I forgot to post this picture yesterday from our drive home from seeing Toy Story 3. I thought my friend Beth would enjoy it – turns out we can’t get enough cloud or sunset pics! 😀
Breakfast was delicious – I have South Beach Steve to thank for the idea of adding basil to my scrambled eggs – so good!

Lunch was another addition of “throw shit in a bag!” Are you getting tired of that yet? I brought a cajun sausage that I was going to wrap like a hot dog, but when I pulled it out at work it was all slimey. 🙁 I look at the package and the sell by date was May! I know I have cleaned out my refrigerator since May!
So with my pantry/fridge/bag items, I ended up making an edamame, corn and spinach quesadilla, with cucumbers and ranch and 1/2 cup white rice with a tablespoon of Trader Joe’s thai curry sauce – eclectic? Yes! Filling? Absolutely!

I had taco fiesta on the brain, and decided on fish tacos – only I cheat a bit!

I bring all the fixins to the table:
My taco x 2, with 1 1/2 servings of crack tortilla chips:

It was another stormy night . . . just above and below us! There were tornado warnings, my mom’s town got 3 inches of rain in one hour – even the Eisenhower expressway was closed because of flooding. My mom lives right next to the expressway and when she saw no cars on it, she thought it looked like the end of the world!
We heard thunder, had a little bit of rain, but that was it. After dinner the sky was so beautiful!
I want to thank everyone who stopped by Al and Charlie’s blogs yesterday – what a great group of cheerleaders we have! I put all your names in a hat (twice if you left a comment on each!). And the winner of a copy of my brother’s book is . . .
Congrats to Debbi! Send me an email at bdl319@gmail.com with your address and I’ll get it out to you! 😀
Alright, we need to cheer on a couple more 101 days of summer challengers that are struggling a bit.
First is Buffy who is struggling to put the cheetos down! She’s hoping to track her food better for the rest of the week – if you could pop on over and leave a comment, I would appreciate it!
Next up is Brooke. While she’s already lost 100 pounds, she’s lost her mojo and is trying to find it – let’s help her get back on track!
For anyone who leaves a comment for Buffy or Brooke, you’ll be entered to win a copy of my eCookbook which has 25 of my favorite recipes on BDL with nutritional info!
I have another thank you – to Linzi who picked my name when I donated to her Team in Training. Linzi is training for a marathon and is training with the Leukemia Society – she’s a ways away from her goal though! If you can, check out her fund raising page. She sent my a cool coffee/smoothie cup and a very sweet note – thanks Linzi!
Don’t forget BSI this week! Last week there were only two entries! This week’s ingredient is bulgar wheat. I have to be honest, I’ve never even tried it before – but I have an idea of making a vegetarian chili subbing the bulgar wheat for the ground beef. Do you think it will work? Allison is going vegan all month – if it works out I’ll let you know!
Stats for Wednesday:
- 15 minute AM yoga
- 36 minute 7 mile hill climb on bike machine
- 5 minutes abs on balance ball
- 1,496 calories, 165 carbs, 69 protein, 69 fat and 26 fiber
Off to do 30-day shred for the 2nd time this week – have a great Thursday! 😀
Biz, you might also like this Basil Puree Steak Topping. It is another great way to use all that fresh basil.
Hi Biz,
Just got back from Smith Mountain Lake and have to catch up on all my blog reading. Did you like Toy Story 3? I want to take the kids! I am dying on my cleanse- I have not had chocolate in 3 weeks. So next Moday when this thing is over I am going to have a piece of DARK chocolate and make it last forever. Robin
Jealous of your trip to Smith Mt. Lake – it is so beautiful there! We loved Toy Story 3 – although I did think the story line is more adult, your kids will still love it!
Oh Biz, so many good eats here! I love the idea of basil in scrambled eggs, need to try that.
I like the idea of using fish sticks for the fish tacos — so not cheating. Less time to cook means more time to enjoy the food!
I’m having shrimp tacos tonight. I’ve been wanting fish tacos all week, YUM!
MMM…Mexican food is my favorite!
Love that sunset photo. Makes me want to lay on the grass and just look at the sky.
I think the chili should work. My barley box has a chili recipe on the side and it’s sort of the same thing.
Wow! Your food looks fantastic. And what do you run your food through in order to get the calories, etc. I have an app on my phone that I was playing around with that does something like that.
