Yesterday’s breakfast sammie kept me full for a long time!  Maybe it was the 2 ounces of steak with all that protein?  Breakfast: 1 arnold thin, 1 egg, 1 slice pepper jack cheese, baby spinach and 2 ounces of steak.  I had a cup of watermelon on the side.  Breakfast was 407 calories.

My first real job that wasn’t in a bar or a restaurant was working for a property management company.   They bought apartment buildings and converted them to condominiums.  I was in charge of collecting rent, taking maintenance calls and working with our lawyer through the eviction process when people stopped paying their rent.  The company I worked for was an Indian family.  I had never had Indian food before, but I was somewhat turned off when they ate with their hands, although the food smelled spicy, I was never adventurous then to even try it.

One day I got a call from a tenant saying that he had roaches in his apartment and I needed to call an exterminator.  When I went to the unit, I asked him if he knew what unit they were coming from, and he pointed to Unit 212.  That was the accountant for the Indian family’s unit!  I knocked on the door and was invited in.  It was then that I saw HUNDREDS of roaches crawling all over everything!  In the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom.  It was all I could do not to throw up right at that moment!  Apparently they had bought a 50 pound bag of rice from an Indian grocery store that had roaches in it, and being Hindu, did not feel that they could kill the roaches!

So ever since then, I’ve always associated Indian food with roaches!   So when Megan gave me an Indian dish from by BSI win, I was surprised that I actually looking forward to trying it!

while it had onions in the ingredient list, I didn't taste any! 😀

I also had this in the freezer:

This came together really quickly!  The rice cooked in 2 minutes as did the Indian dish – called Punjab Choley – basically chickpeas in a spicy tomato sauce.

I had 1/2 a toasted pita on the side with red pepper slices

The verdict?  I loved it! The chick peas still had a bit of a bite to them, not mushy at all, and the sauce had a perfect spice!  Lunch was 528 calories.

I had a beef roast that needed to be cooked or frozen, so Tony put it in before I got home from work.  It was perfect!  If you have a meat thermometer, pull meat at 125 degrees for medium rare – let it rest for 15 minutes and it will be great!

Dinner comes in at 463 calories - 4 ounces of beef, 1 cup mashed potatoes and asparagus

Yesterday I had two pictures on Tastespotting – that is a record for me! 😀

Thanks to Lynn for my Crystal Light – I won her giveaway and she sent that to me with a Biggest Loser DVD – thanks Lynn!

I have a half day today!! I am meeting Tony for lunch and then meeting with our accountant to do our taxes.  And I know Tony can’t eat meat today, but I am finally going to be making my Buffalo Chicken Pizza for dinner tonight – I have been craving this for about two weeks!

Stats for Thursday: No exercise – I had some last minute birthday shopping for Hannah – her 18th birthday is on Sunday and I had some last minute shopping to do! 😀

Hope everyone has a great Friday!  See you tomorrow so you can see how the pizza turned out! 😀