I think Monday has to be my least favorite day of the week. Why can’t every weekend be a three day weekend? 😀
I started out my morning with a steak and spinach egg beater omelet with 1/2 ounce of habanero cheese, 1 light English muffin and a bowl of delicious watermelon! 😀
There was a reason for the watermelon – Tony loves watermelon sorbet so I thought I would give it a try in my ice cream maker. I searched a bunch of recipes, and a lot of them had upwards of two cups of sugar! I finally settled on Alton Brown’s Recipe:
Watermelon Sorbet Recipe (printer friendly version here)
Makes 10 servings (each ½ cup serving: 127 calories, .1 fat, 31 carbs, .3 fiber and .4 protein)
1 | Pound 5 ounces watermelon |
3 | tablespoons fresh lemon juice |
2 | tablespoons vodka |
9 | ounces sugar |
- Place all ingredients in food processor and process until smooth and sugar starts to dissolve.
- Refrigerate mixture at least two hours. Remove and add to ice cream machine. Process for 20 minutes – it will still be soft.
- Put in freezer container for 3 to 4 hours to firm up.
The final product! 😀
I was actually a bit nervous since watermelon is so watery, that the final product would be watered down too – imagine my surprise when taking that first bite – its like biting into a perfectly ripe watermelon!
While cleaning out the refrigerator I forgot I still had some honey whole wheat dough leftover from my jalapeno pretzels and decided to make that the base of my pizza: 2.5 ounces dough, 1/4 cup pizza sauce, 1 ounce Italian sausage, 1 cup baby spinach and 1.5 ounces of mozzarella cheese – splashed with Chipotle Tabasco sauce!
We decided to grill a pork roast that I defrosted from the deep freeze. I used 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon dried rosemary and 2 teaspoons minced garlic over the top. We cooked this on our gas grill over a cast iron skillet – that way any juices fall into the pan. Only the two outside burners were on and it had a steady temperature of 375.
We hung out on the deck for a while – such a pretty night!
I baked some big potatoes and while I thought I would make them twice baked, I decided to make a broccoli cheese sauce to go over top. We get a package called “cheese ends” from our grocery store deli. Not sure what kind of cheese I threw in, but it was 4 ounces!
Broccoli Cheddar Sauce Recipe (printer friendly version here)
Makes 6 servings (1/4 cup serving: 156 calories, 11 fat, 5.4 carbs, .6 fiber and 6.9 protein)
1 | cup milk |
4 | ounces cheddar cheese |
4 | ounces broccoli |
2 | tablespoons butter |
2 | tablespoons flour |
1 | pinch salt |
1 | pinch pepper |
- Melt butter. Add flour and cook for two minutes, stirring constantly. Slowly pour in milk until thick. Remove from heat and add cheese and stir until melted.
- Stir in cooked chopped broccoli and serve over baked potato.

My plate:
Are you wondering what sauce is on my pork?? Hannah got it for me for Mother’s Day!

Holy yum, is this delicious! Such a flavorful heat, and the heat takes a while to say hello – the first taste I was like “this isn’t even hot!” Then a waited a minute and bam!
Goals for the Week
- track all my calories. While I have an idea in my head, I really need to do this for everything I eat
- drink water.
- 60 minutes of exercise per day
My exercise routine has gone to hell in a hand basket – I walked only a few times last week, which obviously isn’t enough!
We have a new hostess for BSI! To see last week’s round up, go here. One note to future hosts: please do not use random.org to pick a winner. It totally defeats the purpose of coming up with a recipe if the winner is only picked by luck. Thanks!
Check out this weeks hostess: Helen of Fuss Free Flavors chose . . . Capers! I’ve actually never cooked anything with capers so this will be a challenge!
Off to do my AM yoga and then get my breakfast and lunch together. Come back tomorrow for my recipe for spaghetti squash mac n cheese – its amazingly delicious!
mmm I want that pizza with the sauce 🙂
Watermelon sorbet sounds amazing! Depending on how sweet your watermelon is, you can probably reduce the sugar a bit further too.
I absolutely LOVE the new blog layout. The header photo is absolutely gorgeous!
