Nicole of Making Good Choices was the BSI hostess this week.  While I linked to her earlier in the week, Nicole I apologize for not updating the BSI page until today!

Again being the procrastinator that I am, I almost always wait until Sunday to my BSI recipe.  And for the most part, try to make recipes with ingredients I have on hand.  Our store was selling fresh blueberries for $1.50 a pint so that was my inspiration.

Any regular readers of my blog know I don’t bake much.  Typically because most desserts are not insulin worthy in my book!  So over the years my palate has definitely steered away from sweets and more to savory.

So I decided to make a one bowl blueberry applesauce muffin.  I know many camps say you need to separate the wet, incorporate the dry, blah blah blah, but I am lazy.  I did add the wet ingredients and mixed well before throwing everyone else in the pool.

I would like to note that the same size blueberry muffin from Otis Spunkmeyer comes in at 230 calories, 13 grams of fat and 27 carbs.  It gets a grade of C for being very high in sugar and high in fat.

Mine gets a grade of A-, for being low in saturated fat 😀

One Bowl Blueberry Applesauce Muffins (printer friendly version here)

Makes 12 servings (each muffin: 135 calories, 1.2 fat, 28.7 carbs, 1.4 fiber and 3.1 protein)


1 large egg
1 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 teaspoon grapeseed oil
1/4 cup honey (I used agave nectar)
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup blueberries
1/4 cup quick oats
1 tablespoon brown sugar


  1. Mix egg, applesauce, oil, honey (or agave nectar) together.
  2. Throw in remaining ingredients through blueberries and mix until just combined. Using a 1/4 cup measuring cup, fill 12 muffin tins.
  3. Mix oats and brown sugar and evenly distribute over muffins. Bake at 375 for 17 to 20 minutes. Let cool before removing from muffin pan.

I used Spenda brown sugar, but you can use regular
before the oven
a river of blueberry runs through it! 😀
look at all that gorgeous blueberry!

Thanks for hosting this week Nicole! 😀