Can I just tell you how excited I am that we got to 50 participants!  Check out the full participant list here.

I’ve gotten most of the weekly updates from all of you via email – thanks for checking in!  You can read all about this weeks successes on my Group 101 Page.

I was meeting my Mom and sister for lunch and a spa hair cut.  I had a small egg sammie – with1 ounce of hard salami 😀

While I ate breakfast, Tony was so sweet and filled up the car with gas, put air in the tires and bought me a big ass bottle of water for my one hour drive 😀

I had every intention of getting a healthy lunch, but when I saw the brie and bacon burger with duck fat fries, that won!

I've never had brie on a burger before - yum!! (I ate 1/2 the burger and 1/2 the fries)

So what about the duck fat fries?  They were good . . . maybe my expectations were too high?  But they served three different dipping sauces that kicked them up a notch!  My favorite was the garlic aioli!

There happened to be a street fest going on when we left lunch.  Anyone in Chicagoland will know about the Jesse White Tumblers, who were performing when we walked by!

Then it was off to the spa for a haircut!  When my hair gets long enough to put in a pony tail, that’s all I do.  So I decided to get it cut!  Actually, when I saw Susan’s hair cut I decided to go short too!

long thin hair before!
look at how full it looks now!

I talked my sister into cutting her hair short too and getting bangs!

Jenn and Biz!

Thanks for a great day Mom!!

Tony cooked ribs in the oven while I was gone.  He also picked up tomatoes – lots of them because they were only .39 cents a pound!  Of course, I made more baja fresh salsa!  My salsa is now famous – Ally made it and is selling it at her local farmers market – how cool is that?!

I cooked the tomatoes, garlic and jalapeno peppers first, then made room for the ribs:

My plate with grilled zucchini on the side . . . I used some of my thyme from my herb garden – so good!

This morning I realized I hadn’t done a recipe for BSI!  Nicole chose Paprika!

Crustless Sausage (1/2 zuccini) Quiche (printer friendly version)

Makes 4 servings  (242 calories, 16.8 fat, 4.8 carbs, .2 fiber and 17.3 protein


4 ounce breakfast sausage
4 eggs
1 1/4 cups milk
2 ounce mozzarella cheese
1 pinch salt
1 pinch pepper
1 teaspoon paprika
2 tablespoons bacon


  1. Cook breakfast sausage until done. Drain on paper towel. Mix all other ingredients into a 4 cup measuring bowl. Spray 8×8 pan with Pam.
  2. Put cooked bacon on bottom, then pour remaining ingredients over top. Cook at 375 for 30 minutes, or until eggs are set.  I added hot sauce to mine because I thought it was a bit bland.
see all the paprika! 😀

Okay, I’ve been on the computer way too long this morning!  Off to enjoy my Sunday – have a great one!