We left for a party almost as soon as I got home and then we didn’t go to bed until 1:30 a.m.! Although we were home from the party by midnight, it was such a nice night, we sat outside for a while!

So I had slim pickings to work with, but was happy I found a zucchini in the fridge. I shredded that and added it to my egg white breakfast sammie, with delicious cherries on the side.

After I blogged yesterday I did Jillian’s 30 minute last change work out on Exercise TV on Demand. Holy cow was that hard! But I kept at it like I was on the show! 😀
I was so excited because in the summer months, we can wear jeans to work on Fridays! After I stopped sweating and took a shower, I went downstairs and pulled out my jeans. First pair? Didn’t fit. Second pair? Didn’t fit. Third pair? Didn’t fit. Not lying, by this time I was getting pretty pissed! Fourth pair? Didn’t fit. I looked at all the tags and they were all size 12. Five years ago I was 139 pounds and a size 8!
The last pair were a size 14, which thankfully fit. The old me (okay last week!) would have said “fuck it” and gone through the drive thru at McDonald’s on the way to work. But then I thought of the last chance work out I did – it was the season with Tara and they were only half way through their goal and I was only on day 5!
I put the jeans on a hanger so they are my visual reminder of where I want to be – and I will fit into them by labor day!!
I went to the gym at lunch and banged out three trails on the bike machine – first one was 4.4 miles, second one was a 1 mile sprint with a ghost rider that you tried to beat (I was behind him 1 1/2 minutes) and then a 3.3 coastal ride. Not sure if you can tell in the picture, but I was a sweaty mess!
I then brought “mystery soup”, i.e. soup that I failed to label! Once I defrosted it and heated it up, I was so happy it was my cauliflower potato curry soup! I had a piece of 12-grain bread with a shmere of reduced fat cream cheese and some canteloupe and black berries on the side.

