Anyone who knows me knows that Tony and I don’t like onions. As much as I tried to shield Hannah from onions, on an innocent sleepover at a friends house when she was 12 introduced Hannah to the onion. They had ordered a veggie pizza, and not wanting to be rude, decided to eat just one piece. She came home and declared her love of onions! It was then and there that she realized it was Tony and I against a world of onion loving people!
So it was only appropriate to have Hannah make a dish with onions in it. My mom will have to leave a comment on how exactly this recipe came about, but its something my mom has made forever, and everyone in my family loves it but me! Hannah’s version is a bit different, as she uses less meat and tomatoes.
Hannah’s Slumgulion
- 1 cup elbow macaroni, cooked to package directions and drained
- 1/2 pound lean ground beef
- 1/2 can diced tomatoes
- 1/2 can (4 oz. can) of tomato sauce
- 1 small ONION, chopped
- 1 small green pepper chopped
- 1 teaspoon minced garlic
- 1 teaspoon oregano
- 8 basil leaves, chopped
- salt and pepper to taste

Thanks to Hannah for making this recipe so I didn’t have to actually touch an onion. And thanks to Hema for hosting this weeks BSI contest – I believe she is the farthest hostess we have ever had – she lives in India!
Hurray for onions! They add that extra bit of depth to sauces – I couldn’t imagine a culinary world without them 😀
PS – I bet some mushrooms would have gone really well in there as well 😉 I’m so mean. LOL.
Freaks! I’ll forgive you though. Sauteeing onions and garlic together is the most wonderful smell in the world. I would wear the scent as perfume if could!
Hannah really has an awesome smile! I’ve noticed that before, her whole face just lights up!
Hannah – you’ve got some skills girl. Your dish looks super delish.
That dish has just made me very hungry !!!!
I’m glad that I’m not the only one who does not like onions!! Hannah did a great job with this and how sweet of her to take care of this ingredient for you!
I LOVE onions! Hannah is such a smart girl! 😉
That dish looks amazing, like gourmet Hamburger Helper with completely whomesome ingredients. Awesome.
Oh my gosh! I liked you before and love you even more now! Onion haters unite! I’ve always hated them and still do (age 40). My mom used to always say I’d like them when I grow up. Still a kid, I guess. I don’t cook with them. I don’t like salsa with them (make my own without). I make darn good food–with no onions. Inconceivable to some.
My husband was an onion lover, I’ve trained him to live without them. Told him he’s welcome to have all the onions he wants when we go out. Sometimes he does, but more often than not he knows where he’s sleeping if he eats them and doesn’t! 😉
I love it when I find one of the few and far between who doesn’t like onions.
Kath from Kath Eats Real Food hates them, too!
Hooray for another non-onion lover! 😀
Aww, how cute Hannah made the dish instead! Do you like caramelized onions?
Nope! Or scallions or chives – basically everything in the onion family Tony and I try to avoid! 😀