It still amazes me after 42 springs in Chicago that we can go from 20 degree weather on Monday morning to 80 degree weather yesterday!    It was absolutely gorgeous!

My Aunt got me a magazine subscription for my birthday – suprisingly one I don’t already subscribe to – Cuisine at Home!  One of the first recipes that caught my eye was English Muffin Baskets.  You actually roll out the halves of the muffin (this takes a couple minutes!) and put it into a jumbo muffin tin.  A printer friendly version is here

this is what the magazine picture looks like - I left off the Hollandaise

While I made these the night before, when I took them out of the oven, the muffins were nice and crispy.  When I microwaved them this morning, they almost tasted like a souffle – so delicious!!  This one is definitely a keeper!  With my kiwi and blueberries, Breakfast comes in at 442 calories, 52 carbs, 33 protein, 11.1 fat and 8.1 fiber.

Lunch was 1.5 cups of my Cincinnati chili, but I really bulked it up.  Because its a meat only chili, I added 1/2 cup black beans, 1/2 of a zucchini, 1/4 cup chopped red pepper and 1/2 ounce of cheese.  I had a low carb wrap on the side for dipping – this was so filling!  Lunch comes in at 464 calories, 39 carbs, 43 protein, 16.2 fat and 15.9 fiber! 😀

Since it was so nice out, I knew I was going to make burgers on the grill.  I suddenly started thinking about summery salad with what I had in my cabinet – this one is literally ready in 5 minutes!  You can find the printer friendly version here.

Tony and I sat outside and watched the sun set while the grill was going – nothing better than that!

My burger: 4 ounces on an Arnold thin, 1 slice 2% Kraft pepper jack cheese, jalapeno salsa, 1 tablespoon guacamole, the corn salad and a few store bought fries (which tasted like ass).  Dinner comes in at 609 calories, 57 carbs, 49 protein, 34 fat and 10.8 fiber.

Hannah decided to throw a bonfire last night for the German Exchange Students – at one point I think we had 20 kids in the back yard?  They were laughing, playing baggo before it got too dark and mostly listened to music and hung out by the fire.  We warned our neighbors in advance, and shut the party down at 10:00 – and when we said time to go, everyone thanked us and Tony and I enjoyed the fire for another hour by ourselves! 😀

Stats for Wednesday:  30 minute jog/walk (2.2 miles), 5 minutes on the row machine, 5 minutes tricep/biceps, and 5 minute abs.  1635 calories, 159 carbs, 128 protein, 71 fat and 35 fiber! 😀

So today was my first weigh in a month!  March 1st I was 169.  Today I am 164.6, so -4.4 pounds.

I actually thought the number would be more, but I’ll take it.  We had so many March birthdays that I will consider this loss a victory!  Which brings me to my April goals:

  1. Take the stairs.  My office is on the 3rd floor and I take the elevator every day – even to go work out!
  2. Drink water.  I have been in the habit of adding Crystal Light to my water and since I used up my last one, I am sticking with straight water.
  3. Strength Training.  I have only been doing cardio this past month, so its time to bring back the strength training.
  4. Cardinal Fitness.  This is the gym I belong to, and I haven’t been in over a month!   My goal is to utilize it 3 mornings a week and once on the weekends.
  5. 159.  I hope my next weigh in May 1 brings me to the 150’s!

What are your goals for April?