Biz, your new blog theme and layout is great!! 😀
Your breakfast looks so good!! I’ve been dying to try homemade sorbet for awhile now. I need to get on that. Watermelon sounds so refreshing.
Biz, will you come make me cheesy broccoli potatoes? They look so good!
And liking the new layout 🙂
Love the new look of your site! I’m going to make the sorbet this weekend for company….I’ll make a double batch and not tell anyone so I can sneak it while I cook! Or maybe not, don’t want to spoil the dinner party by being tipsy before everyone else!
Hey Biz!
I am finally back on the blogging train. I love the new design.
I must make watermelon sorbet. It will be so refreshing this summer.
I knew you were busy with the kids – thought you may jump on in after the girls got done with school. Glad you are back!
wow, I love your pizzas so much!
I was going to make watermelon slushies tomorrow! Your sorbet looks like a better idea…darn, wish I saw it sooner! 🙁
your blog looks wonderful! i agree with you on the mondays, but it looks like you had some great eats to get you through it!
Yum that watermelon sorbet looks delicious! The cheese sauce looks divine too!
Groan to random number integer again! And I’m with you – I’ve never cooked anything w/ capers either!
Dang, Biz – I would devour everything you cooked yesterday!!!
Hey girl! Such delicious eats this weekend! Fresh watermelon is amazing. I can’t wait to pick one up. And your pizza looks like it came out PERFECT! Push through the rest of Monday- we’re almost there!
I want some of that hot sauce! And those potatoes–they look divine!
Wouldn’t it be amazing if every weekend was 3 days?
LOVE the watermelon sorbet–that looks great!
water melon sorbet and cheddar cheese sauce, yum! tjmaxx and marshalls actually have amazing foodie finds, i love their kitchen gadgets!
I hear you on the Monday thing. We are having our third rainy and cold Monday in a row but I guess it is better than a rainy and cold Friday!
I’m with you on Monday already! This weekend flew by like the Lightning Round of a game show. Our weather was spectacular and I was outside planting and pruning and gardening and loving it.
As always, your food looks awesome! Please – I’ve asked you before, Biz, come be my personal chef!?
I was in NYC this weekend and we had the most wonderful weather. Low 70s and sunny…made me so happy to be outside all weekend!
i cant get over that pizza! omg seriously.. i have a heard time putting to words how good something looks! i just know i want to teleport that baby right here right now! omg sorbet is so good, ive never thought of making it at home but that is so awesome!! what a great fun thing to do too with kids.. hmm when i have kiddies some day i wanna make a sorbet and enjoy it outside in the beautiful sun. hehe. and i hear ya about monday… great title for the post..exactly what i was thinking!
LOL you sound like me last week about Mondays. We normally get a 3 day weekend every week, working 40 hours M-Th so Fridays are off but this week my husband had to work Friday so the whole weekend felt like it lasted 2 minutes! 😛
The pork looks awesome, I love that grilling weather is back 🙂
mmmm everything looks so YUMMY! 🙂
The sorbet sounds good. Did you use reg. vodka or the watermelon flavored? I want a three day weekend. too. Got one coming up in two weeks, and will probably need another three days to rest up frrom it!
Regular vodka – we don’t normally buy the flavored ones, but that was a good idea! Alton Brown also said that you could sub in Midori too. 😀
Midori? mmmmm, I think any of it would be good, and after I ate it I probably wouldn’t remember anyway!
TJ Maxx?! Dang – i’ll never find it! The sauce looks so good – love it on that potato! I bet it would be yum over noodles too!!
I’m not a fan of Mondays either! I would love a nice three day weekend though!
Yours pizzas always look so delicious!
At a folk music festival last year, my friends and I made a gigantic amount of watermelon sangria (the sangria itself was in the hollowed-out part of the biggest watermelon I’ve ever seen). It was glorious 😀
We stayed outside as much as possible this weekend too – can’t take these early season gorgeous days for granted.
“Why can’t every weekend be a three day weekend?”
Because Biz, then Tuesday would be Monday. I personally vote for win the lottery and retire.
Watermelon sorbet? That looks delicious and right up my alley! That mango marinade looks good too. I always hear of people getting cool foodie items at TJMaxx but have never gone myself.