Even between rain storms yesterday, we had a great day!  I made another crustless quiche for breakfast, with a sliced apple on the side:

307 calories, 22 carbs, 17.6 protein, 17 fat and 3.2 fiber

Look at how good my herbs are doing!

Probably the freshest tasting basil Tony and I have ever had!

With the remainder of our .39 cent a pound tomatoes, we made a huge pot of pasta sauce.  Since we never know if our tomatoes are going to be sweet or on the sour side, it takes  a lot of tasting to dial it in – we ended up adding 1 large can of tomato paste which brought the whole sauce together – it helps when you start out with fresh herbs though!  We used basil, sage and Italian parsley.

We'll have some for dinner tonight and then I'll can the rest

On the way to the grocery store, Tony and I stopped to get a bite to eat.  I ended up getting the roasted red pepper hummus appetizer with fresh vegetables and pita bread.

this hummus is so good - very garlicky! 455 calories, 72 carbs, 12.5 protein, 13.2 fat and 6.3 fiber

My plan is to usually take one rest day from exercising, and that day is usually Sunday.  But since I was gone most of the day, I ended up making Saturday my rest day.  I was going through the Exercise TV on demand and I started out with this one for 26 minutes:

Cardioke with Billy Blanks, Jr.!

Okay, I did sweat at this workout, but most of it had me and Hannah laughing our asses off!  You actually have to sing while you work out – the words scroll across the bottom of the screen.  So while I was doing jumping jacks, I was singing “Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me!”  The premise is that if you sing while you do cardio, you are increasing your stamina.

Then I did this one:

this one kicked my ass

This is the first time I’ve done a Jackie Warner exercise video, and I have to say while I could only do about 90% of it (the ab workout was insane!) I do like her demeanor – this one was 44 minutes long!

Tony and I are entering a best burger contest – this was our first go round and we already know where we need to improve – first prize is $100,000!   So we can’t give any details, but we were close with our first try!

a little grilled pancetta

My plate:  591 calories, 38 carbs, 38 protein, 31 fat and 2.4 fiber:

Did you check out everyone’s first week progress of the 101 days of summer challenge?  So including my workout yesterday, the first week of the challenge I worked out for 262 minutes!

Stats for day 7 of 101:

  • 1,352 calories, 132 carbs, 68 protein, 62 fat and 11.9 fiber
  • 26 minute cardioke
  • 44 minute Jackie Warner strength video
  • 40.9% of calories from fat, 20.2 from proteina nd 38% from carbs

Goals for Week 2:

  • keep percentage of calories from fat below 30%
  • no wine Monday through Thursday

Hannah leaves for Germany on Wednesday already!!  She left me a cute note this morning:

I just now realized that when she’s gone for three weeks, I’ll have to take out the garbage and empty the dishwasher! 🙁

Have a great Monday!