Thanks to everyone who commented on my 250,000 page view giveaway! By the looks of it, I am not alone in the love of all things pizza! And there were some very interesting combinations I think I need to try – soon!
Lucky 13 Won!
Ally @ Sweet & Savory, on April 25, 2010 at 5:06 pm Said: Edit Comment
I think I might be even more obsessed with pizza than you….I could eat it everyday, no joke! I’d love to win this giveaway, as I’d love to try out the deep dish pan!
Ally – send me your mailing address to: – congrats!
I LOVED yesterdays breakfast!! I had half of a baked potato left over from the night before. I scooped out most of the potato, and then scrambled black beans, egg beaters and baby spinach with salt and pepper. Then I stuffed the pepper half and put a .8 slice of pepper cheese on top, and put it in the microwave.

Here’s what it looks like cut open!
This was so filling and delicious! You may be seeing lots of variations of this in the near future! 😀 And yep, still have blackberries on the side – I’ve been lucky that my store has been selling them for .99 a pint, and I can never pass that up!

Do you ever have one of those days where you are looking in your fridge, you don’t really want what you’ve planned, but not sure what to put together?? I give you then, the plate of lots of things! One slice deli ham, one slice roasted turkey, 1 ounce New York style garlic chips (very garlicy and delicious!!), grilled zucchini left over from last night, red pepper, cucumbers and baby carrots drizzled with 2 tablespoons fat free dressing. Oh, and four hot peppers! 😀

It was delicious – a little bit of everything and it took me a long time to eat! I did end up having an afternoon snack, I need to bring almonds back into my diet – they are known to help lower cholesterol, and while I am on medication for it, every little bit helps, right?!
I had defrosted bone in chicken breasts for dinner. My sister is afraid of bones in food, but they help retain the moisture so well – it’s really hard to overcook! On the side I decided to pull my spaetzle maker out – Hannah absolutely loved it, she had some when she got home. I joked that when she moves out, I’ll make sure she has a spaetzle maker – so easy!

Let the batter sit 10 minutes while the water comes to a boil. These literally take about 2-3 minutes at tops. Drain until your ready to use, then Pam fry right before serving.

With grilled broccoli and half a chicken breast. I ended up eating half of what was on my plate – about 4 ounces of chicken.

You guys are going to love my lunch today . . .but you’ll have to come back tomorrow for the recipe!! I made a macaroni and cheese soup with brocoli – holy moly is it good!! Best part? The star of the show was Cabot cheese!

While you guys know that I go on and on about my love of the 75% reduced fat cheese, I have never seen the hot habanero before! So the recipe I came up with was 3 cups of cheese, so I subbed 1/2 cup of the hot habanero and that was the perfect amount of flavorful heat – best part too is the nutrition – around 350 for 1.5 cups! 😀 Don’t you love how I tease you like that?!
I also forgot to mention that we have a new hostess in town for BSI this week – she chose artichokes! Thanks for hosting this week Kim! 😀
Stats for Monday:
- 40 minute Janetha’s full body training (damn – some of those were hard – okay all of them were!)
- 45 minute walk at lunch
- 1,477 calories, 160 carbs, 97 protein, 53 fat and 34 fiber! 😀