Lunch comes in at 425 calories, 5 carbs, 13.8 protein, 21 fat and 14 fiber.
Later in the afternoon I had 1/4 cup of almonds while I figured out what exercise classes to take next week – the new schedule is all set for next week!
Since the party was an hour away, we didn’t eat dinner and were at the mercy of what was provided. What I ate: 2 cheese sticks, 2 chicken drumettes, and an onion ring. I was so hungry we stopped at Steak N Shake on the way home, and Tony got me two mini chipotle sliders – they were tiny but hit the spot! Dinner was approximately: 520 calories, 26 carbs, 21 protein, 29 fat and 3.5 fiber.
And I had chardonnay at the party – between the almonds and the wine, my “snacks” came to: 605 calories, 33 carbs, 7.9 protei, 27 fat and 4.4 fiber.
And I had a small bite of this:
So even without working out on Memorial Day, check out how many miles I did on the bike machine!
So it took me almost 3 hours to burn 1300 calories, and a medium albuquerque turkey sandwich and a bag of salt and vinegar chips from Schlotzky’s deli is also 1300 calories!
Stats for Day 5 of 101:
- 1,886 calories, 150 carbs, 77 protein, 77 fat and 28 fiber
- 36% of calories from fat, 16% from protein, 31% from carbs and 15% from alcohol
- 30 minute Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout
- 8.7 bike ride in 46 minutes
- average blood sugar: 115 😀
So our 101 Days of Summer Challenge is up to 47! Today is the last day to join up – let’s try to hit 50 people! Just email me at bdl319@gmail.com and tell me what your summer goals are!
For those already signed up – don’t forget to send me an email and let me know how your first week went – do you need a push, did the challenge light a fire under your ass like me?? I’ll be doing a recap tomorrow! 😀
I am meeting my sister and Mom for lunch and a haircut. We are going to Duck Fat Bar & Grill, and since I’ve never had them, we may split a small order of duck fat fries! Have you ever had them before? Hopefully there will be healthier choices! 😀
I’ll be unplugged most of the day – I’ll check in with everyone tomorrow! Keep up the great work!
That bike machine really helps to motivate you to bike! Nice job!
Love the new look of your blog! That soup sound so tasty too -yum!
i dont blame you for feeling pissed! soon tho u will be looking at jeans and going WOW too big, too big, uhhh still too big, next! lol. u’ll get back to ur fit self and i really hope 2010 is a great year for u fitness wise! u really deserve it love and im cheering for you big time!
Keep up the good work Biz!
I had a good week with mixing up the workouts and upping the intensity. I’ve also been more consistent with abs and push ups, so i’m seeing some toning results! I know this next week is going to be bad though, because I’m going to Denver for work, and then up into the mountains for fun. The last time I was in Denver I could barely do a brisk walk…the altitude is just too much for me and my asthma. I can run five miles pretty easily at sea level…but put me 5,000 feet up and I need my inhaler after 90 seconds 🙁
Good for you on just dealing with the jeans ‘incident’ without giving in to food. It can be so frustrating to see where we were compared to now in any aspect of our lives and not just weight wise. That’s what challenges are all about, right?
I sent my check in email and it’s a doozy! Not a great week at all.
I know how it feels not to fit into clothes. I was pretty bummed that all the clothes that I bought for our 1st trip to Jamaica no longer fit and I had to buy all new clothes for the last trip. That is going to change by the time we return in Dec.
Hope you had a great weekend!
Way to go! You are just the inspiration I needed to get my booty out the door for a walk! Thanks!
You are kicking butt with your workouts!!!! I am so proud of you =)
I would love a piece of that cake right about now lol
oh lately my jeans are getting a bit snug………it sucks! keep it up…..i like how you thought about your workouts and what you have done and did not go getting mcd’s! good for you biz…..gonna email you my recap!
i had a bad day yesterday…and got back on track today, washed my car inside and out and mowed the lawn front and back, getting ready to make a plain cheese flat bread pizza and walk to my mother in laws that is 5 miles…i bought flat bread from kim bensons site…9 x 12 inches for only 100 calories…its huge and will be my first time using will let you know how it all taste using it for a pizza crust…
OMG…the best potatoes I’ve ever had were fried in duck fat!
Awesome job by not taking our your frustrations with food. And sorry to tell you that those jeans won’t fit by the end of summer either…they’ll be too baggy by then! 🙂
Love it! 😀
Sweaty SEXY mess i see. 🙂 Great job Beth, Keep up the great great work!!!
Awesome job w/ the 34 miles! That is AMAZING! I also have a huge pile (aka MY ENTIRE CLOSET) of clothes waiting for me to finish the challenge so I can fit into them again! When I moved here I was about a size 4/5. Now I can barely fit in 8’s!!!
I’ll send you my email now!
Excellent on all the exercise!! I should have put that for one of my goals, exercise! Keep it up and I’ll email you later!
OMG Duck fat fries are amazing…
And on that note, I want to join the challenge 🙂 I’ll send you an email in a minute!
Way to go Biz on all your workouts. Good mental imaging there with the calories. Ahem, you know I am a personal trainer so I have to put my 2 cents in. The fat grams need to come down under 30% if your trying to lose weight. Also calories maybe a little high we are the same height I think and I aim for 1500 daily on workout days and a little less on non-workout days.
My workout week went according to plan 5 days of cardio, 1 weight workout, 3 abs. Eating has been back on track and I came down to 160.5 so I am heading back into the 150’s again which is good.
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the advice Susan! 😀
That sucks about the jeans, but hanging them up as a reminder is a great idea – and I bet by the end of summer, they will be too big for you. Seriously, with all of the exercising you are doing, you will drop inches so much that you will be tiny! And speaking of exercise – way to rock it this week!!! You are a hot sweaty (yes I could see the drenched shirt) mess and I am so proud of how you have hit the ground not just running, but sprinting!
Enjoy your day!
You’re doing so great with the workouts, Biz!! 🙂