We stayed local for our anniversary, and chose Porter’s Yellowtail Bar & Grill.  We sat at the bar to begin with, and the bartender could not have been nicer – and hearing that it was our anniversary, the first round was on the house!


Once I saw goat cheese on the menu, my appetizer choice was simple!  Tony on the other hand got 1/2 dozen fresh oysters – he loved them!  Me, I won’t ever try one again – its a texture thing!



While I loved my appetizer, it needed a little something – and Tony asked for this – does he know me or what??


For my entree, I got an 8 oz. filet with garlic mashed potatoes.  Tony got a Delmanico steak with shrimp scampi – both pieces of meat were huge and we both brought some home.  Yep – that is steak butter on top of my filet! 😀



Then they gave us dessert on the house!  CHEESECAKE!


Then we came home, put on comfy clothes and toasted the evening with a glass of this:


THANKS FOR A GREAT NIGHT TONY!  I can’t wait to see what the next 9 years has in store for us! :D  I LOVE YOU!