 🙂
Have a great weekend, Biz!
I have to remember to stay away from here on an empty stomach! lol 🙂
Deep Dish (but Papa Murphy’s has an awesome BBQ chicken thin crust)
I gave you a blog award! Because I think your blog definitely has SUBSTANCE! 🙂
Aw, thanks! I’ll check it out! 😀
My dad is a basic cell phone user too – he has no idea how to work the thing! Makes me laugh 🙂
Were those noodles made from tofu or just a basic ‘chinese’ noodle?
Mm, now I want some baked fries! (I Never use my deep fryer, I think it’s too much of a pain to clean! 🙂 )
They were basic noodles – 210 calories a serving, so I am kinda glad I didn’t eat too much of them 😀
Good Luck Biz! I am sure you will make it into the next round!
I can’t even image if I lost my cell phone. Sad I know but its my connection to the world!
My favorite crust it definitely deep dish. I love all the bread. Alot of my friends and family like thin crust so when I get to choose the crust it is a blessing ha 🙂