And since I’m fairly new to your blog, what’s “BSI”? I’ve never tried bulger but I think your use subbing in chili will work great!
Going to cheer on Buffy and Brooke now! I love giving support!
I use calorieking.com to figure out the calories of my meals as well as recipes – I think its pretty accurate? At least I hope it is!
Go above and there is a BSI page – it is a Blogger Secret Ingredient weekly recipe contest. It’s low key, a host picks an ingredient and posts it on Monday, bloggers (and non-bloggers!) can submit a recipe by that Sunday, a winner is picked that Monday and a new host and ingredient is named.
We are going on 80+ weeks already – crazy!
Thanks Biz. And that sweet potato pillow recipe sounds really good. I don’t like sweet potatoes but since you didn’t either but liked these, I’m going to give them a try! Sounds delicious!
I forgot to say..I made fish tacos last night, too! Jinx!
I heard Chicago weather was INSANE last night!! Glad everything is okay!
101 days of summer challengers — you can do it!!!!!!!! I have been keeping up with my challenge and am still feeling so motivated! I need to squeeze in a run 2 of the next 3 days. Totally doable! Woo!
hehe i really like the pink hammer cup!
i wish i could have some taco chips right now. omg i couldnt imagine how much my mouth would hate me right now if i tried to have salsa and tortillas 🙁 urgh…
but u make them look SO TASTY!!!
xoxo <3
Never thought to put basil into eggs – going to use some of mine I have growing in the garden and try this this weekend 🙂
Great sunset pics
Honey I know I say this all the time but I am truly proud of you! and not only for your hard work but also how you spread the love around to everyone who needs it! you are a great person!!!!!
Loving those cloud pictures!
I totally cheat on fish tacos too and use already breaded fish or fish stix – great minds think alike!! 🙂 Glad you got the package, I forgot to tell you it was finally on it’s way! And thanks for your support too, it means a lot! And now that you have your very own smoothie cup you might have to try a green monster for real! LOL – check out my smoothie tab http://destination262.wordpress.com/smoothies/ for some fun drink ideas. I think you will like it! 😉
Not sure I am ready for that yet!
great pic!
Hi Biz! I like the fish stick taco idea!
We had the same thing on the brain, I made a Mexican Fiesta last night too!!
Your herbed scramble looks so good, but something looks off about that photo…where was the Tabasco? 🙂
The Tabasco was generously applied at the table! 😀
Great picture. I’ve been wanting to see Toy Story 3. I’ve heard lots of great things about it. I eat a lot of scrambled eggs, but I’ve never added basil to them. I will have to try that.
Thank you for the support. Oh I so need it. Next week I am going to be putting some pork tenderloin on my grill. I love this blog…first place I come each morning.
Thanks B! 😀
Breakfast looks awesome! And…I never thought to make fish tacos with fish sticks! Awesome idea to make these quickly!
The sunset pic looks wonderful! How was Toy Story 3?!?!
We loved it!
Awe. Thanks Biz for sending me cheerleaders!! <3
I went on Amazon yesterday and almost bought the book! It sounds great and I LOVE the title! Thanks so much! You rock.
I add basil to a breakfast casserole I make so I don’t know why it never dawned on me to put it in my regular eggs either. I’ll try that!
I wish we would get a thunderstorm or two here….we’re on our 7th straight day of 90+ days and it’s supposed to be in the 90s through at least Monday of next week. It’s never this hot this early…it it’s this bad now, I can’t imagine what August is going to be like 🙁
I LOVE that first picture of the thunderstorm clouds! Looks like little pieces of popcorn, strung up as garland. Makes me think of Christmas! Which reminds me, it’s almost July, meaning my six month Christmas blackout is almost over. Yippee!
I was thinking of you last night when we saw the bad weather in the midwest! I actually do make a vegetarian chili with bulgur wheat and it’s delicious so I’m sure that will work. OK, I’m off to do some cheerleading.
Another great day, Biz. Keep up the great work. All those meals look delicious.
Hahah – throw shit in a bag! That’s how I make all my meals 😉
Glad to hear the storms blew right over you guys. The bad round (2nd round for us) was just south of here – apparently there were tornadoes! Yikes!!
By the way, I’m glad to hear that Hannah is loving Deutschland! I am dying to go there some day! Have a great Thursday 🙂
Reading your blog always makes me hungry. I love seeing all of your eats!