Thanks for all your wonderful comments to my two year blogaversary! Without further ado, the winner is my giveaway is . . .
True Random Number Generator 1 72 56
congrats! two years, wow. i’ve loved reading daily. you amaze me with all your delicious recipes and weekly menus!! the no-rise pizza dough is my favorite. i make it too, all the time! hope you are having a great holiday weekend
Congratulations Kate! Send me an email at and give me your address to get your goodies! 😀
We had such a lazy, slow moving day yesterday which was awesome. But by 11:30 no one had eaten breakfast, and we kind of felt like lunch. We had a couple errands to run, so we hit up our local wing place. I forgot my camera, but I had a buffalo chicken wrap with cajun spicy fries. Probably around 600 or so calories, but considering it was both breakfast and lunch, I didn’t worry about it too much.
When we got back home it was time to make pepper jelly! I lucked out because our store had jalapenos on sale for .39 cents a pound.
Biz’s Pepper Jelly
- 2 pounds jalapeno peppers
- 2 large apples (1 pound)
- 2 cups white vinegar
- 4 cups sugar
- 1 package unflavored gelatin
- 1/2 cup water
- 1 teaspoon green food coloring

I know Mara has made Rick Bayless’s mole sauce before. The last time I was at the library I picked up one of his cookbooks. He had a recipe for red chile chicken and cheese enchiladas that sounded really good. I even went so far as to find the exact peppers he requested in the recipe:
I’ve never heard of these peppers, so I looked it up and they were described as mild to moderate heat. Tony has a threshold of heat, so I thought this would be perfect for everyone to enjoy (even if not spicy enough for me!).
You cut the dried peppers, seed them, then slice them in half. You bring a skillet to medium-high heat and cook them for about 10 seconds a side. Add the peppers to a blender, adding a 28 ounce can of diced tomatoes, cumin and garlic.
Once the sauce is pureed, you cook for 10 minutes, then add a cup of chicken broth and cook an additional 10 minutes, or until it starts to thicken up. Add 1/2 of the mixture to two cups of cooked chicken breast.
Then I added 1 cup of monterary jack cheese, then made my enchiladas.
Then added the other 1 cup of cheese and the rest of the sauce overtop.

The verdict? Underwhelming is the only word to describe this dish. It was not spicy at all, in fact the sauce was seriously lacking something, but we couldn’t figure it out. I followed the recipe to a T. You know your dinner isn’t a winner when after a couple bites, both Hannah and Tony put their plates on the floor for the dog to eat 🙁
Luckily though we had my tortilla soup on the side which was delicious!
I updated our 101 Days of Summer Challenge page. Check it out – a couple people had some amazing results!
While I stayed the exact same weight (169), I lost 2.5 inches all over my body. I attribute that to the bike machine – since June 1 I’ve ridden 248 miles!
Feels like another wonderful cool fall morning – too bad I have to spend it in an office all day! Happy Tuesday and hope everyone had a great weekend!
Inches are nice too! Thinking I need to do that more often so when I don’t see the scale move I can still see some improvement!
That delicious pepper jelly is definitely getting bookmarked to make very soon!
Yay Biz!! Even without the weight loss, that means your body is still transforming…and probably building some lean muscles! Awesome!
Another thing that is awesome is that jelly! My foodie senses are twitching all over to try it! I love that you put apples in there, too.
I am sad for your underwhelming enchiladas. I so want to make enchiladas myself. I love them, but only ever order them when I’m out for Mexican. Obviously, that happens rarely. So I should just make some. I want to make my own mole as well…perhaps I should check out Bayless’ cookbooks?
Congrats on your lost inches!
Thanks for sharing that pepper jelly recipe. Never knew what actually went into it to cut the spice. Apples are a nice choice.
Happy 2 year blogiversary!
That is such a bummer that the recipe didn’t turn out..especially since you followed it exactly. The tortilla soup looks excellent. That is definitely one of my favorite soups!
wahooo to two years! Its amazing how quickly the time flies, isn’t it? That Mexican looks incredible…I seriously had Mexican like four times this past weekend hhehe. Hope your week treats you well
248 miles?! Way to go, BIZ!!! Keep it up!
I love jalapeno pepper jelly! I just canned about 5 lbs of jalapenos yesterday – I wish I had thought to make jelly! Too bad I’m completely peppered out now =(
Congrats on losing inches! That’s how you know you are really shaping up!
Bummer on the enchiladas, though! As a fellow spice-lover, I’d be sulking if they didn’t turn out. Especially because they look really yummy!
That jelly looks AWESOME! And sorry the enchiladas were underwhelming — those look awesome too! Off to check out how the challengers did! Congrats to you! 2.5 inches is wonderful! And I bet it is from all that biking!!
monterey jack has always been my favorite cheese. there such a soft and creamy taste to it thats really addictive. i used to call it ‘mild milk cheese’ when i was little.. somehow it seemed to best explain the taste of it.. lol..
underwhelming is not making me feel to happy about those enchiladas! WHYYYY do looks have to be so decieving!!
xoxo <3
Well, the enchiladas LOOKED great, anyway!
Congrats on losing inches – and holy moly, that’s a lot of miles ridden! Thanks again for hosting this challenge – it was fun and kept me on my toes. 🙂
That is some seriously yummy looking enchiladas, sorry they didn’t taste as they looked 🙁 Spicy is good not spicy is sad.
I could not have said it better myself Alison!
oh man, no way!!! i’m so excited! you just made my tuesday return to work So much better! i already cant wait to try your famous salsa 🙂
Ugh, I hate when recipes don’t live up to my expectations!
I looooooove chicken tortilla soup though. The weather is starting to turn around here and it’s gonna be soup and crockpot dinners time soon.
oh man, sorry the dish didn’t turn out like you’d hoped. It looks good!
I’ve stayed the same weight too and lost no inches. I’m so irritated!!!
Way to go on the 248 miles. I’m impressed!
oh no! hate that it wasn’t to your level of spiciness. BOO!
that jelly is very cool – love the color!
That is so annoying to go to all that trouble for an underwhelming dinner! But I agree that they look delicious.
Lots of times on weekends or holidays and usually when we’re on vacation, we only eat twice. I don’t mind that at all!
Too bad about the enchiladas…they sure do look delicious, anyway! I’ve been thinking about making pepper jelly for gifts this year so will definitely try your recipe.
That’s great about losing inches! Good for you. I just joined our brand new YMCA and am hoping it makes a difference. I walk the track for a half hour and then work on the equipment. I’m really liking it but can definitely feel it in my muscles. Haven’t tried the bike machine, yet. Maybe I’ll try that today.
Happy blogaversary! I’m passing the pepper jelly recipe along to my friend….she’s going to love it!