And I am glad I am not the only one who isn’t a morning person!! But I realize the only way that can happen is that once the alarm goes off, just get out of bed. Don’t put your head back down at that pillow! I laid my head back down today and the next thing I knew, it was 30 minutes later. So I woke up at 6:30 instead of 6:00 – I still don’t have to leave my house until 8:30 to get to work on time! 😀
So, yoga it is today – I have time for a 30 minute routine!
Who watched Biggest Loser last night?? I swear, every time Oneal and Sunshine get together, I cry like a baby!
Make today a great one!
I love Blackberries! They’ve been on sale for weeks at my market, Joe Caputo & Sons on Randall Road. Where do you shop?
I’m going to have to find that cheese. I might have to take a ride to Cabot the next time we’re in VT if I can’t find it in the local supermarket.
I’m always crying when I watch TBL. I think it will help Sunshine to be on her own and not have to worry about her father falling or hurting himself. They are sweet together but it was getting a little sappy which I guess makes good tv ?
mmmmmm bbq chicken! I’ll have to try that bbq sauce on the brocolli. Just need to get some more brocolli.
For sure I hope to post that card pic. Just may be a couple weeks though.
I eat the same thing for breakfast eggbeater omelet with whatever fillings (veggies) i have in the fridge
I love how colorful your lunch is!
I love that you are doing so much Yoga! Your breakfast always looks so great and SO colorful! does your whole family eat what you make for breakfast?
Your breakfast looks delicious and I love the spaetzle! You keep making me crave that now!
I bought two artichokes for BSI! It’s my first time cooking them and I’m nervous.
i’ve been rocking that cabot cheese lately too – SO good and it melts good – WOO!!
that potato looks SO good!
I LOVE your plate of lots of things – I do the same thing when I can’t think of what to eat.
YUM to CABOT……can’t wait to see the recipe 🙂
janetha’s workouts are always hard I think 🙂
Oh my gosh I love the stuffed potato! What a great idea for breakfast, it’s like the home fry is your breakfast bowl. Genius!
I love that you grill everything and I’m totally trying some grilled broccoli soon. Do you guys have charcoal or gas grill?
Bone in chicken is so much cheaper than boneless/skinless. Plus you can save the bones up and then make stock. 😀
And yes, I’m a total morning person. This doesn’t mean I want to interact with people, it just means I’m good about getting up and getting my stuff done. 😉
Yeaaaa that’s pretty much how it goes every time I open my fridge–out pops a plate of THINGS! lol
Congrats to the winner! I love Cabot cheese and that one sounds delicious!
We are having grilled chicken tonight at our small group – I can’t wait!
Habenero cheese? OH MY! Sounds great, I’m looking forward to the soup recipe. I grill chicken the same way as you, so much juicier, yum.
Daris was my fave last night, he is looking fit. I really hope he goes all the way. I know I’m in the minority but I think Sunshine is a spoiled brat and really can’t stand her. O’Neal is looking awesome, I hope all that weight loss really helps his knees.
this macaroni and cheese soup with brocoli sounds fantastic!! never heard of that before. i’ll stay posted for that recipe for sure!!
– Beth @
I cried when that lady took 2 hours to run the 5k, I cried when Sam and Koli were saying how much they loved O’Neal. I liked when he came home and his family was shocked by how he looked and he kept going so that’s awesome! Shelley, I agree with you, Sunshine needs to grow up a little
Happy Wednesday to you too Biz!
you never cease to amaze me with all the cool meals you come up with by looking around your fridge and knowing what will go well together!
I need to try some spaetzle, it looks right up my carb alley!! 😀
I don’t know, Sunshine needs to get it together – she cries over everything! I like them, but I think it is good for her to be on her own now and have to show a little independence from O’neal – she’s a grown woman, after all. You know who I was super impressed with last night? Daris – that boy ran a 5K in just over 21 minutes!!! Dang – that is fast for a fit person, and really shows how much he’s worked while at the ranch! Can’t wait for makeover week!
I thought the same thing!! That would be like sprinting for us short ladies!! 😀
Ooo, “plate of lots of stuff” is one of my favorite meals. 🙂 Enjoy your yoga today!
i have gotten into such a rut with breakfasts! i need to start mixing it up a bit, i might have to take some recipes from you…i still like my daily oats but its more for the easy factor at this point 🙂
i love the message at the end of this post — a day is so much about additude and intention right?? im gonna make today a good one! hope yours is awesome!
The lunch plate is a stunner! All those colors!
I love Oneal too! What a great father, keeping his daughter there another week! he looked great when they followed him home too!
Alos, that potato creation you made looks phenomenal!
What an amazing idea – the potato breakfast! I think I’ve said this before, but I am SO not creative in the kitchen, I think that’s why I enjoy reading blogs so much.
OMG, I won??? Thanks so much! I can’t wait to try out that deep dish pan….I’ll send you an email here this morning!
I LOVE the idea of your lunch plate. I find myself in that situation too often, and yet I’ve never thought to have a little bit of everything!