Best way to start Day 1 of Staycation?  Sleep in until 9:00 a.m.!  Love it, although Hannah already left for work before I even got up! :(  I decided to do a Mama Rini’s Diner breakfast at home.  My plate: 1 whole wheat mini bagel with pat of real butter, 1/4 cup corned beef hash, 4 ounces of potatoes, 1 egg and handful of blackberries.


We have approximately 10,000 acres of Nature Preserves a mere 2 miles from our house!  Last week I decided to take Ed to the trails, only to discover that they were closed due to deer thinning.  Once a year they thin down the deer population and close ALL trails for a week!  I decided to do a drive by to see if they were open – yippee – they were!  I came back and get Ed! :D  He loves being in the woods – so many smells!  But 30 minutes is about his limit.  If I walk him any longer than that, he doesn’t have the energy to get back in the car and I have to lift him – and he’s about 90 pounds!





I could have walked for hours it was so nice out!  I love how they maintain the paths too – and when it snows you can sky on the trails! :D  No horses allowed though!


Tony and I went to the store to pick up a few things.  I believe he wanted to bring this 20 pound whole ham home!


After our shop, I knew it was almost time for Hannah to get off work, so we met her at Friday’s for a late lunch.  Since we didn’t eat breakfast until almost 10, lunch was at 4:00!  I had to get a Sam Adam’s Winter Ale since it was on tap – I love that beer!


We may have gotten crack fried green beans for an appetizer!  The dipping sauce is killer too!


For my entree, I chose the Thai Chicken Wrap – I only ate 1/2 the sandwich and about 10 fries (which I am considering a small fries on sparkpeople).


So guess what lunch comes in at??  921 calories, 27 fat, 108 carbs, 20 protein and 6 fiber!  The only good news is that since we ate so late, and since I am still so fricken full, that’s all I have to eat today.  But what was interesting is that I am still within my range!  Well, except for not hitting the right amount of fiber 🙁


Have you gotten your December issue of Cooking Light yet??  As soon as I saw the recipe for Roasted Butternut Soup with Goat Cheese Toasts, I knew that would be on my list of things to make soon!  But as I was reading the recipe, it called for making roasted vegetable stock.  What?  In all my years of cooking, I’ve never made a vegetable stock before!  And it was easy!


The recipe is on page 212 of the magazine.  Another vegetable I’ve never tried before??  Turnip!  It kind of tastes like a radish to me – and I liked it!  Do you have any recipes using turnips?


You roast the vegetables at 450 degrees for 45 minutes.


I love how the garlic turned out!


Throw all the veggies into a stock pot and let simmer for 40 minutes. 


While that cooked, I needed Tony’s help to cut open my butternut squash!  He has the strength of ten men! 😀


The soup is cooking now, so you’ll have to come back tomorrow for the recipe for that!

Stats for the Day:

  • 1403 calories
  • 43 fat
  • 174 carbs
  • 40 protein
  • 16 fiber
  • 30 minute walk with Ed

So excited for tomorrow – I am going to attempt to make crab ravioli from scratch.  Not your typical football food, but my step-son Joe is coming over to watch the games, and one of his favorite ravioli is lobster ravioli.  Considering I’d have to buy two whole lobsters to make it from scratch, let’s just say I bought a $10 can of lump crab from the grocery store.  I plan on making a vodka cream sauce for it. 😀

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend – see you tomorrow night!  Oh, and don’t forget to check out Jen’s e-Cookbook!  It’s only $5.00 and $4.00 will go to her local YMCA!