I haven’t looked at the forecast for today, but we were supposed to get 8-12 inches of snow overnight – we maybe got two?

After making pancakes for breakfast yesterday, I baked up the rest of the whole grain artisan bread from last week – although I put garlic seasoning on the top of these two loaves.

parchment paper works really well to carry it to the baking stone in the oven
after 25 minutes in a 450 degree oven - perfect!

Before going grocery shopping yesterday, Tony and I went to grab a bite – funny, neither of us got wings!

I ended up getting their grilled chicken tacos – I ate one whole taco, then just ate the inside of the second one – and had about 10 chips.

Our grocery store has a lot of weird things – you can get two salmon fish heads for only $1.94!

I menu plan based on our sale paper – they had baby back ribs for only $2.99 a pound, so I couldn’t pass that up!  It kind of tasted like summer in winter!   I ended up making this dry rub, but using K.C. Masterpiece for the bbq sauce.

I had this bbq sauce on the side to kick mine up a notch! Very spicy!

I baked the ribs low and slow – about 2 1/2 hours at 275 – then put the bbq sauce on and put them under the broiler.

I made potato chips on the side

As I was cleaning up the kitchen, I started to sweat, so I checked my blood sugar and it was 48!  I guess I overestimated on the carbs for dinner and gave myself too much insulin.  This did the trick!

chocolate chip pecan cookie - yum!

Can I just say how happy I am that I don’t have to use the snow blower to get to work this morning??!!   Hope you have a great day! 😀