I had gone two weeks without a cocktail, and last night, I just wanted a glass of wine.  Well, one glass turned into three, which turned into me eating potato chips with Hannah while watching the best of Comedy Central’s roasts!  It totally wasn’t worth it, so I am back on the wagon (I think that’s the right saying??!!)

I haven’t made breakfast wonton cups in a while.  8 wontons are a serving at 160 calories.  I sauteed some jalapeno and yellow pepper while the cups baked at 350 – it doesn’t take long – maybe 5-7 minutes at most – don’t walk away because they go from done to burnt in no time.  I then added 1/2 cup egg beaters and one ounce of cheese, and then assembled them when I got to work.  Topping them with the avocado sauce I made for the steak the other night made this dish!

We had two secretaries out yesterday so Biz was bizzy!  So bizzy I didn’t get to take a lunch – by the time I could have worked out it was already 3:30 in the afternoon.  But the day went by fast so I had that going for me!  For lunch, which I remembered to bring, I had leftover Chinese food, but added fresh broccoli and yellow peppers:

Tony asked when I got home that he wasn’t consulted on what toppings he’d like on his pizza yet.  Shockingly I did not make pizza!  I needed to use up the left of the taco meat from my office party on Monday, so crispy tacos were dinner.

I ate three 😀

So today is twinfest with our best friends that our twins.  I’ve written it before but we met D&D when we were in third grade and have been friends ever since – going on 34 years of friendship!  What’s weird is that my sisters daughter Claire is going to be in third grade this year and she seems so little!  They had a birthday last week so are now 42 like us – so fricken old! (not!)  😀

So I decided to make the Portillo’s cake recipe.  All you do is take any box of cake mix, then add 3 eggs, 1 cup of water and 1 cup of mayonnaise.  Bake as directed on the package.

beat with a hand mixer for three minutes
I made a 9x13 cake - bake 30 minutes at 350
with chocolate frosting 😀

I promise to do a better job this week with the 101 Days of Summer update – 11 weeks into it already and we are in the home stretch – can’t believe Labor Day is a few weeks away already!

Stats for Friday

  • I have no idea how many calories – my guess, with the wine is around 2100
  • no exercise

Alright, I have to squeeze in some exercise before heading out – have a great Saturday!